OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hon. Toz C. Klne, )ipril14, 1939, Page 2 called *savingi by the Eoard of Control. in Deoeabcr 193S, the 'eavinge' on some of the Federal projects--totaling $6,334.92-- wae transferred at the request of the boerd of Control by the Coqtroller of Fbhlio AO- counts to an acoount known es 'Federal kd- ministrative Wpenses--hpprop. L38-36'. The ealariee of the ercployeesof the Centennial Dlrleion of the Board of Control.h8re been &PaidInW thi8 Sin08 JUlq 1, l939. ‘Will you pl8a88 furnt8h thi8 Off108 yti opinion on the followl~ matter*: w(1) thy the Board of mntrol pay sal- -198 and 8mll808 Oi It.8 8JQ107888 frqa $hb8! aooount uhloh was oreatod~ by a tlWl8irr ot the ‘88rin’g8’ iroln ?8bZfi pX’OjOOt8? .%8r roller of Pub110 &oooaut8 prepare 6 to be oharged d&n8t iUnd8 UhOSe life expired on Deoeber 31, 19SS, on Item8 whioh oould not be oontraoted for? "(8) Should not thS tends for admI& . tr8tiV8 Smll88 haV8 tIMa pboed ill the 8$at8’ Tr8a8y and:8tp8ndedin 8ooordanoe with 'the- proriaions of the hot olt~tlieLemglslatum oar trolling the expepdlture of the mon8ye appro- plated for Oentennlal purposa84 "'(5)58 thi B&d of Goiktrol any *gal right to pay 8alarleo la 0x0888 of the 1-t. of $4,000&o--as pO8OZibib. by lW3tmo Bill ttOlor lb-Out Of the fund8 iufnf6h8d by th8 FO68ti government for Centennial pUrpO8e6?* Suoh 8tatuteU and~authorlty 80 pertain to the di8Qo8ition and expendltum of th8 Federal f-8 in Que8- tlon, are to be round In B. B:llor 11, Aot8 of 19.955,44th Legl8lature, Chapter 174, ar lnoorporated under ~rtlolo 61U0, Vernon*8 Aunotated Reri8ed 61~11 Statute8 of %X88 19SS, whloh artiole~also aontaine the sCaenbaent8 to ii. 8. Ho. 11, a8 round In the prorirlonr of Seuate Bill Ho. 496, ?ion.T0a 2. King, ngril 14, 1939, FaEe 5 Acts Of 1937, 45th Leeisleture, Chapter 314. Euch pro- vislons of H. "1.No. ll.and.aa amended by NarrateRI11 Eo. 476, which we think material, will be found herein set forth: "Section 1. "Item Number Five. "(1) The sum of @no Xillion and seventy- five Thousand 3allars ($1,075,0OOj, and auoh other 8uaa a8 aay b8 re-allooated t0 this fund Md8r the teru'and pr0ri810~'Oi SeOtl0n 14 Of thir riot, or 80 auoh thOr8Oi a6 ray bs -0.. OlMCf, 8ha11 b8 n88d tO d8m the OXpMlclO8i or the partion thOr8Of abobths amount or 1o0al fun68 oontrllgxtad, Or faolkltiq8 furnished, ot Oentennial oelebratlon8 and efpo6ltlons, a8 that term la herelmfter broedly d8finsd, Oufaide~~ of the Oounty .oi Dalla8 and within the State.& Tbxa8.a .. Set&don 14 ot.the Aot prOVide8: %eo. 14.~ *Ho part of Of the. allo- oatlonr of aaid rtmdm a8 pxwldrd In thS.8. Aat Shall at 8~ fia6 be u88d.fOr the p~pO8e8.Of any Other one or mm OT 8aid fund88 PrOViiiSd; howaver, that any un8xpended balanoe rem8inin8 ., out of any allooation ma&e, after the Board ot Control ha8 Oomplled nlth the reoOuim~n~~tiOnr"' Of the O0muil88iOn of CQntrOl OT any SQeOtfiO axpendltura 8hall be re-allooat8d to b8r Flve,.of Seotlon 1, ot thlr AOt, and.8~~11 be available ror expcrnditnre for the purpo6e .. ethsreln naaied.? ,.Seotlon 6 o? the Aot pro&eot~. 