’ OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN / BononbloEallH.Logrs,llrabs , 8~~Bowd0fCoatro1 Awtin, fua8 opinionx0. o-7446 ._ the irota uhiah hare a8nt 18 nov aployd am Prinoipal of the Blg~nd~HiCl;h&hool~tLiring8ton,tarar m&a rahoolbelng in the Big Smkd~ Indesmdeutbool Dietriot o? Pope County. Tha amoluwmto inaulent to the po8itloa OS bw drltor Sor the 1uU.m Reremtlon am obtained frana ?ederalCow~rnmentO~nttothe rariou8 Indian Tribea, and ve in thir offlao hare derlgnetal rwh monlee &a ?dexml In&tin FunAl. Honombl*ml1B.Logea -Peg.2 Themeaonioe aw mei~ed fra the Idhal Q5wavaent lndmthemaf'terd~poeltedln thovea4ouelooal E;, and omllaery ahooke an dam agafnet the . "Paw6 the l tandpolnt of expedlenay thie appliaant aotidfill tha poeitlon of bum d&yor n 8d8purtOlf boaauee him dutlee am a bum drlrer v5ul.dT egln wry early in tha mornln2 and upon the niLflUImt of him du~aeabur~lr~iortherorningnnr,~r~ than be at the eohool of vbiah he 18 the Prlnelpal. In the aftern5one after him dutioe am prinolpal we- a5qploted, ho 55uld gatbr the etWente that he vae trameportlngand thormmo~nturn totho In&tin Reeemtlan." 2h0 fti8t qtt88ti0nh0n t0 b a8knnit-d 18 vhothorthe employrent of a ppinoljml am 8 hue drlwr for trener0rr1ngthe ehll4lnn to and fra an Indiaa Roromtfoa voultl Y10lato the proYlelone of the c5netltutlonof mxae prohibit1 the holding of aoro than one olyll ofY?loeof eaoluneatY Artlale XVI, Seatlou 40) and ale0 t-bat prohfbl- tlng the aaaountlag offiaere of the State fzwm dreving a varraat upon the Trueury in fkvor of 0 pereoa vho holde at the eeae Wee any other off100 or pornK tl5n of honor, tmet, or prolit (nrtfole XVI, Seat100 33). The eppli- aatlon of theme pro~ielone am they epeolflaallyrolrte to the employment of a tcbaohoror prinolp&t of a e5hool am a bw driver vse dealded in a preriouely leewd 5 lnlan of thle dopsrwent, Ro. O-4982, dated Deoa&er 2, P942, frcm vhlah tha Solloving is quoted: ted ue nov exealne the general lrrvto eee it thaPe 18 angn~;elnh.tbltion to a pereou~e eerriiagin both section 40 0r Artialo nrr, C5netitutlon of Toxae, &ohiblte the holding of more than one air11 orflae of emolument. Howwr, 8 85hool toaahor18 an eupl5pe, not a pub115 offlaer. H8rtln 'I.Pleher 291 Paa. 276; Nooty Y+ Belle, 2 11.W. 358, 75 b. L. R. 13473 Leqnel Y Johwoa, 2zi Paa. 8592 Clune Y. l sahool Dletrlat, 166 H. Y. 11, 6 A. L. R. 736r Hoath Y. Johneon, 15 S. Rr 980 btate ox rel. Levellen y. 2kuith,69 R. Y. 114~ 56 b. S. 382~ 37 Tex. Jw. lOJ5b oplnlone lb. o-371,Ilo. o-4020, x0. o-4669, Ho. 0 7 . neither 18 a hue drivera publla oiflaer. Opinion Ro. O-4957. It follows that the aonetltutionalprovlelon prohibltlnR double offlab holdiwj 18 not lppllaablo and in lteel~ would not preyeat one smreonte holding both the poeltlone underaoneideration. HoaorableHallH.L5gaa -Page3 "aeotf5n 33 of Artiolo XVI, conetltutson of Taxer, prohibit8 the a555tmUng offloore of thlr State fra dmvlxq or pyino a warmtat uponthe twaeury in fbyor of any perroa for ulary or oargmeatlon am agent, o fflo o r l, ppofatw, vho hold8 at the eua tin uy other offlae or poeltloa of honor, truet or profit l R a wever , a m th e Sta te aaaountlngo ffio er n neither drw nor gtw a vumnt upon the trueury irr fawr of llthorthe mhaoltowher or tbobum drl~er. thle le5tl5u 18 laeppllaable. “The ~rfawaaae of the dutlee atkohed to oaoh of theme p5eltloaewould nweeurfly take pla58 at dlfforemt timoe~ that la, the hue drlter~e dutlee are mrfomed before the ocmaenaslleut of and after the aloee of tha rohoolday a8 Bwh. 8ee Artlale 2906, Rorieed Clrll 8tatutoe. Then la, thmef5n, 110 55n- fllot am to the time 0r perfoxmwo of the reepeatl*s duti~e,mdr~rur.errmi~tlanoft~re~ti~o etet- utbe vo ara unableto dleawn any lnoon8letmay or lnaamg&lblllty botvoen the dutiee of one poeltloa and thorn* of the othw.” It 18 olear,then, that the employment of tha appll- oant for the poeltlon in queetlon vould not bo in tloletlon of the m%wfelone of the Ooaetitutlonrulatlng to duel wgloymeute, but alnob the abwo altd oplniouwte leewd from thie offlam. a nev eahool eid bill 9188lnaoted in 1945 (Senate Bill 167, 49th Le l latuw, 1945). In am auah am thie leet alted aot a5nteI? ne lp5alfla prorielone relating to the aploymat of toaohen and prlnolpaleam bum drivera, it lhould be here notul that ordlne&ly the payment of an additional eUary for bun drlrlllgetioee k, a prlnalpal, or a teaohor alma perfwal edalnietr8tlvadutlee, 18 ppo- hlblted by thle lot (8ea Op 7 nion Ro. O-6797,dated Hay 16, 19w. Hwowr in a later oplnloa (lV0. O-7396,dated Ootober 7, l$?Mj It vae held t&t the prohlbltlone of the rat &Id not ext6md to the omplo ent of 8 prinolpklor a teaalter perfomlng admlnletra c te dutlee,em~loJbisby B eeprete oontreating e4gpn5yto th4t oontraatl~ for and paying tuahore * ealariee. Certainly, in regard to the oaploymathorallrqwetlo~, tha prohlbltlonsof t-hoa.ot do not 8pply for the meoa tint in Artlola I, Swatlou2, paregreph3 thereof, the urhool for the Alabama Ind3.ene attendilrglahool In Polk County 18 epeolflasllyexempted am rollwe: HoaorableliellX.Logur -P-a 4 “Protidal that the tax provlelone 8ad other in Polk Cowty, Taxam.” (hphaete ad&d) All of the fore olng ooneidorml, it rry bo ooa- aluded that the 4mployaemf of the prlnolpel of the Big Scaly Rlgh bahool at Wvlngetosa, Te.x-88,a8 @e drlwr of a rohoolbue tmnefcn*)lngobildren toub frim the-- Couehatti IndieuReer~tloole aaitherlario3.atf5aof :a& g8Ututional paotielon or ef thm tenr of the eohool . Aaowdl y, yuu aw adrleed that the Board of Oontrelheem a ty t5 ooatxuot rltb Uw 8pplloe8t for the wloyaentla qxm*Moa. mare very truly ATToRRx 8mxuL O? 'wtw