Eonomble T. X. Trimble
n.ranAd.tu&t state sIlperilltendent
Mari 001tha qaesstions ai9 are
by this off&~.
lion. T. M. lMmble - page 2
"Qusstion 1. Are all the sob001bussesof
the oom$p 00nslderedpartoi the oounty trampor-
tationsgaW,and under the Jurindiotion of the.
oountysuperintendentand aouutyboard of trwp
~~u6mtion 2, M a y lhool diatrlate,whloh
reoelrsno trarmprtatlon al& ikqploybus driver8
who are relatedwIthinthe problblted degreeto
nxenber8OS the boardai truntebe of f&e sohool
- ae6tian3. Srap8ohaoldbitiiotts whlob6~
p&men% traxmportation aid frm the Epualisation
Fuud employ buu driverswho are relatedwfthinthe
prohlbitad degreeto membera of the boardof true-
teesaf the s&o01 rUstriot?”
Seation10 of FL B. No. 933,A&a of f&a Fortyw&th
Legiiihdam,maxIaas roizorw 8
“Theoounty superlnt~t and cauutyBBheQz.
Boards0r the sweral eoualAor
bi thisStatenub-
eqmmo of suehtrensportatlon ahallbe peldon
the basisoi bud&.atary need e6 indlfmted by apprwed
StateAid .applleation, out at the fundshereinal-
loaoatedior transportation afd,not to emeed Tao
Dollar6($2.00) per monthper pup&lfor thoseat-
ten- the tiat eonvedent aom36lta6hl& school
and not Imrethan One Dallar(fi.00) per month
pupilfor thosetransported to eleslaentary
providedthatlitherebe no oon~timt aemedi
at& sahnol, ‘that suahpu ll may obtainLisaaid
uuaerthe pr~~iei~nrr or t ills seotian when attend-
* cbnp 1lt3~high t30h00i or htgbi~ola8siaatktW
than the sendirqdistrict when de&aated by the
County Board, protidcitdthata&l eQho0~dietriets
oontam one hundred (100)8puaremeleeal terx&
toryor xaare mayreoeiw4Two Dallam ($2.00) per
,mnthper pupila8 trarreper@t&xi aid whenthen,
la dlneed 6hOWll theretor am prwuad hero%zI .an6
Hon.T. M. Trlnible
- page3
when ~axm is reeomnedned by the Dlraotor of Eq~fil,I-
zatlonand approved by the JointLegIalatlve Adria-
ory coBmIttee . In no Inntanoe may aid be granted
r0r pupIUtrana~rted* attendagradelnenothm
aohnoluhlohgradeIs tau&t in awh pupil*8~MJ
dIntrIot.Aidshellnot be grantedunderany pro-
.-Ion of t&Isseotlonunleaatbe.pupll a0 tranir-
ported aotually realdeis marethantvfo,and otae-h&lX
(2s)milesfraathe aohoolreosIring auoh upil.
Provided mother that0nlyStudsnfs sl&IbPe fW!
transportation aid shallbe pa&saLttad to ride sob&l
busses,andthe.Couuty Boardshalli""dIatelyly~a-
char&eany operator or any aohoolbun wlxo
any passenger other than the operator and rhe afir-
dentsell&ible to reoelvutm.naportatIon aid to
ridesaidbusses. Provldad furtheir thatno tram-.
portation aid shallbs paid to prl~+$ely owned
buss68exoeptaa apprmedby the Countygo& ai
XdueatAon a+the StateDfreOtOr of EquaLIsat~n~*
BeOtIon 29 ol the ibmatloned bill#?@a+& u fOl-
wltharehereb reponled.,andinthewmt
prwision af tz;6 Aet 16'Od
or InvalIdby any oourtof odl~tentJuriadieti@n
theremaindcn:of thlaAot ahairnwerthelrraa raq&
in fullroroeand ,affeot.r
ArtIrJle raadaaa iOl.ltWt
8987a,R. C. Se:,
trtarteeiof any sohooldiatrlatow
or Independent amkingprovision for the bnapor-
tiitian0r pupiiato andrmi aehool,&all far
aaahpurposeeaaploy'or eontraot with a responsible
personor fina. Ho parson shall be. entploymd to
Wtitiaportpuplla,who is aotatleaattmnt~4n~
year8ofageenda o~patentdriverormotarrshi-
alesand souudlnbodyaadmind. AllmH+roahl-'
oleaoperated by uohooldistrlotadIreet3.y or by
aontraot, ,lutlptranapurtatl6n d pupilsah&l
be oomxredAndy 8a glassedor axIrtx&Mat tht4 aides
andrear a8 to proteot.ths p-l&a t-the tiX(l-
menoieaor the weather, and shallat f&Xl timesba.
