6?*-/5 InThe, ORIGINAL Court Of Criminal Appeals received in AP T COURT OF CRSHiNAL APPEALS M 10 2015 Abe! teste, Clert Jv/Yvnu U6U>CiyflL HilL Peimo/ver. Co5e(\fo.. IbtJWt Of leydS^ 3 court ofcriminal appeals Respondent, jun iozc:5 Abel Acosta, Clerk Feffhon for U6Cfemnar^ Reweio To The, l-Wwtoble, Jus4fce Q£ SaiVJ Courf,' Mouv) Corns <3mwy DeoJaynt HilL ^ftfmooev^ fa me above en\\Mecl oncl fiu/nherec) Cou^-t (hd ftWea-fulL se-eks review end ftmo^d aPhis Cost 4o \\it Fifm . Dislriij Gu"")" Of Appals 4o'r -fur41w proceeding in A\nt •iirrle/YS-f oPJustice ch^/ wSupport u;ouU shouj 4W\S COUrT ,' PfonvLfJ HMnry 1. On CTI-bl-dOO^ \\\t PfWiWr en4W On Open Pitt of &ull4y frJ a ptaa of cjuil4y/4r^e, 4o \\\t e/\\w\c- mmi D(xCCA(AfaA)<> .alleged iV) lh^ V)dic4w^1ivCCE 8. lKU) to \\)t Qftftvte of koQfMcAed Rokbrnj u>i4li & D^dluWeaOon Id uj»4 ! /I Motor V^hicfe .as all^rJ fn4lie 1. i*"^'^ indic4/Y)^'l«(Cft8N) Xn 4W, 3t3rJ XdiZiJ b\s4fie7 CW4 Of Dallas G^4uJ€/a$. in Cause No. Fof)-53583-W. 3, On O7-9H-9O07^ en\orc<>(v\pA or fht, pUa aafei- rfl£nts' stipulation £dr pft-SsaWe. back 4/W credds Said GppliccdWi u&s dtmed uiffboat ujriTTfn Ofd^rN ' ViouJever jhe 4nal Court in Yrk fecjo^MendaTwn Smcd 4W 4he Pdvnbner u&S -enPitW to his bach 4iW CCedA( end 4Uat the Cdu/4 ujouU Issu^ a nunc pro tt^i^ orda5 Graced £hd a Mine Pro (wc Order u&s eAtTed. u2-R. 70 To the Petitioner the order u&s vagu-e end omh- IguOuS frJ ujas Yio4 aexo/vnpcnied bu an emended/ aofCexJ-ed judgment Lohicb feP)ec4s tUt the DeacJL 3, \lfeipon FlnclinQ was feMoVed sOnd or CoCfeded TO <5wt "A MotorVekicfe instead 4he jud^ent s4a4es "A fcrear^ Csee." C.Rd3-Wv35-37) ond on amended /corrtded judfymeni tuhich fcfleck- all of 4b^L.pihiib/iefc haoF \\MC Cred.ds *.4huS 4he, petitioner Pled a Yiohct £>F app eal Csee: Gill f^l ~0U Se^ also CR. 130-/31); 8. ; On 1030-90M 5tti Court OP/Ipp^fs 3Utire A/a &Touja "issues/ On order gIo&tiVkj the, appeal tor Zodcjfi stating cmn(j other things that 4he. K)unc pro tu/ic Order ujos issued oui4k a CoMplere absence, or clue. proCes,S duith V)o Counsel ^no \)W\o§ ~ro Coun reporter. On 11-1H-90IM 4heTf\ol Cour\ issued cnoiher nunc pro ordtr recinding her previous order ^ako uj/4hou7 notiee koW process, CounSeJ ^ecfincj kOc a Court- reporter cs\d Service oP Said order. Ihe 9Ad\hner had no kno^- ledge of the order unid 4bf H/30W KJunc Pro Tunc Ord?r {Jnich uuaS also en4ered without due. proress ^nor\cjl, Viearing..Counsel . or a Cow4 reporter ? 3. Is The. PePtfoner entitled to h&ve his julgvuvd emended cad or Correeted to spe^h 4be 4ru4h ubich Is 4h^7 4W De&dLj Weapon ujas a "Morar VeHiok" 0\d not a"Firearm f 3. Is The Petitioner enPtled 4o all oP his pCt-5enh\Ce hcrl \\mr KVOM Wu/ic Pro Tunc Orders void as the orders L^ere ordered uilhout notice Jneanra vCounsel #\d c/ue. process vOnd uiith- Oa4 Qx^sel f C. Is 4Vie Petrfibn€rs Oud^nenl oP Conv?ct/on a wisc&rri^e dP justice due to 4he. lack cda \acdua\ basis for 4V\e. pleo! Fed R. Ccm.9. \\ 06)6). cvJorthe lock of Suffi cient Competent evidenre 4o Subs-fenPic.te. 4he exis4ence of £udn ess«n4iul element of 4hc offense. A4rc/S of a cbar&mg lns4ruoo^T 4hus fend^nn^ 4he_ ftftr- fo/iefS 3udfimeAT Of Convirtfon VAid . NiX v S4de fc5 Suj, Sd ttg-W ; Garcia v, Oca I 5% S,Uj.9d 53^527 (Tfcx- Cff/w.App, 1980^ "14 [5 cuell setl/ed 4k4 aValid indicJ- menPdts essenPr^) p6 Pn^ dis4nc7 Courts ju nsalic4/a^;/) "auilL pies did nz?7 u^lVe. Qraums/A- tUcA indicT^i/fr faded \o chrae Gpf#iseld US v. Del^ado -Circle, 374 F3d 1337^ (Ml (DC Dr.900^0 5, There \s no tactual basu for the Petitioners p\ea 4o Qqarava4ed robbe/u ujith a oP^dL w^pan/wkeo+kc Pet- \ \ iii vhbner enicf-ed n\s pl£a oa 07-07-3003/•> h*_ did i- I no/_L Knouo / 4\no4 he Pails 4o know uutad acts Constdufe iht Chtyt ond uhb) 4he GourP accepted h\s pleo and drftrred his guilt kc Pel4 4hs4 k u&S gdilPu of 4he cUarat. When 4Vie Vfctno Gllher4 (LeSads the Victim leAmtdJhi $e4i4foV)er drd ndr kno^ 4kcd the 4eA\/nony uj&s -kVordolt Ond eyculpatofu because he. didh' und^^fond ~tnc (\ck fcb OjnstituTe tkc offfaSc and he.jusP doj^cud on 8, 4he mercy he Sought from 4hc Court uKoh \s ujby 1 he ctaoSe. to Go open dia *Kb One including the, djurf AW prosecutors or Counsel told vvil 4he ek/nirns of 4hc off^ise (sec: US. v< AhermlL 83 Fid 17,19 USf Cic mO. k. There is no fac4ual boStS for 4he Petitioners P/eo. or i\nt allcaoPionS .l/i 4he.lndiYjPwerif 4huS 4lvC Petitioners ConvicP fon \s a miscarriage ofjus4ir^ , 07-24-£00°\ 4bc vfcti/n 4es4\P)ed 4ha4 when he. cmt OuP of 4ke house: ms Cur uocls already cpne^end 4hed he bed a con^rscd/oV} unth Wis Coworker7fr\er\d aJ hou/ upo^ discovering 4ke VeVlicI? had been s4ole^> 4Wu Set OuP in ancAher Vehidf 4o Search for vloca4e ^ond at/#hp4ed 4o recover the. vehicle >.Ond \\d\a) Mr, Suesadc found 4he, Pthribner poirked a4 a ^as Spfhon and houj Mr Suesgas ran up 4o 4be veKck end in mated Contact uji4k 4/ml refit- \ov\er uuho aias SiilinCj parked a4 idle at tkc aaS s4&4 /on and houu he ujas hurt vohzn 4k e reimonfr 5ped Ouoay in 4he, Vehkle Csee'* KR Vol 3 R6vbn,5dC) Counsel Garu uhell asked Hr.OjeSada 7 Ouest/onS P''So. You drdnt See your Ccr ujhen it uj^s 4sked?* HrQueSadc onSujered"NoTse^;KRVol3 Pll Ln,b-8^> .end *% you \\adn\ Pollouaed 4he person ujW stole uour Car to tne aas statin „V) other uWs yow ujerenf in hot p^suAf McQu^da c*sw PacduJ baSi^ for the. plfa . It&d/^ v. US. 31d US 451 467 Pl%9)l US. v. Gkrt I2fl F3d HUCfth G>, /998\ U5 v. Grt^r ||7 F3d 362^4 (5tA G>. ITO US v M*ao MM F3d f9£8 x1371-73 (n G>. tatf) IUS * GJ b*4» C70 F3d 183^3 C3c/ G>. Sbi^) LL/5. v. Gdb/J^g 869 F5d 101 ao9 C%ft Cir Ml US. v. Mor^ 453 f3d H01JI19 (lo^ Cir. QootD ^US v. Hei d t51 fid 850 <855-54 (Bih Cir doff) 8. U.S.V.Crob^t \Vt fid H% Cuth G>. W%) *C^d^f u/bo claimed mpost ConVicrion proceeding fhaT he uj£S hsfij incarcerated for CorAurd fWA did mi Via Lie svarutc probibdln^ uSe or Carmna firearm dunnq end In rebnon \o (dua fraff\ck\s)Cj offense.,.. rcGtuifinq proofdhrf defendant acfually wwowijed firearm dunna pradiraft dcuq OfW\SJL \o "SuWOrf Conviction Under 'use!' pfonCj of sJcrLcte ^wvxdc SubswiTicI snowing of denial or WiS ritfbt fa dutL proCeSS> Undlr 5f/> AfoonoltopnT USCA.1' "We Con elude dn f&cf\4U4 the clal/vi fJk SGU&relu u/dhV) 4W ordoa of the. f\ff\\ .hmordwem /Tr\detd the uueli serried \0.