Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THiZ ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN This vlll acknovledg April 23, 19.940, ln vhloh y UpOIl tbs q?BBbtiOZUB thSXWill quote rrom your letter OS r0ii0tfS8 ion 118, 0r the ho shall be regis- having bud at r graduated from a vould be oonaidered tee on their ori@nal appll- this Office that he or she haa hool eduoatlon,would this be vithout further aubstantirtton? on hafiheld un operrrtor's110ense ior t a&mot furnish proof of eotufblprao- tlcal experlenae during the majority of the thvw yeam; vould he or she be elfglble for the lnatruator's examlnstiont" subseotlon (a) or Seotion 11 0r Article 734b 0r the Pew1 Code is: ma. Ella Mm Murphy, Page 2 “BO school Or Beauty Culture elm11 be 8 certlrlwto 0r regietrrti0n unle~8 it ehr r-" 1 ~lrrpx0~ and melntain upon its stair a etiri0ient mmbw or instmtore, who ehall be registeredhalrdveeeereor coemetologiatehaving bad at 1eaet three (3) year8 pnotlcal experienceand high sohool eduoation or the equIvalentthereoi,and eaIdInetructor8 eballbe mquiredto pace mexamIlutIonoonduotadby theBoard 0r Examsnore to determwe their rim088 as terahsn, provided, holover, that the emtlon or tea&we eball not be nquired orpewone wh~hmro been tush- 2n.gthe notioe 0r hairdreeeing, or ooametoloff r0r three (37 pare pr%or to the paeeage of th5.8Aat3 and 8h8ii ~~intaln 011It8 8tsrr O- fkat0r 0r mdbb0, 88 aoonsultant,vho ehall leoture nonthlyonemi- tation, eterlllaationand the uee or aatieeptIo8 eon- eietent vIth the praoticalaad theoretloalraquIre- me&a 88 to the olaeeitledooo\rgrtione ae proride by thls Aot, ud ehall poeeeae apparatue and e uiprwt rorthspr?o~rradruilt~O~0raii 8*00t8 9 0r ita OurriOUlua~ehallkeepadaIlyrutooml0rths attendance 0r 8tuderk.s;arintanngd.m ala88 eta Instructionhours, eetablleh gmdoe and hold examlna- tione berow isruing diplcme, and lhal1 reqm a eohool term Or not lees than o&e tboueand (1 000) hour6 to be completed In net lass than six (6) m&he HOP 8 0oPpl8te 00w8e 0r all or a PrJority 0r th0 pra4mt2e8 0r haia0~8ing ud 0wm010gy.* We anaver your qwetiona in the order ia wbIoh they appear In your request. "Xqnivalent"means equal in value, row0, meuaq w like2 vhen equal so far as concerns ratter under c~eid6ratIoz-i OF equal In worth or value, paver, dohot, ImpoH and Uke. Vol. 1, worde & Phraeee, 4th 9er. p. 905. Cltlng Atlantic chrlatian College v. HInee, 152 S.E. 797. The vord "equivalent"meane equal in value, vorth, r0m8, or 8ignIrIWnw, but waning to be attached to word in each in- stance depends upon clroumstanoee. Vol. 2, Words (BPha’ases, 5th Ser.,PO 747. Citing CalIahan v. Telpier, 183 Atl. 400. The use by the Laglelatwe or the term "the eqgivalent thtmOrR in the above statute oontemplatedthat an applbant met prove that he or she either graduatad froe~a high eohool OP had aoguiwd, by reason 0r 8tad;r and.sxperIence,IA eduoation 0r equrl value. Mrs. Ella Ibe Murphy, Page 3 The anawr to your first question met neoesearIly depend upon the facts In eeoh Indlvldualcase to be tested in the light or the above defmtlone. Your Board has the discretion to de such reaeonablerequirementsfor the proor thereof as you see rit. In anever to your second queetlon, as to vhether or not the etatementofan8pplIcant that he or ahe had graduated from a high school would be eufrioient In the absence of eub- etantIatIngfacts, we point Out that the duty to meka proof of such facts rests upon the lndlvldual seekIng the lloenee. The Ewrd Is charged with the duty of passing upon the application tiled under the Act eml of'detemining vhether or not all re- quIrement8 of the lav have been met. We believe it to rest within the dleoretlon of your Board as to uhether you ~111 or till not require addItIons1 eubstantIatIngevldenoe. Belq &&r&id vlth the duty 0r detersdnimgthe qual.IrlcatIone 0r the applicant, you are oharged rlth the exercise or a ruaonable secretion in the asoert8inment 0r the truth 0r statements m8de to you. The above statute, In providing that Inatrwtore shall rlrst pass an ezaplination,eetablIehoecertain mInimen reqtire- mmt,s as a prerequisiteto the right to take the examInatIon. one of those requIm3smnte~'~Iethat the 8pplIcant be a regIstered bairdretsser or coemetologIet. Another Iu thattheapplIoant puet have had at leaet three (3) years practical experlenoe. You state In your thlzd question that the appplgant cannot furnish proof 0r aotwl practical experience. question is theretoFaanevered In the negative. Yours very truly ~XERALOFTEXAS %oS Aeeletant IAIPBP