'Sea. 6. Al.1 expendltuxe8 and oontraot8 authori-ed by the Cornmission of Control shall be mede, let, supervised end expended by the Board of Control of the Sthte of TOILS8,aooord- in6 to all legal requfrsabnts km provided a8 to the expenditure of funds and the lett$S Of eontraote by 8sld Board of Controlrm ~2~: Eon. Ton C. r;lzl~:, April 14, 1939, Page 4 SeatIOn 8 of the Aot provldes: 3eo. 6. All funds expended under this %ot shell be drewn from the Treasury of the State of Texas by warrant.8 properly 8i@md by the ~tr0ll.r Of Atblia Ao- oount8 and the Fnuumr ti the Stats ai TOxa8, a0 is now provided hy law.” &otlcm 16 ot ih. Aa$ provide8: fn~Oth8r 8OOtiOM~Of tho:aOt we find Oerkid '~rovloio~ with roio~~~oe to Federal ikUIi38.the aDDl%- % ;atlon ,to he &de iorhmo and psrtaln&gvto th& . ~gtrol and expondlture. h0.e ~rOV18iOIlliaI' pOillt& . .Seotion S a8 amen$e4 By.8onat.o Bill 496, Aotr of 1937, XWad8 in part2 ._ ” ... .. ....Tho CcrmrniSliiOn af COntro& for !&bra8 Qentennial hldratiOn8 lo horeby 8peoiflorll~ authorbed and di- reoted to rake applloation to the Feder- al Government lo%-tund8 8116 to reoeiro Hon. Tom 2. k:lnc:, April 14, 1939, Pace 5 Zeotion 23 of the Aot provides: "Sec. 23. The Comniesion of Control for Texts Centennial oelebratloss la hereby author- ized and dlreoted lmuedlately after the pass- age of this act to make formal applloatlon Por &c pnrtlclpatlon cf the F'ederalCovernaent ln the ?'cxas 2entennlal oelebratfons thrcurh pro- par channel8 and for adsquab aDDroprlatlon or aIlocatloa or Foderal rw8 for that uurbo8e~' . Any f unda 80 reoelved. tuilnie bthenfie ~&&it- 06 by the Federal Government. 8h8l.l be und er the dlre ation and oontrol oi the 8ald Oomml sion oi Control to be emended under .SiOliS Of thl8 Aot~OontroIll or the mouevs herein .-..8OOdIl43 O-8). .. It 8eepL8 apparent ira&the .above aeotl~:ti provlslona of the aot that moh.Federal funds, inoltd~ the allotment of ~lO,OOO~OO fo~~adminl8tratlon.:expea88 wexy lntonded to be plaood in the State Trea8ury 8ab tholr expenditure OOUtroIIOd.~a8 provided for OXDendttorcl8 Of State ‘8 mQney 8B appropriated* In oonneatlon with the;&l&ent oi~~8u&&d~ fund8 by the .Pederdl goversuent$w~.have been pr&mtdd a photostatic OODy of a letter, ,uontaining tue~ye~:D8ger, 8etting forth the roqulrement.8 8nd tho F8ders$ fttnds allooated to the varloae projoat8~i;~~addrerr ad w&&ter F.. wOOdtie chalr1118n, twi11d8alOn dr’ d.Qntro~ fOr Centennial Celebrations, kuetln,Texas, and'slgnad by John N. Garner, Vloe President, R. 'IVdlter Yoore&Aatlirg Seoretary of State, IL A. uallaoe, Seoretary,~d~~~~&rleuI- ture, end Daniel C. Roper, Seoretary or Colpmereo;oomprl8- lng the United State8 Texes Centennial bomaisafon;- Buoh requlreuents end regulations therein oontaine~&d;.arein keeping with the authorization and power8 grdsted:%nd delegated to said United Stetee Texam Centennl8l3Mmal8- slon by a Senate Joint Resolution of Congress~~~~ont8lned in Chapter 334, Aote of the 74th Congress. TM8 .rO8glUtfOn, approved June SS, 1995, oreatsd said U. 9. Te&&%entennial Commlsslon and authorized an appropriation W$& made to such State ageno&es as than.ln existenoe. 1.d j:4%apter :., 800 - Ilon. Tom C. King, April 14, 1939, Page 6 of said Aots of Coqress, a general appropriation of money was made August 12, &935, end on February 11, 1936, said Senate Joint Resolution se found in Chapter 334, of said SOt8, was amsnded by House Joint Reeolutlon No. 4S9 and whloh amendment oontalns the following provision: "....The funds 80 allooatedmay ba ex- by Derided 8Uoh 8t8te badis8 and &VanaWnt & l8tabli8hMnt8 ill-w Qart Oi .;:y The roll& pmti&of’tho aWremntiok photo- at&lo latter, lhioh wa pramma the Fa4oral.z~ oontalnr golaflon8andraqulroaont8oij ndituro awlthe8paoiSi.6 maximum albNatiOn8 a8 aathoriwr and la%4 domby,a . ml4 Unltod Stat.8 Texar Oentdntal Cm88iOn read8:. :‘. in/. ltieptian~ai#l~,OOOdO %b lOh ~6 a & h Or in& fobs bo ‘Wa d tar: ~a ddnimtr a eSpw8er tlvw’ inoW+ :by ‘. tho Q0miroion or OontroLfdr OentennialOotoi bZ’Stblt8,op:it8 @l&t, the 8hW Bo8rd Oi.