Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

C?FFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Eon. w* P. sexton f%UntyAttOrn6y otan(;s collllty Oran@, Teraa Deer strr Tour repuert e above Hated ques- tionha8 beunrearirsd Qf crhf1x.mto the 1466 tbst mdor on a8 ha tad aalLeated to the Statsfor S5$ d but OS aolldati&3 ly paidrwh sheriff. riff alaims he is entitledto althou&ht& J. P. aolleoted, aounted for all the mxmy keyCO- advim me am to whloh28 entitled *'Please to the f$ aoxmalssion, the8herifior,thejustiae or the peace," Proaedurs of Taxes, mtials 950,Codeof Crlmlnal reada ;:ad-~~follow8 I Hcc. I. P. mxton, page 2 ‘The dlstriat o r c o unty lttonmy ahall be entitledto -- -l$ ot -- _. -. iorfeliturea or 8ll fines, monies coiieatearor tm matie or eouumrty, up- on judgmentreooveredby and the alerk of the aourt ln whlah are ran- dered shell be entitledto or wle amount of aeld Judgment,to be paid out of the amount when aolleated.w Artiale951, Code of CrM Procedure of Texas as fgnd;cgb the Aatn of the P0hprir8t Legdslature, Pa , . iO5, *ma. 1, 1929, reads a8 follows~ n%e sheriff6r other oftiaer._araeptta Justiceof the maoe or his alark,-& oolleats fur the State or oouhts.rxaevta b.r3r ~IIDDII~Y r8f3;-umt8~ any proasion of idis ode, 6hd.i be entitled to retain S$ thereofwhen oollsat- ad." (Undoraooring ours). tiae ofth~ dape&nt has rapaatedlpruled that a us- ae is not entitledto retain !5$oomiss1on on flaw 001Yeated. Re nspeotfullyrefer you to the fol- lc oplnlonaof this departmnt with reisrenoeto same; to-84 9 ! Opl.nion written by Hon. Jams 8. NeiY, Assirrtent Attormy Caneral addressedto W. E. Yanay, County Auditor, l&rrantCounty,fbrt Worth, Texas,dated Deatmber1, 1937, and an 0piniOn WTitten by Hon. JO0J. AlsUp ASSi8tantAt- torneyCeharal addressedto Mr. R, A. Co&hey County Awlltor,Lufkli, Texas, ends dated December 18, i933. OpinionNo. d-626 of this depa&eut hold8 that the sheriffis entitledto 6% aonmlsslon.onrSne6 in such inatanaesonly as such fines are collectedby the sheriff. Therefore you are respectfullyadvisedthat it fe the opinionof t&s department,thet under the situation outlinedin your~letterand underthe law, the justiceof the peaoe would not be entitledto 25$ao!melaslon oh tines oolleotedby the justloeoithe pbaee. . * ,Hon.IL PC dcdon, page 3 You are furtherrsspeaWullyaddsed that it 16 the o inion of this de ant that the sheriffwuld be antltPad to 5% ooxml1184"" on on f&s8 in rush instanact6 only as such llws were oolleetedby the sheriff. Trusti= that thL ratisiaotorlly answerspar lnqlliry, ,ve an Tours very truly AlTURSQXGE?7ERALO?TX&3 WnJFrob AWROVED JUL ZS, 1939 (Signed)1. t. wmre TXRSTASSISTMT ATFG#.lR 0-w. oplnt::m~ttw By R. 'II. 2'.Chairevln