Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

* , I OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL.OF TEXAS AUSTIN Honorable Julian Montgomery State Hlghwa~ m&mar Autfn, Texas Dearslrt I wo are Fa ..n6riptof rour-lottarof my 14, 1940, the,oplnlon wherein ycm aubmlt~-‘for oh thin Department the Pag8 1 of 1 P8gos oonstruotion of &4+-T mkilxoad Underpass and Roadway Approaohee, a diatsnos 0r 0.397 ?niler, on state iii&way No. 78, and to be known a8 State Projaat Control Ro. 980 Motion 1 Job 5 (lmdoral Project W&J%! No. 803-B Part Unit (1)) 18 awarded to Rum Xitohsll, 1~0.. Houston, ;i;;sbfodr $.t33,600.3B, whioh is the lowest and . Honorable Sulian Montgomrp, Peqo 2 The bids reoeired are as follows: 1. Ruas Xltohell, Inc., Houston, Texas ...................$B3.600.3!3 2. L.R.Laoy Company, Dallas, Texas .................... 87,214.45 3. AU8t.h Bride. Co. t AUS- tin Road Co., Dallas..... 91.900.35 4. W. B. west, Fort worth, Tare8*............*....,. 9*,161.69 5. 3an Blra & Company, Dallss, TOXal.................... 94.293.57 6. Cage Broa. 6; F, L8. Rearas & Sons, Ino., Bishop, Texas....................104.252.73 The Progmm Allotinent is ao,ooo.oo Tha Total xngineer*s kcs- tinate (Part. & Non- Part. in Pad. Aid) 1~01. itugr. k co&g. io 100,890.00 The'Low Bid (Part. 8:Eon- Part. in Fad. Aid) Plus 10s Engr. k Contg. la 98,004.91 'It is reaomwnded that aontraat be awarded Buss xitohe11, mo., Houston, Taxes, on their 10~ bid of @3,600.38, aubjeat to tha oonour- rsnce of the-Pub110 Roads AdminlattmtiOn.~ a/ c.D. wells, Conotruotlonlbnglneer D.C.maar Chier mginssr, Coastr. k Dasti&s signed: S, C. Mekline Bridge Engineer APPROVXD: Julian Xoatgol;sry,iXste zighway n;lglneer Zoobert Lee aobbltt, Combaimar ;3radp Oentry, Commissionor R. J. lank :Uperlnt.endent of Aid Troject.s* Honorable Julian Xontgomery, page 3 “YOU will note that the minute awarding the contract to Rum A’itohell, Inc., has been conditioned upon ooncurrenoe in the award by the Public Roads Adsinistratlon. This concur- rence haa Dot been secured at thla time. *Under the general requIran.enta and cove-. hshts section of our s~oIficatloas, under whioh the proposal waa submitted by Russ ?!ltchell, Ino., Item 3.2 provides; ‘3.2 Award or Coatraat. The award of the oontraot, I? It be awarded, will be to the loweat responsible bidder. The award, ii -de, will be within thirty (30) days after the opening ot the proposal, blat IE ho oass will an award be made until the responrIbIlIty of the bidder to whoa it la proposed to awards the contra& has been Inveatlgated.* -On May 13, 1940, Busa Iditohell. Ino. wrote a letter to the State UQhwey Engineer stating that since thirty daJra had OlapIled sines the pro- posala on the project wers oj%&ed and they kad not been notified of the award, that their g-o- poaal be oonalderadnull and void and their bid- dar*a check returned. *‘sill you review the above doomsate and feats and adriaa ma at your early ooavsnlonoeif the nfnute of the Highway C%htiaissfon, aa set out above W aonatitutea an award of the contract to Russ Ltltahell, Inc., aa provided ror in Item 3.2 of the SpaclflcatIona.w Refers It map be dotsmined whether or not the aontraat in question wae properly awarded in aocordanoo with the requirementa and time lf3litatIons embodied In Item 3.2 of your a~ctiicat~iona, under whioh the proposal WBBaub!aItted by Rum Yitchell, Ina., It must first be es- tablished that the nlnutr described in your letter resulted ia the oonatmzation or e oontract For the desorlbed con- struction Rrojeot between the State of Texas md the said Rues LZItohell, Inc., as contractor. Thi8 iS so becaUSe if no valid and binding contractual obligation was created be- tween the State and the contractor In question by t.hIa Honorable Julian xontgomary, ??age 4 minute avldaacinq the award, than it become immaterial whether or not notice thereof was timely given, under Itam 3.2 or your 6pe0iriO6ti0n6. bpplyleg the law or aontraat8 to the instant 0866, it may be said that the bid of' RUM &itahall, Ina., on tha stated project, when duly received and opened by the duly constitutad Stat6 Highvmy orriciair, aonatituted an or- rer on tha part or said contractor to do and prrorm tha work contamplated by thia projeot according to tha oubdt- ted spaoiriaatlona. On tha other hand, the award of this oontraot to tha said Russ ~ltchell, Inc., es tha lowest and baat bidder on this projact, when mada in accordance with tha formnlitiar and raquirenunts of tha rtatute, and by tha Hlghuay oiiiaial~'obargad with this duty under the statute, constitutes and ia en aaaaptanaa or ma oommunicatad Orrer of tha aald Rues Xltahell, Ino., 60 as to oo&plata tha oon- traot, and gfva rise to legal right6 and obligations tharo- undb2. I Tha only quastlon praeantad ror our oonsidaration in this oontrovarsy is tha 