Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

2i35 OFFICE OF niE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN G-C.- -- At the PlTrt Qal1.bsurion or tam art t*plrlatuzr, uhqft8r au paip 89 as t&o 4iots tbtmof, th8 ‘4eiraasum 8stabllahd thou&D, ftrpur XnteruatLooalsohalarrhl99ki6,* and providedthat it shouldbo dnrtnlsteredby tla !mrd oi Rogeak of the Uoivwalty of Texas. The hot ot the &gi~U~ture aotobllrkling the *E. D. Forem Intoraatlonal WhOlar8hl9 9~6" pxmvl4rdtbt the Zurdqrhouldbe us& ior the pur$xs60 of p r o vldb lg Mmlur- ehl 8 in t&s Udnraity of Toxam to fbtudfants mm-~ the lb- pubPlo la Ybxloo; an4 pmvlding eaholsrohl ln the Sationul UrrLvsrBlty of x4Jxlooto 6tuis~t8 oi tbr)alrvelY3ity ot TextM. The property~oonYsyodby ml4 Goorze13e?:c:s is now xmitd by the Bond of Begmto for #cake owpiwr~, rtn4the revenue thererromla plnccldto the czodIt of tho ‘9. D. Pqr- DDE Iatoraatloaa13oholarhl9 Fund." The property eoavryed by Silk. Ho$& ~6 .fndmpeadent Hx4outoror tilea5t6teof VI.0. Bog& 4dQSO86b~et al, aon- sirts of real art@e, mlueralrights, oil royaltiles, bends rotss, ahtuwsof .*ok and other propertywhisk wfstitutad the residueof thiiG+mtnta of a. C. 80%~ deabd664. deawwbd, provide4that "The i306x-d of Bemntr of the %lvcrtslty.cC Tesa8, 60 that eaid Xioardof liezrbnto wiy dnoto uU or aa ~uob OS it a8 mey be aeoassargto the eodownent,establi8hmentaod maintonwoe of a lrotutifund +a4 to aeoura the aezvlocrr of man of prove4 lam&Slagto QolAvtrormme~ orrandwn luoturoron tit* WltotJl,lltsntulw, art ud mob1 and politicalrx9orieoosaf m&lad. The oontrolllngpawpotiat thl8 fouadatlon 'should k to lwburu ur.~ppo*ualtyto thu U~vorsltg and the aoopla OS Terar for knowing what the real aonlcvermnt#aad at expwleaoe or isan- klod huve beea* To thfl".cm4 the laotuxon m- talrudby oold foua4atioa 4, ln the dlrore- tioa OS ths aut&orlt~lewof t&e Unlvorslt, end t IN the inmao of the foundationmay jmrJili delivertheir rempaotlve8ddrsseci8 on imica- tion at any eduoatloaal institution publto library,towi h&L, puta art lnrrtituto, pub110 audltarlum,sto within the state 0r Twaa 9rovldodaa ad&ion bo ohan@. I sa9eolkt nquqat that, at lu¶8t dutiagthe ftrfit three to five year8 of this ioundationmrk ettatloonand a0 ha818 be t8n by ret4nad 180tuxor8of aatfaaal abllp'ty and raputa- tlon to the oalu8~aadao*io8 oi eduoation mid the duty aad obllgotQp of our mmmon- wealth aa& all lte dlvl8l@ns, to eetgbll8h, equl ar!a.mt ofi.:a00 ,ygWf 1s not Far lXQOPleaoe;agP,Inao&d ~~~~Cduo&nalfaolll- ties in keepinedith t&8 dignity and ssplra- ti0ti 0r WT gr86t Sttit8,* Shea the Coa8tltotlonoi TBXM YBI)adopted, the 918 at the State provided for the eetubllalxuutof tlm r nl.rmrlty or Tem8 b$ the 8wloptl~01 Artlcly VII, ss6tlon 10 theraoi. 2ho Oonstltutioaal80 provides POT the establi8h- a a mulate.naao~ a a nt d o fa ly5tUn ot Srba ;abUo a0~001aby tha adoptlon of Artlo vat, S3eotlon&, rti rue% t.hsphrase *a geawai 4lffoniaaof kn~wl8U~eba1n.g earontial to the pxq88nartionof tho Ubortieo 8~6 right61 ot tb p80plo,* ,~obp ~~oogni~lagthat th8 eduoetfoa or th8 aa88e8UM r~~.iUotloa ot the 8tut8 govera58at. tiithlnala8 yo8n Uft8T tih8PaOptiOn Of th8 oOLU&itutiOA,tb sUpT6X8 fhdi rooogalaod thut eduoatlon w,&sa gOvem&antti rupotioa in the Busa of Cas&mo 118 Vro~inr Aosbs§q, 64 mr. (iTSI The Unlver8lty of Tens ir * departmat oi the atate Spmrmmnt onat& for~th6 purposeof oduoatloa. 