Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AYTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Bonamb10 aonIonC,caar oeunty Irtterney ) laoEqaoaa 4ountf &aupasar,roxaa uo me your 1ett for a logal opiaion the t pal. roarhir ddi- lbeaa%ziuM&greel$ l#nth,in addition to 1 board hare the author- oipalof theirMb001 supt.of a pofeot aa8 $100.00 perlTtonth,in 8 regular salyr opinion oi this tlopartlmntthbt your in- IL 2.stail0 Qtey should be anmfersd an UN arthlatl?o. non. tI 1y pub110 nnan%Ci~l COqORdOns, a mOI'OOpQCii'icallj u n the authority OS Mdams authority of &bnm v* ve Tulles,300 So 1. Ml, af- fGw3d fiked 41 13.1. (2) 21, whorein wherein It is aaictt. 'In artid 2227, it is proVid@d, in effort, that vetsto cud oounty available* school 'f'uds shall be used esoluelrely for the paymnt oC teoohero' arulsuper- lnteudonts* salaries, ret6 for takbg the scholastic oen3ua, and inttwest on money borrwti' for those ymrposes. that loco1 ScbOOl funIt derive5 from WLtrict taxes' and all other local sources may be us&. for the ubove onusmated yuqoses, uml 'for -hasing applianoes arc sup- plies, for the piaymnt of irmwunce pro- m.iu133,janitors and ether ezaployees,for buying school sites, buying, building erdl r~p0lrd.n;;and raxtlug school houses, an3 for other ~rposss necessary iu th" con- duct of the public schools to be dctw- I&IO& by the board of trustsos, the oc- counts unl vouchers for county distrl.cfs to bo appr0vOa by tbc oounty suyerlnten- dents provided, that 'Jhznthe state avail- able school fund in any city or district ir;sufficiant to r;ajxitu.ln tho schools thereof In any year for ft 1eLooot eight months, ani;leave a sur~*zus,such sur- plus my be erponGed for the purposes wntionti herein.' 'ThB Wfact or those statutwy pro- tlsions is to authorizethe trustees to expend W.m school Sun-33dorivod from lo- cal sources, un?!tho surplus from the state and county available school fun&s, for any and all ths pu.rposoaenmerated, ani for such other purposas as 3.nthe clis- cxeticn of the board of trustees nay be roasonabl~ necessary in the zaintenance snd ojxsratlonof the schools.* In @lng this opinion TB have taken into oon- sideration your further advice that the ilutiesof the *sponsor SuporhtaTld~nt~ pert&n to bookkeeping, super- vising purchases, koop%ng records, hiring labor, and the from like, and that the services are to be perf+orrneil Uoa. Go&On G. Co88 -- Page 3 menn until niw O*alock in the morrdng, and &~IJIfour ant11 sir o@clOck in the afternoon, 8s well aa on Saarly pad on other who01 holidays. Ia other ho renioe~ ot the Sponsor SUperlnfondent mill h DO wlsa Interfere with the servloes o? a lioeneed engineer, who is to have dlreot supervisIon of rtructuml work in complianeo rith our statuter govemIng such matters. Trusting thattble ~Illhave ansreredyour inquiry satisfactorily,we are Very truly yours ATTORNZY GiZK?W& OF TDI Ocii &or AasL3tunt