8uf'ilctanoy or the alleged award, daaoribed fn your lettar', and rarlaatad In the minute 0r the Highway commlsaion or data b?ay 9, 1945, to constitute an ac- captanoa or the oontraotor'a offer, ao ao to giva rtaa to a valid and binding highway conatruotion oontraat. Aa we ln- terprat your latter, no quaation is mad6 ~hara a6 ta the mr- rlaianoy or tha aontraotor@a offer or bid, because it appaara that all statutory and adminiatsativa nquiraments have bean fully oompliad with. tfarind in the &nita~ of the Highway Commioalon 0r Idai0, 1940, p666d and antarad in conaaotion with tha de- earlbed Highway projaet, and reproduced in your latter, a patant ambiguity, in that an lrraconcllabla ConillOt lies in the language amployad therein. The rirst paragraph or the award atatae unequivooal~lp and by word6 of ?reaent and lmmadlate operation, that the oontnot for aonsrtruation of the daaaribed projeot “ia azardad to 2~~66Mitchell, Ioo.~ Far aontra, the laet para@aph or the award stated ES r0ii0w6~ “‘It la recommended that contract be awarded %ms xltohall, Ina., Bmaton, T6xe6, on their low bid of g83,000.38, 6ubjaOt to the cormurrenc8 oi the ?ubllo Toads .%&ainiatrati.on.r* @ndersooring ours) Thw, it Is readily seen that if tfla last para- graph quoted abova controls the iirat paragraph or thia award, Honorable Julian bzontgomary, Paga 6 no final but ohly a provisional or oonditionalaward has boon mda ror thia highaay aonstruation oontraot to ~uaa Yltahall, Inc., baaausa it is stated in your latter that the aonaurranc~of the Public Roads Ad&,hiat.ration haa hot at this writing been obtainad. III view of t.hia petant am- biguity, wa are, under the authorltlaa, required to reaort to axtranaow raota, oiraumetancaa, ragulationa, ato., to datanaine the intent of tha Highway Commission in.the prwl.ieeo * To this and, wa point to pega 71 of vyadaral Lagialation and Rules and Regulation8 Rglatlng to sighway Conatruatlonw compiled by the Publio RoaCa AdzirAstration, and qoota Section 8 of Regulation 8 relating to contracts: 90 contract ror any projaat or part thareot shall ba entered into or award thcra- for c;adaby any Stata rittwut prior ooncur- ranaa in ouch-action by the Chief of the Bureau ot Publfo Roads, .or hia aut~horizad regresanto- tlva.* In this oonnaction, there haa bean aubnitted.to w copy or a letter to you rr0a 63. a. A. Rlliott, Diatriat Xnginaer, for the Publio Roade A6miaiatration of the Federal Iporhs Aganoy, of data t;aroh 29, 1940, Fittan in connection with the Federal projaot involved hare, ahd ooilttnihing, in part, the ro~ioa~g language: ‘Plans apaciriaatlona, l and aatimts for thie project have bean reviewed and raoomandad ror approval. You an authorized to advertise ror the raoaipt or bfda and to bagin pork after t.ha award of a contract on any part of tha pro- ject not 6p6CiriCallyaraaptad haraicaftar with the understanding that this authorization is @van subject to 8UChahahgaa being -da ic tha plans and apacirleationa aa may be ihdiastad ba- low or required by tha Chiaf Tginaar. It is understood that no contract for any work on this project will ba entered into or award tharaor aada without grlor concurvance in such nation by tha Xstrlct Ragineur of tha Tublio Aoads Adsinis- tratibn. It is slso uhderstond that 30 :>syaont on any work dam ~rioi to the sxacutlm of 5?0 project. agreazmt dil he mda until !x& unless tha aqraemmt la linally exsautad.* Honorable Julian Xontgomry, Page 6 The above quoted regulation of the Fublio Roads ddsinistration of the Federal Sorks Agency and the letter written pursuant thereto and in aonneotlon therewith were existant and In the riles or the Highway Com~&sslon at the time of and long before the exeautlon by the Sighway Com- mission and'its appointed representatives, of the award in question. These parties aontraatlng on bahelr or the Stats, were fully cognizant01 these matters and &ust ha~e entered the &nute in qneation in keeping with the rsgula- tions and requirement8 or the Public Roads Administration, nhiah appeared to be aonditions prsrequielte to aonaruronae by that agenop In the aontomplated projeat. It is thereiors our opinion, irora the attending faata and airoumstanaes outlined above, that It was not the intention of tha Highway Conmieslon, by the deaaribed adnute, to enter an award or acceptance of the offor of Russ E.itohell, Ina., so as to oaraplete a valid a&d binding aotitzaat between the parties. In rlew of the existing doubt and the aoniliating~and ambiguous language in the iaoe of the minute in question. this intention will be aocorded a aontrollingoozislderation in reaohlng our aonalusion that valid and binding oontraatual obligations hats not been thereby areated between ths State and the said Russ hiitahell, DO. Trusting we have rally answered your inquiry, we are ATTORfIslcGE#BRAL GFTTBXAS