. .
lianopable A.B. XLokerson, Page 2
*u0ol100ted, 8uOhJmrtOf ruahdel.h@mntre8a
48 18 auffloiQnt to oompleta tlaamu&am OQpaae-
tion r0r the pear in rhhh delipqusnt fee8 are
'wed, aad alao retain one-fowth of the exoeoa
fesr besrqlng to hsm, 4lxl the Pa4s.xl0P OS the do-
u.nquont roer r0r tbe fiacrrl year qpl be &d aa
hexwIn provldad for Jlrcuroolleoted,
Artiole 3892, nwnOll"8 Awkot4btOd aivll'sairtute8, (u
emtladed by tam ?oFty-flr8t Le$laleture 1930, Ire wiled
a488iaa, pQge yo, Qhapter~20, aelmtul 4,
Pnda 48 foll0u8:
! "Aay OfPloer matloaed in thf.8 Qh4 tp&
doe6 a0t OOlleot~psiaPr uIouzI1)of lL
tar my fi8or'l ~O&P and vho zrsporta d815.aquent
fOer ior th8t ~rear,.thll be entitled to mtrin,
w&ma oolleeted, auah~#bwt of 8uoh de&%aquuatfee8
olYiio0~ 4lWr oaa * from the d4te b, '0e4888 to
hold the offloe to v@%ob my do-t fee $8 due,
4nd in the evaat thenoftLeer m4raQq ?&a fee8 tlaet
42x4dellaqueat bea *t 00lleoteB t&e aate wIthI
tvlsvekonthr uifsrhr, ~8 toholdttw aiftie,
the aiaount of fee8 oollaoted ahall be &mid lato
the t$aunty tiPe4auPy.~ rrovlu, &0wver, that aoth-
Ing in thir Act preohd~r the paymat of 6x,x-oftloio
fQS8 ia 4ooordula4 vlth Yltlo 61 at th4 lCbvl84d
Oivil IlktiM of YOrr8, l;92!3 88 put Of tIm lwxl-
mm 0~autlon. VidQd, Ib4t my 8bua&Q rdrr
InthlrAPti4l6layt % *hOt~lnot~yto
fee8 her0tofow earned.'
miole 3891, Vermm'a AnaotatOd Olril Rtetutee, nedr
48 foll~vr, in part:
.. ..
. .
HanorrblO A.B. HlOkev8on, Page 3
by tbi8 &it, 4&d far the&~ RWViMR Md ?QP thy UP-
*iOeR Of thOi.3'dOpUti88 U&d ~88iRtUktR aad 8UthOl'kud
expenaea, togeth@r wltb &ll del%nqueat fee8 oolloot-
MI md not wed a8 protided $31 Atrttole 3892, OP u0ed
t0 gSy tiU’i@# Of depubielr U&d U#%#tUt# VhWi Wl’-
Pent fee8 me %n8u??lo%eat, 8h8l.l be p&d intO th8
&lUdiy !tPWmrj in w OOlltltYVhUQ tit.80 QX0888~8
"All hea due 8nd not 0ollaoted, u 8h0m In
the import mqulmdbyArt%olO 3897, &a&lb. oolhat-
Od by ths 8ffiOQ~ t0 VhOU 8ffiIItI
#t3 f-8 4OOPUd
ud lh31 k dimeed Of w uld 0ffiUP in ~000~~
dUk00 tith the pFOYi#ianr Oi tht8 Aot.,.*
by the lorty-Hrat ~aduPo,
boome efieotive &nuary 1, Zpjl.
XII OUP gpinioa S6, 6.1448, we held thMj#
"%be Offhim VhORO km Of Q?f&Oe h48 tewt-,
ed 18 not WlthOF~Sed
t0 08&b6t dOwat f~8.4?#1-
:dawat @Ft. Ma, n5W?*Wp
ihr .-,,*? in ,_,,.“;y
t$'m& h$ ~OORROP, the SOt&P&?t% OffkMP, ppo*id-
?ti# 4ra oolleeted utl;bin omrclyew
4fter the oifiaer &8 g0ae out of OffiOS #ad
8u0h Fetlrtng OffiOOr.8h8Ll be eatttlti tO mtala,
vhen oolleoted 8uOh $&Hi of RUOh dellaqueat fee8 IL8
18 l uffla leaiu, t
0Oapleta the - 00mpuu&tiOa
we have 0mOfull 0oa*1derml the nae of EOke
VR. rbuonton, 46 8.W. 2nd 1 013, mentloaeain ymr fnqu%
cult WI@ brOught br agpelloe, a f'omer tax oelhcter of
cry Qountp &gain& I.D. Hake, ME auooO88or, who duly qurliflbd
a8 RUO~ in 1924, *grin in 1926, and agrIn In 1928, and tb awe-
tie8 Upbn eroh Of gOkO'8 OfffOiol bOlld8 ?OF hl8 86W#Pti tiWW
of off5oe. Yhe ImrpoSS Of the auit VB8 to mmaver fee8 of
Honorable A.E. HLekcwaon, Page 4
vh&le hi VtbR In offioe,
o??los eamed by Einonton 2.. but ael2eot-
ed w Hcke b8 hia 8~ooe88or.
?Or thQ ~i488 O? t&&R O#.B%tXl VO aD#W oht yI3U
hAVll l'O?OlWBOetOthO ?~#r~bJib?.~~,b9tnat60UOOO-
ed by him cb.xrbqh.i.athre8 tsrmu of off~es, prfor to $8nu4Py
1, 1931. There ie nothlnij 3.n your latter or in the almve men-
tioned caw which bdiortO8 that &. Hake held aald offioe
8inCC that tlIW.
Artiole 3892, a8 enaeted ial 1907, 4Bd AI'tiOl~ 3900
vere Ill rowbe u&d effoot dtar* the tlaa I&. &ke vu 33% off3.8Q
, and he would be eatitkd ?POmkin, Vh8B oalbMxnd a d&la-
QUeBt ?WJ# 84PiWd bJr hir, ;:&JhOU@ SUCh i-8 h4VO ~82l OOlhVOt-
ed or may be o&W&ad &%a~ bhe effeotive date af A~%lole
3892, am amended, and theTmpe81 of Artlole 3900, &wsVer, if
BP. Bake haa be e the effeotive d8te O? &tl&8
r#t '~~~R~&uzwJ, Vith XWtfQrenb
ooU8oted 8lnCe Usd Qate,
Ardell tpiuiuu