. . . .
RoaOnblo R. A. MoUntb
County hditor
Coob county
thorl2e the CM&-
warrkmte drawn 06
ture yottrto pay for
“3. Tf tlnm warranty are to be iseuad aa
propos.4, under what rllould8ueh warrant8 k
wa~~r~ion QI’retention of publfa fwde, Pailum
in keeping rcoaouatti, Parine;reportr and acoountin&
for gubllo ha68 by any offioer, agoat m an~lopo
of the Uatriot, oountg or praoinct, iaoludlae,
6epoaitoriU, hoapitols, a&d otbor cubllo ineti-
tutlame aaintalnd ror tbo publio benalit, WI%
rt ptablsorxpenae; or that in the jrrd~ent of the
court, it it n6oeaeory that it hwo ths illrormtlon
lo*t to enable ,.1t to d*ter&m &ad tix proper *pr
preprietion ~6 qpmllturc, of publla x!oney8, and
to s8oUboin ana fix L Jaat and proper trx levy.
Tim raid r~aslutloamny be preaonkb in witing
at any r*p.uhror oallod aeaalon of the o&a-
#imorn aous4, but aboll lia wee to tbkeWxt regu-
liar twia of Bald court, md ahall be pubbiabed in
one iaauo of 84 newyapor of geuual ofroulatinn
publfohad la the aoualgi prori%ed ii mare be no
maoh nmmpaper pabU8bad la the souaty, thsa sottea
tkmreof abell be poet& in three pubtlo pJsoe8 in
awl4 couaty, on0 of uhiah *ll ba ot tbe sour4
house Boor, fop at leaat kn day8 prior to ltr
e4optlon* At luo hnext mgalu tq a raid x wo lu-
tibn rball b8 adopmd by I majority veta of t&
iota eomlubnur of the oourt end apprwed by
tha oouaty ~a&@. Aay oontraotenter04 iato 8q
0*aid ooauluionwa oourt for tLw *adit provided
brola aball be mode in rooerdana* with $ho atr-
tot08 lpplimbla te tIm lettim3 af oontreotaOy
aaid oourt, payaagnt far w&ioL?fimybe mada auf crf
tm pal;0 fusda or tho county la a~oor6anoo wStb8
sold 8tntutbla+ The outhorltyooafw~~d on ok?aaty
audltwa oontolnd la this titlr ea wall aa other
prori*iona 0r atatutoa relating to dlatxiot, ootm-
by and prdhot r5runcba and aooounta thonof
ahall be BeId BubOrAiacrteto the power8 &Tea bore-
in to the oooIolaJclon4wa~eoart~*
It will be noted t&at *Irtiole MU, uprae e~TW8lY
ptovldo4 tlwt yaylMrat?or a eudft made onder the prorl8&W
of aaM atatutanuy btb at&a out OS the poU%e ?uadr of tb*
oouaty. Thla statute doe8 not rwtkoriao tIm Oemiaatoarr8*
dour4 tc lame bond8 or tlr wuYant8 for thr parIserrOt Fe?-
la& for the luAZt autborlted by &45ole 1641 8uWe0 M boW
ke~ unable to find ain~ other at&de r~uth&ioe, t&4 aOuUtY
hdamn ~444, lupra, Artiolo SWM, 4upr4, did not axproea~
rotborla- tba OommiMlonor8 Cow6 to iarw bmd8 or war-
rent8 for tho p433wnt at lmpronaeate euthoriaed by u$$
4t4tuto but film bond en& nrrant law, (Artlolo e%aee, vor-
BOD*RAnnotecad al+11 statutes) ISIe$reot 4ut.horl4& the
imiaanu af boado on4 regalabed end llaltad the luunoo
0% tim n8~8nt8 iOr tJn purpocrmo8uChorirOd by ACtibU
awJe,*qpn, 'vedo not think that Artlole &Sd&, btqme,
wthorlru the 144wno4 ot bend8 or wrreatr for the pmpoeo
utout iaAr6ialblb4& Ra#m Thacrtaea,it 1a oara~in-
i4n tb8t tbb Oa~*lonerm* coprl of Qo6kr oounbf ha* no
14~1 l uthorlt~ to ieru4 tim armnt8 e@ef.xet thr olaerrl
nana 0r tha aouat;lfer t&&t gwmpase*