Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAE AUSTIN Yll36Haze1 Ii.Beakhem Exeoutlre S'eoretary-Dlreotor state Ccmnnl8rrlon for the Blind Austin, Texas Deer Madam: You have asked the op the question whether lte state Conanl8rlonror the appropriationbill 1s ava don in the purahnse of 6 @tenda. and Mlsoollanooue, salon the following $14,700.00 and 600.00 800.00 telegraph and enger aervfoe 400.00 and 300.00 Furniture and fixture8 600.00 *29. Emergenoy rund ror eye wedloel treatment, ho8pi- talizatlon.glafmes, eto. 2,ooo.oo Miss Eazel R. Beokhem, Pa* 2 "30. Revol~lng fund tor raw materials to be used by workers in hom8 Lnduatrisarar eduoa‘tlonalmid re- habllltationpurposes c:5,ooo.oo "31. Stand equipment,maohlnery, and tools for rehabllita- tlon and rduoatlonel training purpoaea 5 ,ooo.oo "32. Contingentfund 250.00* Webster and other ledoogrephara define the wad Wqulpw as mmnlngr "To iumlah ior SIJMIO~, or agalnat a need or exlgenoy; to fit out; to supply with whatever la neoeaaary to srrf0ient aotion in any way; to provide.,wltharam or an armanumt, stores, mu& tloaa, rigging and the likei -said eapeoially or ehipaiOT or troops.* K3xllewe ham entertainedsame doubt as to whether the tara "eq~ nt* irillembraoe a atmk of msrahandlaoIn a store, a dI1Ygent aearoh a? the authorltlsahas rallad to reveal any odw uhereln this imue hao been raised and de- olded. hSuahdeolalona as we have found are or no help In deoldlng the Issum, since they have all had,the question arise under suoh olrounmtano+aes that the,meaningof the word wata determinedby reierenoe to the oontext or the oontraot or statute Involved and In aooordanoe with,the Intent or the Leglalatuzeor or the parties as deteminad therefrom. If to rlequip*may ~~eaato eupply with "whateverla neoeaaary to efficient sotion In sag wayr",and Weqtipmentw embracesthe srtlclas thus supplied, then it would seem that the word *equipmmt* aa used in the appropriationbill fa broad enough to inolude a atoek of nerohandles.whiah la oer- teinly neoeaaerp to the operation or the enterprise deaerlbed, to wit, e yendiug atand. To give the word this broad meaning, whioh, aooordingto the latioogrephers,it msy beer, would seem to 08rry out the benerioentpurpoee for whioh the Commla- sion of the Blind was oreated--tonit, the eao~amiorehablll- tatlon of the blin%. It Is slgnlrioantthat thla is the only Miss Hazel H. Raokham, Page 3 itan:of appropriationprovided by the Lsgialaturawhloh could be intended to supply runda for tha purohaae of a atook of savohandlsefor vending stands establishedby the Commlsalon~ that If the item under oonalderationbe not evellabla ror purohsainga atook of merohendiaa to ocanpletellyequip vending stands establlahadby the C~mnlaslo~,the result would be that runda will hate bean provided by the Legislature to out- fit the vending 8tiAdS with al.1fixtUS$a, aupplisa,and 80 rorth neoeaaary to the oanduot or this portion or the aduaa- tlonal program maintained by the Commlaalou,exoept that ln- dlapenaablerequlaltea to tht auooeaafuleatabllahmentand operetlon of a rending stand, to wit, a stook of merohandlaa to be rold. Spelled by these raaaona, thererore,wa hold that the item or appropriationdlaouaaed is available tor expendi- ture to purohaae atootiofmerohandiae for vending stands ea- ;;t;lahedby end operated under the aupemlalon of the Commla- . Yours vary truly J&y&& BY R. W. Falrohlld Aaalatant