0 of rtghtplant
by HI s, ken of
WBt Team*utslitie8
atn&ixpeotto illstanit in
It ir ale0 my ~erstim&Sng
net k*prerent 8nr profit
ewoatbsecuma eowtitor in lusb bueincaer Th* log&$ of
enoh wastsudion in oral2lllwtrmul by the etla(l oi 3wtton
** AmerlaanlhmeLira Ixmlmwo Go,, ms 8. f. 893 Pt. Earth
Cl+. Appt. tit refussd,*herob it riraa oodtandsll
bet rr6l.r
ef 5saoW ot one lpearanee oompanyto another vlolatedl the
aatl-tmut ana antl4aenopoly st8tutm (sewartidliw 7486
wa 7489,'R,..Q. 8. 1985). After referringto theaq etatntee,
the &.wt raittt
HanorabloWa2tu Xunhiaont Page PI
"Xf &Whiff balow had 6otorain.d to tlis-
SOlYO, it outala2y had the right to de a0 w4.r
the law, w of
the aala, ttE4.rtha ~lrouastaaoos,
it5 9X0 QrtiQ@ OOU~ tWt tOlId 80 PPUOilt OP 1WSOlk
eompet1 0'ion."
To the a~&~ effoot$6 thi dooi8ionor thenTome
8tipro.iCourtin Oater v. Hoowr, 90 Fez. 863, 39 S. W. 1009
(qaoteUwith approvalin Lamar T. Smith, 196 8. W. 964 at 979)
*XI&twdu to awatitato a trust*ithin the
sumnineof the atatut~thuo most be a *oambination
of 5a ital. skill,or aotr by twcor morsrt WOW
binit4 en* ‘as hue rued, mqans unionor la so o ia tio ~.
Xf thmr~ be no onion or @aaoqiatlon .bf %wo or mwa
oi the&r *6epitol stillor aotis'then asn be aa
'oomb~tion ,' mui henor no ‘trust’ .. .
When wo eonsidu tha pu~posoofor rhiah tha.
Qombiaatlon~muat bo f&ma& to bosa within the
statute, the eaaantiel mating of the word 'aoabln-
ation’ and the fwt tbat a putddmtmt Ls prew~bra.
~‘fo$laoh b y that the $rwt oontln~soin a#iataaoo,
'10arm lad .@Ithe aorrolwloon that tho malen QT arao-
5iatioaor ~*.a ita2.aki21 ar aotsg domanood irr
. 1 where,the.part Paa In the pwtlotiiaroaw Uoufgt104
the unitadoo-opmation of suah agoaoias,whlah
mlgh*"~ve othorriaoboom Wlopotioat and oompetfng,
.for,tM asoompliabmo~t oi one or more of saoh par-
‘y:. f*~.OreagoP,52 8. w. (U4) 463, the
Appw25, in 8u5talalng the va2blfty
uabelrtti antbtrwt l8w~ of a oontraatof birro2utioa6f a
putnurhip whoroby oao of the ptrtnon R mod to pUrchW0
fop on6 year the garrslinorot a oertainf8ISing statloafrom
the other partmrr,6.8elar5di
“Xt’mald thu8 appear thet it IS not the mre
fact of oumblnetloaS.nitu ortinary~ssoso that Ia do-
aounad by the &at&to, .batthe tom InOltrboa dOdRIP
on the part of th6 partlosto ogfootuatethe mmom-
plisbmmt of one or tire of the prohibited purpoaes~~
Eenorablo Walter Mudhlsoa,Pa& 4
wnuer the foPogoing wthoPlt1oa 1t la oar optnion
thkttbo DrwoaalarlebjiN'r~ Loonto tlm West T~ua~illhioa
rortldaotVio%ata tho Mtl-tnut lnwa of Taur~- then being
ae demlgnor pta l o a the put of either Pty to FautAOOor
8iOn in th eWl5 of lleotrr0 powr thareby.
olimimto oom@atr@
A&ii l.wJB,B. a. s. mis, P5aaa @I)fo22owt
aa8oolationtw oorporatloa now
tm&irthe Mm of third Sate
purpo5*, l.eu*, ~22 or oth5nlaa dimpow of 'it8 tn-
the phnt OF buaineaa OF any partthereof, to any other
fndividtml,8aaoalatlon or oorporatiaawhieh,'at tb
thao~ofraid’sala, lwao o? other &iposltion of 5rSd
p2wt orebnslnoaa or any put thuroft b doing,or law
lutb a r ity
t0UO-a2iIts b tt5lttO isaid lnoorpante6
Oity,town or &2ege.. Btothhg ?iuelB ahall aM2xelzo
any eor~ttou to -go iD my kind of baeinoarrnet
euthorlti by lta &arterP G3m&aala ours)
Tha aaderlirud wrda Ln the above it&t&a oloarly in-
YouF5 tsry tnily
Walter RdCooh