. . . .
. ..A...
- ’
fsso r essr
lo o r ~sa l~a * insludo& tar the ffrsb
wara Ci.w. Ths
brlsnoo of tts Aot CIS sebrtsntisl1~ tBo sum sS ktorS.
Konorsble @sore FL ShoBDoIPd,Paa )
tX'OB 8 10881 WOOt 01 10081 l@OOO~. m
ls~o1.1 s~wW l owed heroin 1s wont
my permA, wk*tbor 0 n8akr 0) 0 tin or
888oolotlan,or se np~soatstivo or ow
~1 .~0 *O
, Uf lXWOi6 8UpOXTiShS in
w 8XOOUtim lOpOOit~, 0th.F thOn Of R8
o ftio oet
r rooklo np o ny
o ctu tk oba8~asso
lupet1lm tax &run impam 8hdlk reqld?ed
udor this Mbdlvl81oa.
(91 othu aeu@ao wore 08 followol
(0) "SpooY .Qen~s' or OP larw~aoo wdmpaly
ns insarts into oh6 188 SOT thr rwtlao.
the orptilo~ or tltlo of the Aot me48, IS 80
tar 08 portlnsa$ kere, 08 tollOUst
l& AOo Btso nd subsostlons b, 6, 7, 8& 9. &
l.2, 15, 23 . . . . h?clrlo 7047 . . . .
3ootlon 55, Artlcla ) or OUTCoartStutlon res4s
am t0110w0t
*No bill, (uoogt pnsrsl spproprlstlcm
billr, *hiob my edram t&S VS?%~s crb;ar48
64 lSOOUt8, ?o? on& oLL lootmat oi ~1.h
WllWw Om 0 t’O@ O%Od) Oh & $lOAtOiA tOTO
then om wb r8Ot, rhish Sh8&1 k SX9PO8S.d
iA it8 title. But 11 ury rubjoot rhol.! be
Oa b r r .
~ lOt, lhieh ShSll. ROt bS OX-
-88Sb h 6&O titb, MtOk SOt 8hOtl k Void
only u W ooauok Sltoroof,* rhellrwti k
a 0lfp r wlssa .”
It 18 8ootondSd that the title tS 8.8. 251 SbW8
la 4ofootlto on4 riolotlvB ai a*atiQm 35, Art1030 ) ol ow
coD8tltotlon. aho qorotia %A\
Wmtbor the title to the Amand8tory Aot
(%s. 251 8bOlO) 18 SUffiaSIt t0 •~OU t&0
aodaoat of maboootloa lob of ArC1elo w&7,
Oki* $WOVidSB fO8 ilA @SSS$StiOA tSX OSlt
epaa ~aoaals at8 of tin W mmta~ 1p1
sarARs, oos~on r 00, to oovolP Cnorrl qpato
o r lnry 1Aoux0Ra0 OaPpaR~, sne Ngwalsl rgoato
a ?everlAry ur o Ml0a @ Da nY?
Tbo parposo of ~%otlon 35, irtielo 3 OS our
Constl*utioR cm4 siallm oosrtltutloaol prov10toa. lln-
UBore, is nil lxp~ossod in t%als~'a 'Coastlt~tlelaalLid-
tSbious*, vu&am 1, pega 300 (li&hth 24ltloe~c
sM~st, to prevent %0d&S-p~4~~ OF
'l~-rOl3.i~' 1O~SiStiOAf #84d, to FW
vent Surpriu or fr*uO ulpoe tb* IcgislsWrs
by ~#a88 of ~iStOru ;A birl8 Oi otinioh
the tltlrs *a uo 1litlJsation. SD4 whleb
d&t them
Pozw k ot~rlookwl s&3 am-
1S8tiy Wd MAiAtAAtbA8~1~ 8t3A$+tAd; WI6
shlrd, to iotrly lpprloo oh. $ooplo, th?oo(h
luoh pablhotlaa ot lo&&tin proooodl~
so Lo uauolly mdo of the subJests OS &o&o-
lotios ehot ore boLk# oami6oroA, la ordor
#a8 UJO~ n7 h a m l o jwr%uait~ ot kl
hoor(l %horwa, by poalt ! on 6~ ot&rrloo, "fr
8hog shall10 4oolm.*
fo r Tuo s la o o oto th ea u1 r0
t?o o ~,
so *o lto tlo a o
la 39 TQXOOJur .p *n.