@M- trol, ix~oanaeotionwith pmJeot8 anoted with ', The $r@jeotm far whloh Federal ~entannial funda. ‘. the run48 have been allooa%adiwith the 8pOOiiiO .: em!& a y nt8 .... lrallablyin eaoh intJtMO6, _ The Federal'fund8 in quootlon, thou& apprspriat- ed and dlraoted to be tdor the 8apervl8ionand direotlon OS the Comai88lon or Oontrol or Texa8 bo expended by the State Board of Control mvorthele88, 8uoh fund8 w~ra allooafod both for admdrtratiV6 arpOn8s ind for 8p8OiriO projeots dekkgnated. A8 8008 88 8uoh fund8 were reoelved by 8616 goviwnmont 8genoie8, they bao8me 8tate fuDd8, ear-makkedor held in trMt ior the partlou.lU pTQ- jeot or purpose8 for rhloh thej wame 80 de8lgnatad~ AQ- oordingly, to our view suoh authority exeroised in the control and Orppnd!ture Of 8uah ftlnds, otherwire khan Son. Tom C. King, Aprfl 14, 1939, Page 7 by Federal regulations, by the Commlsslon orControl or Board of Cdntrol, if to be found, must orneoaaelty be provided for by L%gislatiPe authority oreetlng euoh state bodies. Raving oaretully considered the material provislcns of the statutes as found in House Bill No. 11, hcts of 1935, 44th Legislature and amendmmahs thsre- to by Senate Bill No. 466..we are unable to iin4 and there dae8 not appear any hatatory authority $ar the 04mi88ion of Control or Stake Board at Oontrol to 8x1 pond for admini8tratiTe~purporrr, 8UOh trrod8 a8 may ra- rain irOn llpaOii10 Fedaral a3.1Otaens8fOr pu?tioUhX projeota oomglot& To make 8UOh l xpandlturo8 ln the abnnoe of mob autheritywould not be finaooordan& yith the allooationrby tho United Bfat.8 Te.rao den- tennlal Coimi88ionor F8deral re&ationr. . The &girl&m only n-allo0atod'ana ra&Dro- printed(eee 8aO* ha, bt8 Or 19987, 8. & 476; 48th L8g.] balanoe or the ... . ftmd8 remaining or the unelcp8ndod 43,ooo,oo0.00, and the mnaspendodportion ,oithe'.$lOOOf+00 admini8trStiOn aXjSOM0, 8tet8 fUnd8, 68 ?Ot@d i&IMotions.' 5 of 8ald Senate Bill He. .479..: Suoh re-allooation Or rw; lppf~prlation did not o-r 0~%.9rtand to lkduwl iplrQ9~~/ or the u8e of any pertlen 0th and *bewe thd IlO,O00iW, pI'eViOa81yalleted iOr drinirtrcltiV8 saan8.. In thq lidht ot wha* ha8 ha&n uid, with rater-. ~tn~~~~*~PVL~.~,~i~~~Dae?~ lkxaartaent,that the Board of Oontrol 28 no$ aathorisod to D8y 8alar1.8 and eqbOMo8 Of it8 a@OyOO8 fMI0 8uoh an aooount ore&ted and aooo8lrting et the Federal fund8 in qtte8tiw and that the Camptroller of Pub110 Aooount8 18 uOt authorized t0 i8m10 WUTSRt8 to be oharged a+lmt 8uoh funds: With reterenoe to questton 100. 9 it 18 the opin- ion of this Departmsnt, that the $lOoCCCoO~ allatad for adminlstratlve expen8e by the Federal Ooternaent ehould have been plaoed in the Stat0 Trea8ury and expended ln aooordenoe with the provlelons ai the eat of the Legl@Za- ture oootrolllng the expenditure or the money8 appropriated r0r Centennial purpoaelrt Hon. Tom C. I(infi, hprll 14, 1938, Page 0 With reforenoe to your question No. 3, it 1s the oplnlon of this Department that the Punda in ques- tlon should not be used to pay salarlas in exaeaa or the limit of $4,000.00 as presorlbed by Rouse Blll No. 11. Trustln& that the ebove enawere your inquiry, we remain very truly your8 :: .‘.a .