c.~_;..,__. , ~... -
Hooar8b&e Shalby K. Lope
*CoUnty Attcrney
Jefferr$m Oounty
Bsrumant, T%xos
i)ur sit, Ojd.nion PO. Q-6966
n#ue% Bill
Eonorabls Shelby : . Long - pap% 2
This we 0nBwOr In th0 OfilrnstlvO. ThO new l,asndment
here ~~~ke5 provliiar a fee for th6 f ilinp, etc.,
fcr of ohattal
mortgagee, end, ltr language not bsing perfsctly oloar, it ia
lncutibwt upon WI, ,lf pouelblo, to eeoertfdfn its *51&g rram
its texts ma to 00rimtrue it in the light 0r it.8 settine end
I.eglela tlva p.urpa%%. aone%0uently, w% tilleve the Laaguage th%r%-
in eete uy 0 #tn.&e maxlmua fw 0r ?S oents ror perforatenor of
all the eervlcee lleted in this partlauler lt%m, L 0.. illIn&
r B g i8tttr lnt%rlng
ln~:,#atlefe%tion an4 release, to b.# peld to
the ClWk upon his filing th% ahattol mott@@; therefore, uo
e44ltl6nal cha::$% may be mede for th% entering of eetlefaotlon
ql releeee of the uCatta1 mort&age ,a# that sorric~ 18 aonoldorad
@eluded in the oha lnltlal payment of IS wate. Thie %onntruo-
t&on fOllOtrsin vjea of t&e fed that thie lawruhent PHB peered
to inoreoeo r065 on4 the s?ngla paym%nt 0r 7s oents ror the
erevfoeo~ Mat%4 Is en inaxseae yroportlanate to t&c- lnar6eeer
Ii2 thei other itaw tf the etatute. me morteieger not only mea
the ohattel mortge&% but he le aleo bound by etatut@ (ML b4.06,
.9&S., 19251 to have ~eatleraotion entered when the obligation
la psld; thsreiore, thv burden of having .the Clerk~p&foxm tti
~e~vloee listed in this ltan reet# on one pexeon., the mort&a&ee.
~?eo etatut+a bmw ken striotly oamtrueQ by the
#uthorltiea in T%xes; lliuetreted by the languwe urad in MoCaUe
VS. aitr 0r ~oekd510, 246 s;. w. 654, 112 'pex. ~09, Le., *‘Court0
of this etat% heve adc?pt%d the ~1% oandrning ltr;%tly tt;aoo
#te,t,gt%r pneoriblng fees rox yublio 6ffio%r# and a@ala+t per-
mitting awt! rees by lraplicetlon. fJ0 orriwr le permitted to
oollcrot reed nor oomml~ai~ne unle#e the eese are provided for
and the amount theraof a%olered by Law. Thlo 18 true notwlth-
standlag ruoh grriosr my b% required by low to porrorm aps6fri0
eerolose ror which ao oompeneetfon lo prfsvld%d.w
E!olalng ea we have, cast 9S osnte shell be pa id upon
the fill&l& t2r the ate tt%1 mortgtjge,, we proaobd to your aacond
cuestlon whlah aeko, vi0uld a ,oherge or 25 oentn bs atrde ror
releaeing tbe %batt%l IPortgage filed prior to 9%ptemb%r 4,
lobs?” BY thts queetlon wo aBe- that you oont%eNetd 8 sltua-
tlon wherein e chattel mortgage hae been riled under th% prfor
rtatute, end a roe or 25 oen,te oolleeted and then rcrfeaeed
eubsequent 00 25aptsraber dt 1945, uuder t&e new amndment. Thie
we answer 10 ths n%qative. xf a charge of ES oente were allowed I
for snterlng sstiefeotlon add release of e cbettel mort$ege,
alter tha arrective llate of floues Bill 042, it WQUld give
efieat to ths old statuta, 8pscli)lue the esount or ii3 osnts,
whioh li%a been rapoaleb. Hering daoidwl thus, MC)are oon-
fronted with the nuestlon or what amount is to be oharged, if
any? Tim% ree?nd to be no cuaatlon but that the Leglslsture
3ay dl~l~tlcrh am7 Slstrlbut4 t880bri3ca 0rrh-di reee lqi it dee;w
just. 54 ‘I’nx.Jim., 30. 115, htbilo Offloim:. Howover, it
Is our’opinion thlst the Lepialature did not Intend to dlmlnlnh
tha rem 0r the county Cl,erk ‘by lm~lloetlon in oorlJ9olltlatlq
t+e m%rvlosa Ln the mu amendment and bg its rail.ure to pro-
rid6 a zsparstb 036 ror 4~~tm3.5~ rati~r~Oti0~ antsreierae oar.
On the ooatmiry, the obvious intent of the a,ot ia to luerease
the varlour fee8 or the Gouhty Olerk, ena xe glvo eifesh to
that intent ge storm below. The mw amsna~eentset8 a* a
s’tkndcrd et 7s cent8 fc3r all the srrvtoea llated in &la
tl,eulrr ltas and thle amount vm bollmve to be the aontro 5””In&
faotot under theea alrounwtanoaa. me mote from 54 Tax. Jur.,
3ec. 115 (Publie efrle4m3),er folwa:
“!VhePe the tWr~iOe8 ior whloh OoqimMtion i8
allowmi are not ~ootapl%te and paymat doe8 not beaorm
.Lue .Until otter d statute the ooqiiasation
hns taken effsct, the oftioir I6 8ntltiaO to ampen-
latlon for the antlre work at the incrsarred rate,
the oompeneatlea not, being divisible, end no prorlalon
baviug boon mada to the oontraTy.*
Zh the oaai or i%vo,aart 1’. Terrell,‘%34 8. W. 046,
nh%rrrsina ‘trx ae%aJwr p~rfnrmml part of his 8arrlaoa uuclar one
fee statute snd the rmm~der under a ner rtituto whlah lnoreased
his Seda, ths suprclm OQWt or Texas otateea:
The statute BQIS got 6ay he shall Peoelvo 80
muah for part 0r his work and armatbln~ else r0r
cthar 0rri8m dutier. ff the .oompensa tlon. war