AttQu Will Nann Rloherbon Opinion No. O-2057 Rel DOW the purpolla OlEMe Of %XeS Ctold- en Qlove At&&lo ABBool.etlonoome wlth- In Subdlv. 2 Art. UO2 as an eduoatlonal mid &arltabie organlzatlozt, or within Subdlv. 9, Art, l302, a8 an lnnoa8nt sport? Pour reeoentrequest for an oplnlon of thin department, on the above rtated que&lon, haa been received. We quote from your letter 811 follomr *Ue are in xwelpt 0r finepplicetlonr0r a ohartez iw the Texas Oolden Olove Athletic Assocla- Mon. Bbe purporo ol the oorporatfon 40 ret out in 10 an iOllOWB~ the chmtes applleatlon 'Thl* oorporatlon la r0a underthepro- vision8 of m~bdlvlrlon2 of Article l302 of the Re- tired civil 8t&UtOB Of %!0%8# l!i+@, urb th8t ths tyndaT~ of the oorporadlon are thore oi eduw- %ll 8ntoqprlwln w chme o Ttl* it ~11 lwk toadltfuw n l-in the ln zE&gp eople a devotion to the art of toBtting eha BIUIICU~W dovelopmnt oi the body, ~the art of, dovoid of tba UK of my kind Or dowrlptlon of weapon otherulm then the huma hand ltroli, and thus dlrao etheuaemd a lle8tion of flreamm ln personal “yf lsputerj 8ad 8r80 to provide for other lnnoaent athlotlo 6portr. oi mne rhall be devoted to a publlu aharlty, to be wled by the Board of Dlre&ora of the oorpomtlon, and no gain or pwit of 8ny kind whtitwever ah~31 be used, ruoelved kept or retalaed by the 6hareholdor8, 0tflCrWB or direotors of the oorporatlon.* Iton0rebl.M.0, nowera, Page 2 o-*N37 “a..**46 *3&e appliomtr f0l.the oharterp0intoutth6t thla 0 iutiosl Will k OMdUOtOd WhdW th@ BUpWViBiO!l of me XL fg? $tpp$ Union, generelly ldentlfled&a tk A.A.U. The purpoaea Sor uhlch prlwte ooqnmatlona 6my be fo& in the rtat43 of Tewa are enumereod In Mole l302, Vernon*6 Annotated WV11 at8tut.a. . Reotlona 2 and 9 of aald artlol. read 66 follower "2. 9he support of any benevopgt4 $mrlkble, edu06tlon61or mlaal0nery under&king, "9. To auppw$ E a$ntaln blayole oluba, and other lnnooent aporta, 231Ia department haa, In the past, rendered many oplnlona the subject of educatioM1 6nd oharltable corpor6tlon6,to-wltt Oplnlon by the lit& Oeo. E. Chrlatl6n on Deoember 18 1925, fowg ln the Reports of Oplnlona, 1924-26, P. 4221 oplnlon by the Hon. .RlceN. filly on lkrah 18, 1930, lo. 3 0 at P* 76% OpMOn by the Hon.A.R. Stout on Deoomber 4, 1933, No, 352 et 0. 3951 ~lnlcn no, O-117l1 Opinion uo. o-7471 and other eplnlena too maww6 to mention. Refemlng 'tothe opinion of the 8onorlbb Qeorge 8. chrlatlen, aupre, the lfrltbr aaya that 5. funotlon expreawd by e-aorporatlonwill aetuaias 1ta t?harwtor.' "a oorporatlon or wwalntlan orguilaed exolu- llvelyfor lolentlfw, llteawy, Mbrazrp, trlotlc, 0x hi6t0&$06l pW$‘OBW, W fOl'Urg on. Of 6uCr -6.6, lB Honorable N.0, Blouse, pSe 3 o-w7 moeaaarlly to aa0 extent eduaatloaal In it6 mture, cad ln the reaulta obtaIned from auoh organlaatlona. An ao1uaIvely.hlBtOPiCal l00lety does not gather booka, manuaorlpta,prlotuma,end antlqultlealimply to hoard te> _ Ita p$rpor? lr-notalo? $0 d$cova:. and rowme tunga and fact6 of hmtorlo*l~value, but to L p and reaord them th8t theymay be aeon, read and gudled, that greater knowledge may be lttalnedfrom The Leglalntum, in lneludIng educationalcorpora- tlk and aaaocl8tlona in the flrat part of the statute quot.&, b&endOd O~orRtioM OC 8BBOOtitiOAB w-d la romethIngmore than S3Mdentel lduoatlon, whlah la neaeawrlly derived from oorporatlonsorganlaod exclu- a lnly fo rlcientlfI$, llteraxy, library, patriotic, or hiatorlcal prupoae~. Xn M oplnlon of thla departmentby the Honorable T. C. 3eylor, March 26, 1919, It na lald tlptr “A corporation ahartered 8e an educationalunder- -~u;;~ymforce of tbe law e atrlatly educational . The ~.oplnlonr of thlr departutent on thickpartloular aub- ject hve manlsoualy bald that to be an e4uaatIonalor a oharltablo corporetlon a ooqwatlon muat have for its primarp purpose the gl~vlng of Inatmot~ona ln 63~0 recognized field of knowledge,or mat have for lta prlaaw purpose cane oharlteblr undorizakins. We belleaw tiat no additional authorltler we-8weeulrg to dew&r& the lack of the propoaed purpom of the above mentioned Bppllcmt to ~1lwIthIa tbe intention of the ImgIrlature In tpthorlclng the olnrterlng of an edwatloml or obarltableaarporatlon. of the above propoaed aorporatlon la rovl44 for other lnnownt doveP opwnt of the human ayatw, all of which, wll be prerented to the public for its entertainment, 33atruatlena,enJoymat, *to. In view QS tba foregoing you am re otiully adolred thatit la the opinion of thla department that the?z xaa Golden Olors Athletla AaaoairtIon, If lnoorporeted, should be lnooxyorated under bubaeatlon 9 of Artbla l3C2, eupr8, end thet auoh oorporetlon uould bpg$ eo! to thd flllng fee6 a8 pmvidad Artlola 3914, Vernon’a ied Civil Statutea, and alro subject 3 o the franohlac tax aB -W-dby’L#r. Triutlng that the above fil4 anaeors your Inuu*, wem ?oGra very tru4 ilxmIu -‘OF BUCh m “‘E% EEz mu. x.0, Flow.ra, wtJ.4 AWobrro APm~myp19,1940 a/ Osrald C. Mann ATTORU8YQHREML aTEXAs Apptived Oplnlon CmmIttoeby a/BWBChaIrnan