Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

49 OFFICE OF THE A’ITORNEr OgNENAL OF - AUnm 50 53. *. * . 81, UMO, 00 rroa(pitionha4 boea -8 u) by the orde ot Jtlt 10, 1980, oollootioaand appoPtiona*nt of&yaa uera ~oaneuxwdor for cha pup000 of fsruiag .** 18 Mooa aat olu bauudexfu et the om aa&01 dsotxlatstn qumstbn~0x0 xooorde4in the "Rood or m&j1 Dirtrf0tc.i.a tab0 0rsiaa or th ao~ty ci0* 0f vu vd0 00untyin19ol. ft 8p9mx-0 tkt th0 00w~ Bollrd 0r ~nut~e 00 t\rll’ 10, lf&e, pZOEUl&Od - QSdOX 0 lines of tta oomoa oohool didriots aaud it a9,9eaTa that l u r titlma 0-y a t nil o r da xllu .o r da r md $ i.l.4 iR th m o stio r o f th e o o a s~ Oh r k . %a quota lha Artlola19Ol.) lr*rn0n'(I Anuotdoa OiV$,l statutu,u ~ollaur w Oount$*41 bnut*o* 0ra 0uthorirad'to ouroiu tha l~th~titr lW%dofwO va8tM LII t& OoraiOOi~r~O? 00urt with raspwt 40~mpPl;t:a~ tbo oouaw uto whe0l dirtrfota, a nd a ek to o hc e ;n&tn wlhool'dlo6rlot Ilaao. 8rld tr\uWos dell a.0 uanel eall JafM 8oet~or the aiotrfat aad OouetJBahool tnutur ot the aouaty $0 be he14 et thm oount]ruat at sou oonwafont wmon ia August or Uaptambar of eaohfear‘to be pxe8ld04m0r bp the lbairn or the aeuaty #oh-l tr\ufaeI.m y lu 00wa erqumtonr: 6nll~gwlfh the loortlonof hi@ MUOLS and tW tuoh¶qg or hi& #boo1 lub jo a tlw to , olaulila~tloaoi oohoolsand mdh othermttua a8 my pertal to tho looation, oonhot, aaintoaanoe and 4i8aiglUmof 0SwQ*,-tb terms therOof, and otherlPattan of lntanrt La aoboolafrain.of the oouey, and the oounty #ha01 traetow eh811be &dad fa their ration by theromultor the delibentloaor maoh lMatlng,natl.neonolotautwlth lmi. The wuety uhool t~trumay al0qiodllo~0m00t~ OS t@*di~t*ot .al&Qal tma$aaa,mhaadowoe anoaery br thu# or on 52 Roaorebla S. FL Ruahuae, Jr., page 4 : tha 9atitioa 0r 8 mjorltf of 8uohQlotriot0oh00i trwteu. The oountrouporlnkadoat, lo loorrtoryor tho lounty l6hool tNOt808, ohallknp enloourot*ld 0ompLotor-r4 * l well bound book pxwidad.for the 9uxpooo t&m ilmld notoo Of 8ll OlralyOO Md0 in 8-1 dirtfiat&o, 806 ai al lahaaltriutooo. o ofth eo a unt~ p r eo udfn6 Jroothe faote,lt.appanro thntthuoouat mquintea- dont a*m rmd 8 orrtifiod oopy as tho co0087 sm00 i hort~0* ror ordmr,poood tulylO,l9iW, La ~oOau~*~ Ol*rWo 0Sfl.00 rmoordetloa, a8 requ.lr& OS Um by A?tloloIblSl,logn. foman'i haotstod’ui+it hrtlolo1)7daL, $tata$OO, rnaa in pert mo sollarol "All &ho01 Diotzlatr,Larlti~ Ucrsa aohoal. Dlotriat~,Iadowbnt EohoolDlotrlotr,Qoruoll(L~te4 amn Sobool Dlotr$Otd,0onoaLldaiad *aapwnt mm0l Blotrioto, OouatyLlna Sahml Dlotrioto,0ooo~lWate4 BountyLlno B@bao&Diotrioto,an4 ztrurl iagtnBohoca Distrleta,thotbr lrmt.04 by Waaal or @wirl Uw Lp thla state aad heroaoforr IaM ou8 and ootibUoh4 or lttea p to todb o lotibllohodby tBo propor ofiiem of any Countyor by tho L*giol&ureoi the 8tateoi rd It IO to be aotmd tkat th. abova lktra~ tii8Et.O a prtioular a8 it rao horotorom rouoaplud by tha dlstriot stat.0r Oouatp aotr~orltloo.&Oth~ telidatin6 lt8tat0, ml&p25, lo to tbs mao lffutr Be paint - doh tl.r$l@lrn t0 -0 SO that ~0 c iaud o to r 8006a or inb6%~ e4 lmOt to the ardoroftho Oounty~onrdof TN-, datedr\llJ 1% 1988, omging th0 b0uDdaryus00 oi the luta0ld%otrlo.eto in pueotlaa. 53. .I