fj ‘,
Department of Aqrioulture, pago 2
5725 and 5726 of the Revised WrIl Statutes of 1925. !Phasa
Artiolss read a8 folLonar
"Art. 5’724.
TCvery parson, rtrm or eorporetlon, or
aesooiation of persons, using or keeping for.
use, or having or 0Sfsring for dale, ~welghtu,
scales, beams or measure8 of any kind Inatgu-
menta or meohanfoal drvloer Ior ncllgh~g or
naasuring, and tools, applianess and acaoerorlrr
connsoted with any or all of such lnstnamenta
or measurements within this Btate, shall oans(,
the aamo to be sealed and marked by the sealer
of weights and measures an to their eoneat-
neili)~, and 50 inutrumwt shall be sold for
the purpose of weighing or meeeuring unleee
it ahall bear the real Of the i.n&peotor Of
a~*&&ts and ~mseauF4~ as to its corrsut5eas. ;_
"Art. 8728.
When any oeslgbht,noale, beam, measure of
any kind, $natrumant or msahatioal drvloe for ,
weighi5g oi measuring; a>80 rll tools and appl.G
anow neoessary or oonneotrd with any suoh'In&ra-
ments or madoTe haye ~bssn tested and found ‘aor-
root by any 8ea1er a~polnted u&o? the provirionr
of this ahagtsr, the aame may be used, kept for
use ) offered ior sale,. sold or kept for male
anywhere within fhln W&e for one @oar wlthut
being further t sated, Auy weight, aoale, beam,
measures of every kind, instruments or 9sghauIcal
dwloee ior wetghlng or raeasurIn$, or appl.ianosrr
and aoowmxles oonneotsd with any or all oi '
SUDh Instrumenta or measure* \rNeb have Men
tested and sealed and aertifled as oorreat by
the National Bureau of Standarde,may be kept
for sale, aold or orfered~f~or esle wIthout
being teeted and sealed by a #tiler under the
provIsIonsof this ahapter, 'but all suoh
v&Ma, uaalee, beama msasures oi any k$nd
Instruments or meahanloal devlase for rsIghfri&
or mtaaurfag~ alao all tools and appllanaes
neooauary oomeat~d with any or all oi auoh
Instruments or rowsmares ahall always ba
aubjeot to Faspeation and teattng as her&n
~gartaaant of kgriaultura, Page 3
provided, notwithstanding that the aam& have
bean tasted and sealed, either by E soalar ap-
pointed under tha provisions of thla ohaptar,
or by~the Nation.1 Bureau OS strndarde. Any
scale, beer, or meehanloal davioa for wefghing
or measuring, which, after being sold, aidbe-
for. batng uaad for weighing and maasur%ng, 18
found nooassary to aasambla and sat upI may be ('
sold kept for aale or tiffsred for aala without
first being to&ad and ~a&&d but 8uuch seal6 bus
or measuring dsvlae for *ighLg or measuring: k-
fore being umd for weighing or iuaaauring, wlth-
out the ooPilimt of tha Cds~?irdnnar, must be tart-
sd and se&ad a8 proridad in thi8 ohaptsr.
“Art. 5726.
“All’ .sal.r., deputy . ..L.l’.. iIXQBOtOr8;
and loaal sealer8 shall Inupaat, try and tart
a11 walghtr, s@ala.&; beana mea8ure8 of
lnutruments or m&mnIoal hOa for we&
maaaurlng~snd al& tool8 ap~tianoar and aooeaotii8
oonnaotaddth,any or ai1 mah Instruments or
measurea knpt fcr the purpeaa~ of aala, aOld pr
uead by ang .prQoprIater, a ant, laaeas or amplctyaa
In proving the alza quant fb?‘, riteit, area, w8i@t
or mmrurament .M quaatlt~aa;thing:r, praduor,
artlola for dI8trIbutAm OF croasua~tl~, pot-
ohaaad or of?arH-do pubtittti by auoh poraon or
persona for sale, bira, or award, and a.8oartaia
if the 8an1e sly horrsat., aad he ahall fraV9 the
power to and ahall from tIma to time wel$h or'
meauure ly4k7dg.4 or amountu ot ~QWfedftii8 or
whsitaoavsr kia(l. kept for~tha rpoaa 0r~8a14,
ofisred for sale OF sold or r n the pr86eea of.
dalivary, in order to d.~.paIn~ whether th+ 8arm,
aontalne the quantity or 8aomt repraesatrrd tid
whether they are being oa~arad for uala 01 fold
in aacordanoa with law and may uaisa for uaa aa
avidanoa suoh amounts of aommeditiss or aekagaa
whloh shall,b6 fcund to oontiat&i a laau amount than
that representad. Ha ahall. at least oaea awh,yam,
OF aa much oftrnsr as may ba,found MeoaBary, and
direotad by the .Coarmia.ionar, 884 tht the weights,
maasuras and till waighin&and moaaurine, appantua,
u8ad in say loaality to nbioh ha i8 asaigaad for
the xrp0im bf inlrpaotion, ara OOrraotr All: loeal
- _ ai rsigbta and meaauree rh+ll.._teat at
leaas onae eaan year ali aoaAet3, naignt6 ana mea-
surse of every kind and dew100 rithin any aueh
city to whiah they are appointed, and oftenor,
~30wo uld,a plo la toy o ur
w’sa eo nd, ltlr isir rg
: jwi a t lrrtot the oi & of sooh a nalrar br
a Welghtr and laeasurwXz~8p~to~~vw.l4 hnn in tka
oaeo ot (D. accident, far whhh fhr aompanywa8
moldy responmiblo.”
Rrplylng to your tirst Quo8tioa you win note thPt
tuuler Artials 8738 any impoabor may, in &b perfohluece .oi
his duties, without warrant, .mtcrr, &tointo Or Uponm
&and, building or premla~~.
It ie our opinion and you are acivi8sd that Uad~l:
Artiole 5736 a weighta and umtafmree Inspector ongagod ip thm
pwformanor of bls rrtatutory Qutimu siay enter prem.ise* aad
that he may Uo so without first emouting a waiver.
The rule 3.81
stated in tho Refrtat*acUItcd the law oi
'PC* (Seetfon 811, Cbaptetr 8, Volume I, page I%*) ar tollowm~
wA dutiy or authority impo8ed GwciTMt@d by
lsgielatioar enaotment earrfes with ft tba priri-
lrge to enter land in the pass~oslon of anethw
ror the purpose of performily; or ererolaing 8uoh
duty or authority in 80 far a8 the entry ie
reasonably neasea?lry to such prriowance or ever-
else, if, but only 3.fall the requireraenteof the
onaatment are f~lfilled.~
W6 paes to pur seaond queetion. W&ile m hare held
that ltwlll not be neaeesary for your weights and mmmre~
lnspsators to execute *Blvivor8, should 8uoh ~Urero of the
typo you have handed ua be executed, it Is our opln~t
ahey wU1 be entirely wlthout foroa and &foot.
,The only p&aibls oonaidoratlon offered by the
aomp6ny lOI? the inspeatons9 promiuo to forbear tho 'pre88autlon
of a* "y k!k againat thi, company, $a the ooispany'b~m118rlon
OS entry nto thaplant. Thi# pom.lsaion the eomny wm
already bound ,~bystatutov duty to~gieo. Artiali 5780. It
hsa long been. ths 1aW that thr pro&m or ~~)rtmamue of a