Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OFTHE ATTORNEY GENERAL OFTEXAS AUSTIN i%Rt@ ~~pRl'tCl@At Of mUO8tiOA, i%lgb 2 of the State oalled bitho State Superintendent for lnstruotionsin m,?crlito standcrdizatlon, class- ifioation;accrodltiw of sch.ools, and the dlotri- bution of tha a$~lizatioX fWd; and "4. .Annssozblyoftsohool o:flcifis,et =hloh eA eriployeeof t&3 stnto RopRrtmnt or education i5 oooienedto give inatructio;lL1, to interpretde- pRmnt* nllcs, ret;&lations, and poliaics,end to discussother matters of acW.&+tration,pertain- ,3.x1&$ to or dlreotedby law." Obviouslyit could not have been izito~dsd by tho LeglslatursthYztthe restrlctlonagainst>ayinfi tratrellqex- pcnaoo to.convontions should a;P:Ayto nutlwrizad.ncotinge onll& by a~:oncltm or ~ovormont for tha purposeor acwa- plishin~the Omotiona of a;ovarzmntlqoend upon Ghem. TO C>ply SUCh L?CO.%tZWTtlOIl XGUld k0 t0 ki>Uti, t0 ti0 Le~f5la- VXI-Qtha intanti to >asz~lyzoby indiroctlon+,&aatiinlatration OS t!m wry affnirsof ~ovammnt for which n>xo2riations. WCM mdo at l.on@h ia kk+zmto ?Xll 427 of the 46th Lo,~J~la- tue, Go nra iqmlledI t'~arefore, to the ooncLusio~Uat the Leginlctwe uaod tha wrd s'convention*~ in its cspccirl .orpog'ular,ratbar than its broad, si~ifioance, coavvoyir;g the idos, ~;cnenlly,of a 2;eetixg of m&ers or dele~gtes; of a privateor.~anization, party, olub, oooietg,or the like, for tba accoznplish.%ant of sow ~ozzon object. :q?lyinethe above.dsfinitLonto the altuations presentedby.you,in thair numrical 03ku?;we. adviaer 1. The truvel.In~ axgerserider qmtad in yo*u: latter does not ?ravaztreizbursment for tx-avoling oxgansas of a State ez@oyae, in tha first eitustionpranentedby yoU. 2. The tmvelins ex$anseridor quotedIn your latterdoas.notpavventroinbursezcntfor trm3linZ axpmses Incurredby a Lititsenployoa,in the second situationpre- sentedby yoU. 3. The tmvolin,~ox~cnm ridor c,xotedin your letterdoas not pcrpontro+k2burnmantSOS tmvolin,?, axgensae immred b; R stato fmployao,in th3 third situationgre- mintedby yw. Btato Ds~artmnt of Education,Pa&% 3. 4, fn 7our fourth oitmtion, aufr’laiez% details am not givm US -4th rorgrdto the mtura of the aoao~bl7 officials,to caableus to detcminc whether suoh of school. esnemblg of aahool 0iYloialls is a oorive~tion x:flthln the meantie of tic tmvolin~zeqmma rider quoted,aa construed by us obovu. You ,gva in detail .thamrk x~ich tha ozqlo7oe of the State r;,exwtoent of Zuaatio3 is asniped to p-~rfom at such oscmbly, but your attentionin directedto i%o fact that, 80 far ~8 the rider quoted above is ooncerned, tha aaployea~a ri@t to rekWu?mmeat for travelingexpnsea depmda, not upon tho charactorof the work garlcrmd by him, but upon t2c nature of the meting &ich he attmds. From v&it viehave atr.ted abow, tn thlo o@nion, ym will doubtlccsby able to dCtCX?',?0 for yc%rScif Yihcthcr th3 aoso;lbly of c~c~~ool offlciclsto which you rofor ia a ncon- vcntion,~~ t&o motminz of tha tmvollnt: exy~onoe rider t;itkiii, CpotQd. R, W. Fairotild Aaai8tant