X? ~0~wo- oo,t~*
. rue *a 80 llkml ooaotmA~t100
App;lrlsa tsooo priaolplro to our -tio$oot ll*uetLtm,
m kliwe to the om~4oCorysot lno~ftiolent
the tliolr to
lovr a validooou.~8loatix upon ray persow not *,~nerrl
lgontr OS tin aad auino iaruranoo 809mka;or~~, 'for the ?ollor-
14 ?ooeolloI
The $lUo to the lnadrtory loO is ooplodlbare
T h a pto r 0io
ofntb omadotorr 00r8h lo l
h~~lleo to maan
ia mtr r l
a lo ,u;S~~~~
0 0onJJot ntu to the title Of
0:; it lto tits* woo Ire04laout@to
bstoatita metter, u lug686ted b Qfbooa
1. Irtono8t, oaprr, k00u00 the Sri imr cot (Artlo 1:0 7Ob7,
Jr.Q.JJ., 1925) mo olo p lotr
4 a tie ll ootiool TQr&la& Qf krti-
010 7355 ot we Ro?lOo4 3s8ttioo ot 1911. 3i.aoob&b Q?
E0no~eblo ckorp R. Sboppor4, Pee 6
th4u Art10100 r9gau la Ro+ioeI ~totutoo, l$ 880 not
soo*ooer~ fo r lltbor OS 8hoa $0 kro l 8L810, ba8 18 f.4
ll~lflornt that AtOirle 7355 (l911) lldto the prloo
lt~tutoo to tbo oubfoat of *fin end marina lrmwmoo em-
pmi.0". X8 88~08 bo mid, Uaorraton, that the now rub.
ltontlvo oottu am88lRo6 ln 8In ~ondotor~ 008 lo lr p r *r r *d
llth uls8thtltlo~ 02th ea mo a dmnt
o r the o mmUo 4008.
4 ,)wm~t
xa Su8horleaQ 1. n@ozQor ~ur~00 261 9.x.
b@, the tru 8.08 to to lg)&ioi i8 loooo of i&lo ohareator
is se14 to bat
*woo tie tit10 fairly &to aotloo by
ltr noltala, to 011 p a to o l
o of
t&o qob~oot-aett~r of the not?”
%o 001 UOuld lOFiObtO~~ rontoad tJibr* t&o title
in quort1on /II@ notloo to ulpoo not l (ronore d 8 08
0 fire en4 merlao lsrummo ooa:eay.~
Xo~oolelly r 1 tbir
trim vima u* euulaqr met no lttrcpt he4 been -de irae
1911 to 1931. 80 le7y 84 oooul;etlw tar upon *gents of la-
o wa wo loaponior other than ‘fir8 8Ad artfne io.8aamoo
18 OUT 0pini0~ th0 ~600 dwi0ult gum4083 f0
Wh0th6r th@'wAW?r0nt i8 (Ior64D0t0 tk0 eubjoot metter d
the ema4.4 lot ‘is ray Qoyro’. tbo win oubJoot wEtor
oi the orl&ml 80% we8 en moupatloa 6er upoa genenZ
egaata of fire lrsd msrtno ~wurrnoo owapralor. %(I8 tbero
l ruifioiontly oloeo oomwotlon in clubfoot wttu betwan
tbo Orl&aal sot rod tbo omdlotory set, d&oh embrewed
p no r a llJLQ
l~olrl l4onbr of laruraneo oompenf, to
luotola the rarndJI*at~ *o tblaF not, Our oplalw would
bo dlfieront 1f t!ao tit10 te tka Ol’i4i401 rot lu~ol+oa
the mbjoot of lnsurenoo a~eatr (~sarnlly, ea4 the booCy
oi the Aot woo llmitol to *fir, rad aotlao iwuronoo oom-
la lo a *,
but nlooo thore no mo tltlo to the ori4lnrl A6t
t lt lppoetfnq 10 8 nvlrod l4ltloa 0r the rtrtutor), ead
the rubjoot math? of Ohs prior lot8 wra ohraged a84 llrltod
to *tin,OP Q ur io a insur ea l om nl 8. b l oh trvlsl n
v,,-M np o lle~
to la ,th&tt. ~:o *f*lo
1th e*m~~~dr y
Eoaonblo 000*60 B. 8hoppnrA, PaA@7
lo t lr o no tlu?floloOtly86attootb6 4th tbo lolO 8obje68
utter OS the rusaAoA 888 to ouotoln the raadmmto.
8abooatloa 23 d the oaoaAotor~ sot in quootion
was IlolA rold la 2x puts Tfmor, 55 S.W. (2A) 833, koouoo
lt oontolfiada o ulubote~tl7o orttar a08 ~rmano or pertlaont
to that eonk1~~04 In oaboootlon 2) of ArtloIe 7047, en6
r&glctioo upoa 8 l~b~oot not lx p r o o oino the
A ooptloa
Thor0 the loboootioA of the oaaLAo$ory wt redo
00 roier*&o to lOythloA 0outOiorA l0 the O?lgl001 ltJ~**t1 0U,
MA woo lo a6 war (0X’Rm0 to lnythlnA lontoiaoA b ouah rb
lootlon, bat rolrtod to on entirely diffuont lobjoot utter.
I$ prooan$o l ltron$ar foatuml oltdrtloa then ~8 hove hero,
bt lt lo labsitto4 that thloproooA~at lo vorr ~?ouoofto,
if a08 4ontroUlng.
ToPro very truly