8am~ PO. tsami 40 61.w. (ah) 81, -4 uklahoaaA. e ii. Colleg6vs. I&*; UZ Pm, 91Ll. Aad In th8 ease gf mhran rr..Cuvuaau&;85tI 8. f. "BI, Chlet JlzstloaJon88 sol~t "The BtatoIhlvrrrrlty 'iaa pub110 in#tl- tutlan authorls8il b{ tha ColPstltutlon OS t& stete or T8xM. . . Th8 UaWmlty ertTsur we8 mtabllah.4 by elm Aot OS DiSl (Oh. 7s. Aat@, R8&dax ~raeioa,L7th teedrle- tuxo),sad 1s under the ooatml OS the Bourd of Bomnw by M &at OP tb hdfi8btur8, ana raid bard a8riv08al.1 0r it8 pou8r8and dutkr rraa the Ls&laturo or Taxam. Arti Irrtb o8%8bnta6 krre OS Daitmuth Ooll8goVO. itfii~% waa hsM that,muoh orlloa%uueN 8tate ofit aaxae Xi that aa68,.Qhll)f Justlor Xaawhnllwd tho foLlou- w3 rpogua&QJs( Vheib oduoetlon &r aa objeot of ZUatloaU r eubJwt OS logLalatloa, xw aey bo an lnmtlbutloo roundadby the &werriiwt en6 plaoe4 SatbUy u&r.lts laao6Sato ooatml, the ofiiocm or ~m&M~ld b* p&ii0 OrZifBoX3, MWMblO UCI' ,olulaOly80 the @Dwz%wiJBnt* none wi1r Gong.' IIIthe 6aw 0r s lawn ~0. u0odward, ha7 S. w. 639, chsef Juatioo LbOleodon l9 4: ooatrol of tb Un$vwrity aad ltirr propertier,* 1% lB,'tbs&wm ,our0 lnion trat the UnsYorrlty 0r TOXAB 18 a dopnrlaunt ol tho a&t. of Tom8 au6 ia opar- atod for the we.aPrl boarfit of the publio,en4 that itr Board or lbmatr arc) *at+ otflomn. T1L)mfore, had thatbrlongb to th. ~alverulty of Texas $8 land We .bqton@i ul;e to tha atao of %w.a& 2he pator to tax &e an attrlbuto oi aover&nty aad tba utont to whioh thb mrr say be oxorolmd far -ommunontU 9ur908o8 find8 it8 onl llz&tstlon In the irGa8titUtkOS. StXlkttO~ 110 m&8 iGDU-a &Urt, ls? 8. W. 1170 (writ refuaodL Taxatical8lab3natin rovonlgnty m<hout whfoh a ootmtltutloesl oarrnnmt oaanot f8i8 ro8to&d~8ho~gJUa t urobytho $emrrrl @'tkA&lflogi~latlvopourr uhrthar S~POifbti]J oaurabd ;; th; nFt$tutioa, wg the ~s-8 to ba lx u o lr ~by O T h oooamtltu8loml Vi8iOD8 sn retuonao to St: tlxw*f&o, aro noeo wual.4 !- ntondodtw uabrrtoo6 08 1 ir ~t~tb XU aAd rO6trtOtioSSt& &it@ W%lXUOh Otb , S a 8a dZro6Cgrant,Offlu paw $0 UhtJ‘L&irlatum* 4 Tax. sur. pe .a. TIM08 &M dOri,i?ed tiQb0 th0 burdcta~, O@ Obat@M, .Sy&d,d,~ 4 state,42 Tlro subjoO%oot turrrlria usdorour oomtltut&oaU tiE4tat1cmulfir*@pxlalwllJ ompwtrurd prmMq lutatrur, uo larlod b the. St&o &or ita mroroign garor on the ~ODUt# Of I t8 OititUU fOr @WirPaaqt~ 9ucp0HI Oolf. 289 Eonorablof. W. Calhoun,Pa(ga8 taxatgoa ir to prcduoothe roverku6~ with whioh to ocmOuot tho bWta*88 ai th0 aMto it i* @Attidy inOOAdBtWt rdth our theory or govornmnt ior the propmtiyof thm aato to be tax&, in order to O&U@0 th0 3!OAOy t0 ba OXP AdOd by tho etato. 88 Dao. (8f) 1094, Sat0 vs. !&ant of Uouaty Commlrrlsrurs (Sup.'Ct.Oklahoma). 2ha pups* 0r texatioa being otiyrortho mi8- iagof ncaoy withrbiohta wrry on the gwe~moutalhao- t&oy to bai t,h8 rOpOt%JOf tho 8tntOwould OIII &UnQu&%t moaoy ou? Qr aw pookot and guttingit IA aaothor. A8 otat -3 bp JurtiorBntton in the aaoo of i3tatov*. Looko, 30 Ae t. R. 409 (sup. Qo. bw XodoQ): "All era.QptioM grantalfmal krxation pPo- oeod apon the tbooryof publio p&lap, but $he publlo pQll0y ul*ol.nd18 not alsap t&o sa#$. Par lastmoo tho qanzptlona grar:ted by ths~:abeuo %UOtOd OOASthUtiOSluDPQViSiOAto oharah perty, publlo llbmrlu, e6uoationaland o=- table ln8titut10na, aad OOlWt~i08s, not usea aad held tar private