Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

THEATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXdS AUSTIN 11. TEXAR GERALD C. URN &-,orable Geo. H. Sheppard Comptroller of Publio Aacounts Austin, Texas Dear Mr. Sheppard: Opinion No. O-2740 Re: Authority of the Comptroller to issue . warrants in payment of claims for whioh appropriations were made by former Legislatures. Your request for an opinion, above subject matter, is a8 follows: "1. 'Thisdepartnent, aoting under the authority given under Art. 1035, C. C. P. issued deficiency certifioafe number 1638 September 1.5,1931, to IienryClark, for his account for witness fees due him by the State of Texas, against appropriation number O-1104., The Forty-third Legislature, Regular Session, by S. B. No. 100, made appropliatimforthe payment of this defiaienay oertificate, The aerzclenoy certificate, supported by valid olaim in due form, wae presented to the Comptroller and demand for payment WBS made before the appropriation lapsed, or expired, The olaim was audited by the Joint Auditing Committee, as provided in said Appropriation Act. Under the then interpretation of the law the olaim wae rejeoted and no warrant issued in payment of this defioienoy oertificate. "Subsequent rulings of the Attorney General and holdings of the courts show that the Comptroller was in error in not issuing warrant in Dayment'of the certifioate at the time it was presented. "mere is yet a balanoe in the appropriation sufficient to pay the amount of this certificate. "1s the Comptroller authorized to issue warrant against appro- priation o-1104, at this time, in payment of this oertificate? “2. We have another situation in which the defioienoy certifioate issued and ma, delivered to the ormer. Subsequently the a8ppro- priation was made for payment of the oertifiaate, but the oertifi- cate was not presented for payment until after two years from the close oflthe fisoal year which the appropriation for its payment had been madei Hon. Geo. Ii.Sheppard - page 2 O-2740 "V.sthe Comptroller authorized to issue warrant in payment of this oertifioato against tho appropriation originally made for its pay- ment? “3. This department should liko you to answer the following question, alzo: (This does not i~nvol?ro a claim arising under the fee statutes, but applies to any ordinary claim.) "A situation has arisen -here a valid claim, in due and legal form, was proserltedto this department, in 1934, for payment against a proper appropriation made for that year. For some reason, either from a misinterpretation of the statutes governing payment of the claim, or t'natit '~ia:~ withheldawaiting the outcome.of pending litigatioye that would dstormino its Lwgality, or through.neg?igonco, the Comptroller failed to i,ssuea warrant at the ttilethe olaim was presented. It is now admitted that the Comptroller should have i,ssued uvarmnt ;n payment of this claim upon presentment. Demand 'Isnow made upon this department to issue warrant in payment of GUS claim against the appropriation mads for same in 1934. ":s this department authorized to issue the warrent?" it-is the opinion of this department that each of your questions should be answerad in the affirmative. If the respective claims were valid claims-- and it appears the Leg- i.slaturehas so treated them -- and an appropriation was made for their payment, :7e see no reason why proper v:arraj?ts should not issue against such appropriation so long as it is available. The situation is not like the ordinary appropriation to care for an expense to he incurred during a fisoal period, which would, of course, lapse et ,theend of the fiscal period, if the sane'had not been expended, but rather it is the setting aside of a sum in payment of a spcoifio already performed, or other preexisting debt. By. Ocie Spoer Assistant