~Bon. e.
Boa. 2. aoowtt, PO&o t
who M notmJRbor8of th* ?mdmlRonna syotu,
ma& bmklng lnotltutfom ktag inottrwatolltl~o
of th*Stata of Tmxoo bx rirtaoof lm Actof t&o
44th kglolaturo.
If an lrotrrunt lubJ.atto tha tar Ikpoo.4
by th%l shouldk .oth, 111.1 or rooordodwith -
out tb m&ml ata~~o belly lttaehed thonto, rool(L
oaoh rogiotratlonbe ralld and ltier tlr r lo thoa& tha
lnotrlmentpld boon all7 stamped..
Ikld a. B. Ro. 84 omondeaAr?llola to4v0,8w1ooa
Olrll atotutoo. After prwldw for the 1 of 0 tox 09 ton
mnto (lo*)on looh.Qno&&rod ($100.00)i%.aro after the
$lrot ho uMQrod ((200.00)DolIoroon aertaln&%a* and eb-
ligotloao qooured By oortoln liens ii&d for rooord in the
Oeunty Qlork'o ettloo,. tho b1l.I than rontolmotha tollowlngt
l~rrThlowotlaa 'mm11 not apply to lmtrrrr-
-atO, mot.8, or ether obll~tloa8 taken by or
on boholt of the TJaltd St&** ar of the 8tote et
Toxa0,Qou eorperok yonayorlaotrumntall
of tb, watt0 1 st0t0~~~~ tat8fad0 0r ~XOO~ %I
mlna out l uov DWPOOO a8 wsweoeed%t
the GO~~ao of tho UnitedSt fa f
t&El" 8loturo of the Stats of Texao, a& f&%w
~bllgotloao or
,-aotrumontouourd by llang on eropo oridrum or
agrloultural produoto, or to llrertookor iarm Sm-
plomatha (UadorooorLag pro)
both thlo and the pnoedirrg llmlnlstr o tlo
o? tlm
Attommy Qeaoraltm oiilo* have lx p r 80the
0e& opinion that
ueldhon to #a ilw thet1l.n laotrumuto ta8B
b Eo nk o lre not mbjoot
y Batlbrali to the hxi Thio ononro
ur noond gonotton,lo wall a0 your ilrot, lnoof8r o8
. .
* ’
w E
Artiol..49d,8arlo.dclrll Btatutao,aa omndod ln
1957, roads aa follows:
'@Alllorporatlmo onakd mder this tltlo lrw
hereby deolared to k l ho r 6 ed tho pablloOH, and
shall k under &a* Ocintroland be oubjeot to ooah
le&lolatlonas the Legislatoramy amaot ior tho goworn-
y&and re lotion of luoh banklaginotltntlonolm thlo
. Suei? eorporotlono shall be doemod to bo hutru-
mntalltleo and lgeno1.o of theStab Government rad
lheU,bo ohorged with the duty, when lowfull 4ool&mated
tlaeroto, for tho pub1Io funds of
to aot 80 (ropooltorioo
thl8 &at., ad of any couBt , niullalpallt~,citr, Toua
O? vilbt50, Of St w -bdiT L iOIl Within th. 8tot0, in
lo o o tb a w oith
o th elo wsof thla Btata gootornl~dopea-
itorioo Of prbllo fada ~01 liotlng or horoaftorto
k furthor lherged
@#sit for tho,State or
Tam ot fllloga,or my oabdlrlo~on
apolirtqrustlo to do sad mpm roam-
able oompeaoatlon therotur. Tha.rlghto prltllogeoaad
oaoro ooatomd by the termo oi this dt.1.%o corpora-
tlams taklmgidrontoga therwt or lnoorporot hereuuaer
ore to ba hold lubJaotto the r&&W of the Lag 9 aldaro,
ta omad, altar or reform the me* hory oorpormtl~
oporatln&a bonkla&buo~oo &m Toxoo uudor a aborter
lithorlsodby tblo &ate prior to the doptlon of the
Conmtltutlonof 1676, ohall ba labJoot to oil the pro-
t~oiono a thl8 title. A8lmndd Aoto 1937, 45th
3.06.. p. 409, oh. ?A%, 8 1.”
fa 08Baootlonwith the dutk8 of State EonLo aa
dopooltorloofor the Mot0 and tor oltleo wo 0100 r8trr to
hrtiole SSt, tS5, and -59 to P.566,Rovbed Olrll Statutes,
It ray h aonooded that luoh bqmko we ogenoieoand instruman-
tolltleo of tho Btate, mad ln mopoat to the aoto mentionadla
the ltatutooretmrredto lmaodlakly aboto are lotlag ls mmh.
Uo eo nnolto o o do
to ths view that 8uoh thidgo~ their
awry aot a0 king on0 whloh lo r r ieo out a 6OVOrMOXh1 pur-
08 as lxproooed in the &to of the faglol~ture. Olaarly,
E a Logiolatoru did not lntondto make a blanketlxomptlon
Of 8n liia instrument8 takoa by agenotes and iaatrumental-
iti** of ttio stute. Ontha other hand, it10 plda thatlt
woo intended to exempt onlJ those lnotnmonto token br ouoh
agenaiao In oarrylngout m ~vernmental 9ur~ooeas exmeooed
Bon. e. aooortt,~Pago 4
$I!oome AOt ot th8 kR~OIOt?UOL Othwwios, tho ~norrtionia
the toxin6 statute of the words Just above underoooroh would
hwe bean worse t&n uoml~oo. To k entitled to thr lo iu p tlo n,
on lnotmamonttOkm by 0 Mot. Bunk moot be in oarr lag out a
~ormontnl urpooels lxprooood In an Aot of tha lo6i8lOttuO.
10 hare ken ilooaoolrythaw 8toto Ronko rhloh lr o not mom-
kro of the JoderolRooenr Syotra.
On Rwe8ber tl, 1936,Itan.2. Ii.Rromdhurot,thon
~AoolotnntAttorney tJonero1,lddroooodto Iion.CharlieLook-
la r r y iw
o ut0& 0o r o r c purpo00
u a o ~ta
lsp no o o In
d 0o m0
Of UOa@808 o r o ithe ~giOlOttU0.
Wo bellerathe oboe lab8kntlell moworo tho slrot
tour ot 7our queotlono. Wo hoto not ltteqIedto umwer the
flrth qtuotion, *in00 it ooouroto 01 that thm quaotlon08
.towhetherthr moordotlon at UI unotnm)odta+ablrlnotrumant
would lo no tltu~oonOtruotfro notion,lo a prit880onb.
Terr truly voaro