or eorporata prorlt, pro- 'ooedmm the theoepor the publicp,oodaooon- PlkhOd by thtrm,.SIadOf th0 &motiiarbdnoflt derlrodbythe publioln&doar~lfm~pthoirootr- and nador it mot tho donmn6or thmo llzo y &rids thnb the fib- is0 80uld ‘%htU b0 krrhg it8oir fo &tSWd~oCrth0 aonoy dth whirh to pxto yolk the taxes prevloualyaraoaae& ‘3 kb bmritsng AO QW exo0p~ bho aario0n~08iplJRI* @I WllaOb and dir, bumo 8ueh 1yveme8, rlmm aqmarrtloo at&$ oroly IO~TO td iaorowo the burdan tit a&h usola88 and idlo Ubromoay~Anotherraaelderatioa tbaoreblo J. W. Calhow, Pa* 6 uhioh should n& bo m~rloOhd, i8 that is ta 64~ pnrvuty to MI burden& With mightlotvo It ratlrelj QWW1088rclneS8 Of It8 bay the taxerwhenduo, te ead allouln~tb mua to k lold ana tho t0 thirdpztloll.' tit10 parlbod la 80 far ma proputy ‘Thoreforo, bulon Ia8 to the 8tQk ia OGAOUWd, OXO!3#hA fX0~ tAJD%tiOA %8 t Ii 0 BdASrSi rti8 aad not oxorptIoac BOrOXO 8U?hpXOyYJWIg tha k oub ootod to t8xatIonIa any form, the laton Ioato o 80 c4ua bo deolarOdeither by a maa OAnOtsantor by oleat IzplIaatIoa0r law. 1 Pao. (&) 6Obj &A& Point Irrigntlon ~;Stl'iOt We Cawdoa,ot ll (&up. ct. OrOgOdm Then lr nothl~@la our statuteswhIoh'mnkoolaud beloagingto th8 rtcrta8tbjOotta ta.XAtioa, aad t&n, i8 nothIngIn the CunstItutloawhl8hb,: orp3m~8 6oolWatIOu or by %JBpliOatiOllWOtid prXIdt #uah tU8tiOA, OWlOpt 8111 b0 haxeinarter mad. Oi oounao ktlolo VIII, 8eotIoa 1 of the OO~titUtiOa pXov~d8fh tbnc all propoEtpin thi8 atit shall be CaXd IA proportiont0 It8 Value, whether owlredby nnturalperaono or aor,*ntiona ; *ad Art1010 VIfI, #ootlo~ 11 proviAusth~tal1 propaxty, what!wrowmd by pareoarror oo?q~ratloar,phullbo asroasedfortUfitIoA. While It Ia true tht thas@tit0 ha8 mom oftho atcrIbutW of a oo tlon, wo b8liOVethat the ra-ettt0r8 or tho d not constItutIoniI-- iAtend't&it the woordc4rparatioatoul.d lnoludotho *tat*. It Is our opinloa that land to mo stat0 Of %XAS ir aXapt tram trXd%QA AAh 8 AA lIgXW38 sMatmAtw that wo da not lnvo aisyd*ol8loru eofn orroot* this JUr~SbIotiOn dlrrotly011,this DOtit, but in the,Oa80 of Taylor~8. Bobi&Sail, D Se Ye MS, tho SupXom Mt held that land6 808 apart by tha state for the QcntPaotor, 68 rOr t&O OOAStrubtbthOf th0 Ca?itOlOf %1h8, t0 b0 pWJ?LOZoi bim whaa eatnod ia tha mmOfB8 Qr th0 rOrk 18 oofw'Syb&~tb~ nbt 6ubjeot ta tfuatioa, as latml d d u&or a ooatraot #or DU~hWO rPOZ@tht3fita%W. TurthoanQr8, tha atme haswtu held itaku sub- jeotto taxation oxarpt by 8peolU unotmont. This 18 pond by ths hot thrt *hen the eta* dooldodthet tho l.urdbolen&- Honorable J.yi.Calhoun,Pw~e 7 ing to the Permuwrt UniWiElty IhmC dn~u1.d be abjec+to taxationfor oounty purposr8, it wlpa neoeeoery to adopt ArtioloXX, kotlon 16 (a) oi the Conntitutlon.The lands in questionlo not mbjeotto taxationunder th4 rrbvvo amandmnt booawo it ia not a part of the Per~lsnsnt Unimr- ally Itand,axf it did not belong to the Unlraroityat the tb0 68id a314d.tdi wont into lrr00t. WoOthing ln thi8 oplnlonis to bo oonrtrmd as bgdFoRFt; the statedoe@ not have euthorltyto tar ltr . w4 4r4 Or th4 Opid0~1 that th4 jVOp4rtg 0013~ 4d tothe k%ard 0r'Rogsnta'r0r th4 u44 nnd brneiit 0r th4 "tOii- Boggs and kU4 Ho&g L property verdty ot Texas bp~..Goort;e belongingto tho stat4 and lb thersiors 4x4@ fron taxatfon. W4 8lnoorelj'trurt that th4 Poregoing tulip onsw4r6 your lequl2-y~ Yourr very truly