flora havu haroin boaa lade, are olpproped
and 8x-o to bo paid out of soatbgeat ap
ps-opriotloas, sucharp1ap00f3shnll not be
pnld *larger uaountthanthatpmviAabin
th0'cogu18r ap prl8ted snl8rior tar drrb-
lor posltloasiY atlclh
dqllwfmmf or lagamy#
(iam, riatl mi oyctor courds8lon - Fsgo 2
a Dd la th lm-at ta r 0a rea 0l1 c d1 t4 r ~~
p o u itlo12lthin
nu ench dopaz%mnt, thon
macb add%t1oo;r1 shall aot 3s
a ar er oxcounttbu, that prcwld-
ear fl& SF poRltiOafJIn other do-
tmonta or n~8nc.ioc4La tho eveat
aboars, tilled laborore,pod ma-
ahudoo camnot bo cbtdxml at the crbwo
mm:iomd e&try saal4, thea the herd
of anall doplar~xlt any pay for terilpow
oJmont only not 4toeertln~tbo p-e-
9 1%
t tltq0 6Ca10 &d iD tbS lOQd%t~
wimrst&o fem;?orary
80171481~ to b13
It 16 tlm opialonOf thisdo rtmnntthat the
fneislatum Bib not lntoti by the onaormmt of tbo first
otatdon above to iwlurlo in tbo torsfS%tra labor --
G .oo F w mwhaxdco m3 skilledlabor, such a4 a4r=
p3ators. Ye fhinl;thie is avicwDtfren the 8eooad quota-
ticn aboto, vtdoh r4Sers to laborors,ltilled laborers aad
a?aclmnioa . Certainty,tho toglolatucahero reared
that thx-e is a dlfferoat rage ucalo pewaIling botvooa
laborers& ~klllti Laborers.
In rim7 of this ooncluslon,pu am wtrioti t&at
in t&o 0 7OU would be rut&riZed
on of thle dfqnI8'tt'3Dt
to Pw tl? e pr4millnf,magi380810 in the localityvim2 tb*
work la ta be ornnd for tic erqMp3nt of akdlle3 labor,
5uchasearpoaers. r-
(W&r Sollarr