Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN l3arhan county .%ttornoy Wrath County* Stophellvill?,Texas., Ibar Sirl difficultj oml- ory on their pert offioials nnlariss are due even thou& prcciste your -mdvln~ the roqulremnt. that a brief bo prepared on this anh yoilr ;-ivingu3 an answer on this nattier imcdiate- 13.’ .Article39128, Section 6(b), roads'as follows: Eon. Clint Barham, page 2 Vo officer rocoiving a salary chnll hcroax'tcrroceive*any er officio coqensation: Ye note the use of the yjoras"other funds" in this ghrose in your latter. "Glutthot they mutt trcne- for f;-oxgther~$unas~(uUersoorinn ours) a sufficient amount of money to m!sl;oup the de~icicncy in the Offi- cers' Salary ?&a with whi,chto pay the county official." By the terms of'the above quoted article and section, the comnisoioners* court is only authorized to make transfers 03x3 the General Fund of the coudy to the Officers1 Salary i?und. 3mh R trnnsfer ES is provided for in tileabove Quoted section would not be in conflict with the iqliea prohibition containca in.Section 9 of Article 0 of the Constitution.ofthe state of Teras,ngainstthe transfer by the'cczmmissionern'court of a county of money from okieconstitutionalruna to another. CARROLL v. XILLIAK3,~ 109 T??x.AS 155, 202 S.%* 504. Ia no sense is the transfer of monies from the Coneral tina to the Officers' Salary Fund an uncoasti- tutionol diversi of taxes for en uanuthorizca-Jur,ose. There is no unln~;~"ultransfer or divarsion becaucc the peyment af the salaries of county.officersis one of t!iepur?osss of the County General Fund. Thcoreticdly the co!x3tituti.onal Gen'cralFund of the County and tho statutory Officers Salary Fund ore both charged with the garment of the sal,griosof county officers, avtilnble funds ir,the for;lersugglomentinGzanies in the letter in the event of a deficiency. The.provisioncontainca is Scctiog 6(b) of Article 59120, above quotad, for the transfer of funds from the General zuna to the Ofi‘icers*Cclerp Fund, when the monies in the latter fur& ar'3insufficientto ncet the salary claims a&ninst it is r:snilntory clna in the event of,a deficiency in the GIPficers*Salaky Eon. Clint aarhcm, pago 3 Fund the coz&ssionorcl court has no choice but to offcot the transferfrom the General Fund subjeot, hovievor,to one qualification. The only limitationupon such a transfer arises whore the monies in the G∋relLund itself are insufficienttc meet outstandingregistered claims al;ainstthe county. Civil Statutes, 1923, Article 1625,.l?evised providos: Tach county treasurer .sb.cllkccg a well- boilndbook in which he shall re&scor 011 claims against his county in the order of gre- seilfotionand if more tnnn one is nressnted at the s&e ti.mehe shall register them in the ordor of their date. Ee shali 3ay no such . claim or any part thereof, nor shall the sa.me, or any part thereof, be received by any offi- cer in payment of any indebtednessto tho county, until it has been duly reSistored in accordance.v:iththe provisions of this title, All claims in each olass shall be -2aidIn the order in wvhichthey are rezistersd.lt h transfer from the Wneral Fund to tho Offi- cers' Salary Fund cenzot be mx?deat the expenso of the registered claim holders. where all the Roden in the &nercl Fund are obligatedby outstanding or unpaid script, a transferprejudicial to the possessors of script csanot be effected. See opinion of thi3 Dopart- meet, dated cay 8, 1936, to Hon. Xosea L. sa3aras, County P.ttorcey,Xaco$doches County, by Eon. Joe J. Alsup, &a&iatant httorney General. In such a case the result of a transfer fram the *GeneralLund to the'Officers' Salary IUd would.be to create a furtier indebtednessagainst the General Fund ?ihichwould be subordinateto all prior:.re&ter- ea claims. As ststod by Zion.Joe J. Usup in the above referred to opinion. Vhe praotical effeot of this is that the General Fund merely goes further in the 'red*". Eon. Clint Bnrhm, pa@ 4 i%cro tho doficiem7 cxiats in the Czxral %nd under Article 39120, Sectim (b) above qx~tod, there can bc EO actual transf6r of msl? Prom the Cmernl Fund. There cm only be crontcd a mm claim sminst tha Cci-zrol Ti.mdwhich rr,ust be paid in the or&r of its priorit7. :!'e cuoto further frcmthe opinion above re- ferrcd to by Iton.Joe J'.J.lsup: n * * * a11 claim against tho Count7 rxxt be _=a:d in the order in %hich they v:cre roCiotercd. Thus vinrrcntsof officials do not ccoossa,-ily hold priority over outst:nd- ing unj+d_ script E3V,- . .of . the.general _ fund. _ ever, ~8 a0 not wisn to 00 unacrstooa as ruling that the Cfficcrsr Sslary Fund is sub- ject to tt;eKenore provi3ions of the Inn, J?rtich 1625, b.vi%.?d civil st2tUt6S, 2iid evidently tze Lo&slature intemled that p&y- rsmtn fron such funa shoulC be x&e Iancash as Lectioa 19 of Senate 2111 X0. 5, speclfic- ally ~rovlCcs~t!mtall officials mst be paid iz soney, The ~cnerol fund of the Count7, hoxvcr, is still subject to the term of Article lC25. As ststed above, no re,-,istre- tian is neaessary for officis13 &miinr: selerp from the Gfficers*Salary Zun& and upon the trsnsfsr being nade fro3 the cenernl fun& to the Officers~ Salary Fund the count7 officials should be paid in so far as possible in cash out of said fund rqardleas of the status of tha gen&al Z'und.n hit is our'odnion t&t under the terYs of Arti- Cl6 39126, EaOtiOn 6 tb) Vernon’s Annotated Civil Statutes, it is oblicztoG7ana namlatory upon the cczdssioners~ court of c.county to trnnsfor zoniea fro3 t>e Ckxoral Fun5 to the Officers' Snlery Zimd there there are n3 c,oniosin the latter Pund v;i'ith. VMCX io pny 8313rics pf comty officers provided, however, thst v:herethere me sufficient outstsditzg regiatcrca olaizlsa@.nat the Gcn3r31 Zml.of e coua- ty to create a daficicncy in that fund, then tI%re ;my be no trarisfcrof actual cnsh fro% the Cansral Fund, but only the creatiop of c new claim o(;einct~ Eon. Clint 3arhnm, paga 6 the C+cr,eral ?md which is dubordinateto Drier out- standinS rcr,istoredolalac ay,nir.st the G&oral wd and is psycbla in odor of its ~riorit7. Trustin::that the above fully answers your inquiry, v:eare r=t< sauk Dick Stout Assistaat APiiOVED Opinion oomittee B7 Bm -ciia%n