- ,
BaacwabloGliffapd9. Roe
maala County
Your writt8ara
been ncrelvedand eamide
as iollwfs,
a bottllag
11s tlmae &i&a
out %srt Texas.
otthlsmw3.d be
llag or lottmy.
buy l drink aad
It ‘18 aot fop
gala other than tb8
tated above, 18 sly
Artiolo 659 of tha Paral Code of thr State of
TUW, 1925, proride as r0iollovsr
"Xi say parsan 8hnl1 aatablish a lottely
or di&908e Or 8tk~ WeAte, real Or p0rSmai,
by lottory, km sbll be f%iwd not lese than
06 hundmd nor mom than OLD@thousandUollars~
QF ii 3~17 pOr8C$X 8hll 8di, OrrW rOF Bale OF
keep for sale say tioket or part tloketIn any
lottery,b ehall be fined not leas thea teut
nor more t&n fif%y dollara.*
This depmtamt held in op.SrUmRo. O-1918 that
the olereaotr easeatialto a iottmy aya (1) a prize; (2)
ohwoo; (3) a oamIdwatlQa. City or Ylnk vs. GrIfrIthAmuse-
awt cacaslry (auprew Cow), loo 3. Y. d")f&! J C#rIyIth
moment Cwpwy ~8. m, 98 8. W. ( d)
It is olear the Pi~8,t; tw oletemta are preseatt
the prize is a "cma" drini:to tuo su33essfLil perams out
or tam&y-four ori~;itaalywohasero; li!cw&m the "abMo0"
llo tmntobarly am-8 vhfttt the UddS a?0 camidsrad by
3fhi0htwo out 0r tvmy-ropr puroha8ers 0r drwca, aii my-
iag ttu 8aa4 originai aoarido~ticaa, imp ii they me
8mll.d upaa by "Ladr Luok" raoelvothe fr0e' drlnk8. Ye
belleoo thu tblrd alesamt,that of ma81dera~lCmlis llk~-
V18e ik”eaGAt *mder the if&8 oubmlttorlsy sou. fn t&8 OCII-
motion YO sa3.lyour attesltlan to tie diseumim aad author-
itie ofted in oar oplnlat Ro. D-2&3, a so?g of uhloh ve
are ea431083ng r0r your asslstanue. Ue belisvsthe authori-
tie8 tboab dl80288ed sad olted we epuallyappllcrrble to
POW 8ubnitt.d~08ittfXL.
x0U wo thOZ?OrWtI lu8J?OOtw rdY%Wd at it i8
the Opinit%L Or this d8pWttWttt that fib PPOPO~O~ 8Y8tW Or
8ah4w, rubanitted in fo\tr P@qUkWt, CWtihUt08 * 1OttUy and
18 praUb;tcsd by Artisle:654 of tha Pen81 Cod. of the Mate
0r TUW, 1925.