equipped withoffbaIent.lI&ta and brakes. Thei
dri,ve* or au aohool traiwbpoxtation oehialeia shall
Hon. T. 16.Trlmble- pago4
be required to givebondfor auohamountas the
Boardof Trustees ot the AIatrIot
may presarlbenot
leasthan &2,000.00, payableto the AlMrlot an&
oondltioned uponthe faLtJ&ulemd oereWl d&has@
0r theirdutiesr0r the proteotIon 0r the puplla
undertheirChargeand faithfulperrormanoe or the
oontract with (aaid)30h001 Board; and theyshall,
b&ore oroatalng anyrailroedor interurban raIlway
traoks,brIn&their vehialesto a dead stop, Fail-
ura to a+,0 berore oroaalagauoh
vlded here L shallrorfeltthe drtmra oontraotand’
In aaseof aooldentto pupilsor +ehIolesthe bond
shallbe rorfeited amlthe ejPouut
anA all right
thareundarshallbe determinedby a oourtof oblppo-
tent $lrIsA.lotIon.”
Artloles422,433and43S ofth&Penel Codoxmdei6
“Art.438. Ho 0rrioeror thisStateor any
offlooror any dirrtxlet,
oounty olty reolnot;
auhooldlstrlot, or otheraunioipalau&IIriaIen of
or any 02Yicer
this Stats,. or memberor any Stak,
dlatrlot oouuty,city a&2001 distrlat~or other
mnIolpa~ board or j&e of any oourt areatedby
0.vuuAerauthority OS auygem&e.3or 8&301e4l lau
of thIaState,or anynembar or the Le&alature
ahellappolut,or rotefor, or oonfInntheappoznf~
ment to any,offloe,poaltlon, clerkahlp, employment
or duty or anyOaraonrehtrd,~t~t;heseo~a4’
depee iy affinityor withinthe thirdde&me by
aonaan&ufnit~ to the personso appointing o* so
voting,or to any otherxmaber of any auoh board,
the Legislature, or oourtof %hIohauohpersonao
appointing or votingamp be a number, when the aal-
ary,fees,or oompenaatlon 0r aueh appointee3.4to
impaid ror, direotly or.indireotly, out of er.from
publi0 rw 07 ret88 0r 0ril00 of any kind 02 ohar-
“rirt. sot forthIu this
4?13. The InbIbItIontx
law shallapplyto and lnolude the Gowrnor, Li&uts-
nantOowrnor, Speakerof the Hou80of Reprssenta-
tiws, RailroadComm%asIoners, headot depaPtn@nta
or the Stategowrmtent 1 ea~andmtmbers or any
and all ~oe,rda and @OX& a?
?a bllshedby or unber
the.aZ&harIty 0r eny genaralor speolallaw of this
State,membe* of th6 LegWatura, swore, aan&aba-
aloners, reoordera, aldwn and II1(wbe~~~f aoh&.
boarAsof lncorporoted oltieaend town8,publIo.
school6trustees ofrloers end mabern of boerd8
Of WSU~.EWS Of the St&demiVmity -4 oi it0
severalbranohw, and oftbe varloue8tateedu-
oatlcmcl inetltutlone and oi thevarioueState
aud of the peaitem-
shall not be. held to
a enuraeratlon
excludefromtheopemtioriand effeotof t%le
kY1.iimy Within it8""""
peWKXIIncluded pT:o-
"Art.435, MOofriear or other raon In-
cludedwItbInthetbl.rdpreaedlnS artr 01s 8ball
approveany aooountor drewor autho~iae the dsau-
lot; of anywcmantor ordertopayanyatilmy,fee
or compsaeationof auoh inaliglblo offioer.-Or m=-
son, knowinghixito be so ismligible.D
The oplnlonor the At&m&y oener8ll
to ulilahyau re-
1. le.Jeme8,FIr8t lwir
far in your letterwa6 writtenon Sqhmber l8, lQS8, b Ifan.
Joe J, h&up, aAdree8eAtoZ&r0
tbiaopinion heldin effeot that before a person.l8 eubfeetto
the pauatleaor the law’ he nattlt f&i52 M-been Uqal
employedm&r dole & before4?38Is appllenble,uxl t.Lf
t&y g-&Ff&,&*gtiggyg gg&y~ ggg?g-’
slao~ he la~tlne ble underArtIele4% bi the Pd Code.
we fhlnk thatthis %e
op n owrwtlyanswersthequeatlms
tbatwereaubaitted.tothe dopertnentl.ntbatthe looalmhool
board dI¬crppoIntorvoteror, or eonfImntheappolntneat,
or employthe bua driver, but the bus driverwas employedby
the County Board. Howfmer,under the imtieles of tbe P6nel
Codbabovsquoted,fheB4ardoiTrutassor enyaabooldirr-
trlatwmld not haw the.right c#r authority to m@oy bts drl-
mra who are relatedwithiatbe prohibited degreetonmbem
of the soh#l dlatrl?t rush
zgdthgt it la our opI&m that question+Nos. S and 9
azalmmredin tha nbgatIva.
Hon. T. ki.Trirpble
- pa@ 6