Iam. Fsye Stmnxrt, Pago 8
The aMwi1 lloenss r00 far opsrators 18 fixed at the sum or
Three (&LOO) Dollsrs end ths a-1 re lstrationfro toor
lnstruotorsis fixed at the SIMIof Ten f810.001 Dollars.
iiiragruph (a) Of Seotl0i.l
11 Of klrtisle73Cb r8:iuirsks
struetors to be ragidmrod hAlr&easers or oosmetoloaglsts,
heriny had At least throw (3) year8 Qreotioal expsrlenoe
and h&h sohool education or the egolrcrlent thoreof, end
In addition, requlros them to pass an sxamlnatlonaoedwtdd
by the Doard of &~~&neCs.
The requirement8whleh l p er so n must mod IA
.ordsrto beoome aA Jns8ruototaabreoe ernl exoeed those aade
of a weon desiring to booaw an operator. ah110 tha
language wed In Seotlon 18 of Artlole 7S4b dl8blows M
intent on the part oi the lsglnlatun to rwuln that l
. perwn ban wra than OM lieuwe or that muoh pemon pay
more then one annual ra~ntatntloo ?eo, n*lt.h*r doe8 them
a9pssr to be ary expnmo& or ImplIed prohlbltlC4& af tbo
holdlAg of nors thsn one.lloeere. IA rlsw OS the Paot
that e person must have boon on operetor for three yem -
~. before beaoaul.rgan la8traotor ami in ldbltlon tbreto mm
hnva met oertaln other repulremnta, it Is tb,o inion OS
thin departmnt thst it 1s not noowmary ior en Pnrtrwbot tr
to hold both u! oporetor*8 ati Wtruotor*s ~IOOLUO~ Thlo
do.* cot ‘mean, hawonr,‘that an.famtrwtor by vttt\u oi
holdIa&only an ln8truotor~r1100~ 18 Authorlaadto lot
a8 an operator. If a.person desires to sot both a*~an ia-
MXWtGr end a8 en Operetar SWh pernsn PaPCIt hold both
lloetmss both the efmual xe&&ratloA ice of (10.00
~we~elnstruo~or*s liaeese aad #LOO for an opsrstor'a
In r&w a? the graduated soale on wbI& theu
lloanres are lamed you ftreadrlaed that a perEon who has
held only an 1nstNotor~s lloenm aod who dsrrirert&m-
turn to ths otatlisof operetor may 60 so simply by ox&km&-
inp;the intitrwtor~a ?,loennefor YA oparetoc*s lloense at
th6 tim fixed ror ranewsl And pay In only the ~&OO. umusl
In more oonoiae form It 10 the opinion of this
department that, the neoesrary requirsamntahA?ing bsen
met, a parson my held both an,opelatOr*e And an iMltNGtC%T%
lioense and must do (10ii suoh psrson'lntendsto oaaupy the
Mrs. Fum stewert, Pa&o 3
field sorered by both llo~n~~osbut that it is wmeomiu%ry mT
e person who daelrss to aot es an lnatruotoronly to ooOntlnu0
to rermw the operator*8 liosnso upon quallSylnga8 an ln-
structor and paying the $lO.CO mumal rrgietration fee.
Yours very truU
APX'ROVEDAUd31, 1939