243 OFFICE OF THE llTTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eonarable Tom C. idrig Stat, auditor Austin, Texar opinfoa no. 011640 ra ywr letter for the oozwidormtlon of irota : lleges, oa septe3P lwby it lewba l ration a pri- anda 4 arental oollege the a stipulated prioe al8 paid under the purchase prloe, iaioa in reg4rd te the follow- 3oard of Regsnt8 unpowered loam m&riot Sor a longer t tar which the approprdatioa, p$n” payaunt* are to be ~‘3. PIb w ao t uld b ethb lfreat o fa fa il- ure onthe part oi the cellqe to make any of tha paytuentr, rpeeified in the leaseW - ,244 T’hs asaw ala8 of law whioh were deolared a pll- oaU,lr in this depeparbmnt*s Opinioa Ro. O-1629 and rel e er- ated in Oplnlan No. O-1060, are equally ap Usable fo the faots abore ruBaittQdr Both OS these opin PON weare ad- dresmd to y0u. You are a&n raqn3otfUlp referred to thm easea of Charlea saribner’8 Soas Y. fzarre, ll4 wex. ll 28b189. pT. 723 (1924) and Ft. Zkmth Cavalry Club Y. She&d, -1e8 Tez. S39, t3S s. w. (Zd) 660 (1X36), both of rrhlahrere disauf~md In the opinion absre tlrrt olted. In the Ft. Worth Cavalry Club oam, tsupra,it uas spoifically held that the Adjutant Germs1 bnd no authority to bind the state on a rim-year leaning M)ntfaat, the oourt giving as onu of ita rewom the iaet that no approprlatiopt minted beyond a period of tao ywrs, and that any obllga- tlon payable after the expiration at that period oonatitutsd a debt agalost the Stat*. Such a oontraet violated both Sea. 40 of ?.rtlale IXI, and Seotlon 8 of utlole VIII of the State Conlrtitution, the court stated. In the light ol the holdlag ia that ease ad the declarations of the court’ In the Charles scrlbtler’o Sorm aa58, supra. it is t&3 OpiniOA Of this departam& tkat the 2mid or-b&d3 ia not e-red to entar into a leas8 ooa- traat for a longer period than that fcxr rhieh the appro rla- tion, out of whioh the rmkl paynmnts are to be .mde, % erreotlre, and you are 80 advised. This an8vws your first question. Tha Ft. -8orth Cavalry Club aam, llktiss, rupplies the answer to youp seoond qwstion. Xt ma there held that 'wtu.t though the lesseras fez ii- year@, the atate agmoy becaiaea z&iretsmnt &will. It la the o infoa of this de- partment the% thla is t&e status M the oo E 6ge a8 of august 31, 1939, is the inrtaat aam, and you me no advieed. AS a awn tenant at rrill the ooll~~ould be obligated to pap rental@ oa Sor &he riod cb tinm it shod@ to aoeupy the pr8zaim8. See 3l lr t. mmter, (Cirdpp.) lb7 s. v, 847, Krit 0r errcr refused. This 5nuldp16so your third question. 245 30 are attaohbt3 a. copy of 0~ opini023 m.caa~ ior your eollYenlen8.. rdrrrr rery truly Robe’% q/K&k. AImiS tant