Bonorable 0. P, Lo&hart, Chairman
Baud of Iaaar8noe Comuia3ionora
hutin, Ten8
Dear 3.w opinion AO. o-5
Ret Tko ram
Ye ha-*yourlstkr
parta of whioh are ret out b4
*A oaoo ha8 beea b
one of our Bxamlnerr wh
aosoolatioa 8n
whleh were erg
~TOri4~0~8 Of
otm ot one Mm-
: and raoh ot
h 1:eOWl186 Md opmatod by 8w
IUI who operate the asrooietioar
The looal autual aid
n, han 4l8o lent
lmo eia tio and nonoy to th4 burial
aesoooletion and aabrequentl~ released the latter
fmr llabSl%tr for ngayment of all smh itm8,
=,* . . .
tfonorabl l 0. P. LooLbart, Chairmen, Page 2
“Pleere advine wksthor the raot8 above r48ltod
any rlolatlon of Seotlon 4 of Artlole U75a.
9.OtfOn 4 Oi Arti&@ 48758, VOZW38'8 hll%OtatOd
Civil St8tote8 (ht8 Of 1929, &%8t L~8latUS8, pI@@ ,963,
SoItioa b) 8et Out ta your 18tter read8 88
-Art. 467sa-& Iadwendent Aaroqiatioq.--
There r&all bo no oommotlon botnem any kwo 4S80-
olatioR8 opsratlng under thi8 la and no oa* 488001
Oiation 8bau Ooatriht8 uythfng br War Of 8-q
0~ 00mpui86ti0a t0 w 0xOoutlr4 0rrieer r0r th0
purpoaer OS 8ueh other atmooiatlon.~
Seotlon 23 of Artlole SO6iL1 Vonroa~r Annotated
aiw Statute8 (ilot of 1939, 46th blgf8hltUW, ahpt0r 6)
&WOtide8 a8 fO11OW81
"SbO. 23. Burial A88oolatloq. day lndltldual,
lndl+lduals, rlSfM @O-~BTt~OSahip8, OOrpOmtiOnB
or aaaoolationr t&g th4 buelnoss of protldlng
burial or fuaoral boneflts, whioh under any ol-
ouamtanoos may bo myublo partly or dolly ia mm-
o!mndlre or arrvioer,
not In exood8 of One hmlred
8&l Plftp ($150.@3) DoUarr, or the value thonof,
are hereby declared to be burial o~mp~irr, arm-
Oi8tlm8 or Doolotlo8, and 8hall orpnitr under
provldons of Chapter 27s. Aotu of the Foftptirst
Legi8latlIra 1929, Baa Mlenbaents ';hOroto) and
ahall opde under end bo governed. b? Chapter 274,
tI,t8 of the Forty4lnt te&BbtUEe 1929 and
liW&Mlt8 thei%tO, Md thl8 kt. h 8h& bo WkbW-
f&l for ant inblridual lndlrfduule, tirnm, 001
prtnerahipr, oorpo~6~oa8 or 88SOOiatiW8 Oth8P
thm thO84 deriaed abovr, $ engtxge it the buainass
of pro~;bbg ktrlal or twmral baaefits, uhloh un-
der any olroumrt4a0eO ruy be pai& whollf or partly
in nerehanbiU ar 0.~10~8."
It i8 Ouf O&dkiOO aoh you are 80 8dri68d that the
faOt8 8et out in 70oUr l@tkP ti0 OOll8titllte 8 aWR8Ot~OR b+
treeo the arm4lation# .lnvol~ed and theroforr, do 8how a
vlolatlon oi seotlon 4 of Art&. 4663S8 BbOVe qwtod.
lionorable 0. P. too&hart, Ohnlrman, Page 3
Tour 8u~p14a4ate41 lettsr sots out t&o 8aao of a
burial arsoelatloa and a looal mutual aid arroaiatloa that
bare 0t1lt on0 OfflOOr in QORIUO~,t&Or0 behtg Ot&XWi80 110
aonneatlon beke0a them.
The statutory ohlbltlon qalqzst oonoootlonr Be-
tween such aamolatloar r 8 wt o(ll in broad language. It
r4oognlxrr 00 degree8 of aoameotlon.
It 1s further our opinion and you 8x-a 80 aWlmd
that the latter set of hot8 also show 15 vlolaatsoa of 3eotion
4 c2r .ArtlOlo 4375a..
Trusting th abort aufiloleatly
anewer mur ln-
qulry,we tire