1 $2,
~on*sv-l-my .3
Himorabls Karvin Eall, Comieeioner
&oar& of Insuranas GomA3sioners
Austin, Tsxcm
Dear Slrr
Rer Eioara
This will aoknow
U$'27, 1940, l'8qU88ting t
6s to ths authnrlty of th
t0 retain OZl th8 $~EIflOfi lolloertlaln em-
p1Oys8s who hiI'8Resa ted Stdlt8IJ
and who anticipate ire duty at t&&t tiU8.
ur attent:on to that
portion of the &wit required by the
CoFnptroUer or e by ths head of aash
State Departtin
8 UW41103’88l 011 thiS
or ooapenseti0n as
80 #ho holds at th8 sams
und no statutory authorieation for ths in-
88rtiOn Of tPia/pr0~i8i0!1 fn ChQ dapw&8KLWAl pBLyr0~ am&Wit
required to be rida to the GomptEollar in S. B. 427, Aots 1939,
46th b3giislatUS8, S~80ial Laws, pe 7* the DepartWntal Appro-
priatlon Bill, and ~8 assume th8 provf5ion v~as inssrtad in an
arrort to oarrg out the mandate ot eimilhw prorislonsin the
CoIdd.tUtiOn Of 3!8Xasr
Prooeeding on this assumption Let u8 examine p%rti-
nent protrisions of our Texas Conotituti@#i.
Honorable karvln Eall, Fag8 2
%OtiOn 12 of Arti010 XVI Of the Uon8titutdon of
Texas prooldest
WOO. X3. No member of Congress, nor pereon
hobUng or sxeroldng any off’ioeof profit of
trust, under the United States, or either OS them,
or under any foreign power, shall be rllglble a8
a member or tha Leglelature, or hold or exerolee
any 0rr508 of prOfIt or trust under this stats.*
ThlS &~~ii~iOn Of Ou31 OO~&ItftUtiOn IS qmIfI8d by
reoent ammdmnts to Ssotlons 33 ana 40 of Article XVI, adopted
X'ovambar 8, 1932. These ssotlons read:
%eo. 33. The Aoaountlng oifiObr8 of this atate
shall neither draw nor p%y a warrant upon the Treaeury
In favor OS any person, for relary or oonpsneatlon
as agent, Offio8r 0r appointee who holds at the 8ame
t&e any other oifioe or pool& of honor, trkaet
or profit, under this State or ths United Statsr,
"ti8Oi 40. Bb ~r8cm shall ho16 or QxerOll)o,at
the m tim8, 1~0~10thur 0m orrI08 0r m110i~-
merit exoept that or Just108 of Peeoe, County 00a-
!&W&l8r, Notary Publlo Md POStlliaSt8r,OffiOiW Of
the Xational Guar(l, tha NatlOnal Guard Reaarvs, and
Thai UfriOer% R888rV8 t%?pP Or the united mxt8s td
8nlIsted m8n of th8 NatIOnal Guard, the KatIMal
Guard Reserve and the Orgaulzed Reserves of the United
Staterr Sn ret&s& of2108r~ oi ths Unlted Statea A~IIIY,
Navy findLine carp8 an& retired warrant orilloer~,
and &Area anlisted &n or the Unite4 State8 Amy,
Mary and Marine Gorps, ~nl8rs otherwlse speolally
provhed herein. ProVid8d. that nothing in tiiil
ccp$tutOn shall be eoastNed to prohibit an OillOW?
ll d man of the National Guard, anb %he National
Honorable Mar~ln Hall, Wge 3
It Is clear that under Seotlon% 33 and 40 or Art1018
XVI 0r the Cor.utitutlon 0r Texas, and th8 departmental payroll
affidavit interpreted In the light of these oonstitutionel pro-
vlelona, en offioer In the OffIo6ro Reserve uorps of the United
States may hold in oonjunotion w5th that.orfIos any other poel-
tlon of honor, trust or prom in the State or Tsxaa, and may
reoeivs salary or oomp8neation for the ~am(d.
You are acaord5ngly advlaed that employee% of the
Board of Insuranos commi88lanera who ar!: Reserve Oftloer8 in
the United Stataa Amy play oontlmm raoelv5ng their ralary
from Lh8 State of Texas while on aotiv6 duty during their vaoa-
tlon, and under ths olroumstanoss de%crlbed you my make the
payroll affidavit required by ths Comptroller.
We ai& oonatraidbd to 0all'Jrour attention, however,
td that pdT?+iOn Or S8OtiOil e Or the D8&Wtill8ilta1Appropriation
Bill, 9. B. 427, Adts 1939, 40th Lag5slatur8, Speolal Law%,
p. 7, dealing with vaaatian ellowanoe for State emgloyeee. It
"VaoetionAllowanoe. BQartment erlkQloyee% shall
without deduotlon in salary, reoslve not exoesd5ng
twelve days' !vaimtlon, ~XO~UBIVO Or Swdey% and legal
hoLidaya, op whloh Stats Off5068 are 01os8d, for eaoh
Stat8 fi80~ yeaT, %Wh VaOation period t0 be EiUtUEliky
agreed upan by the head or each tiepartment with hl8
sRp1OyS88 provided that employee% belonging to the
Texas I~ixtionalOuar d may haV8 their VatKltion at the
time of the meting of the annual snosmpment. Pro-
vided, that no employee for whom a %alary Is hereby
appropriated, shall reoelve oocqmnsatfon while on
vacation Lin16%8 he or %he has been an 8ioployse Of
the departn8nt for not lese than 8ir Oa18ndar month8
praoading tie vooatlon period.*
Aonorable iiervin knell, Pae;e 4
YOU tU'8 &dd88d that this SUOtiM Of the DU~~Jitrl i
hp&WO&WiatiM Biu KtWt b8 8triot&$f OOlU@ieti pdth -8 .$t6t8
WQ10~88El al-8 limit8d t0 tW81V8 bay&t' YP88tiOll OXQ1lUiV8 Oi
sLinaayr and legal halidaye, with;iut aedwtlon in e?aary*
Very truly your8