Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Hox. Jd.lan Liontgomary,April 26, 1939, Page 2 o~I~~Y, 0r id.ttid~i, rr0n 8~ging In or seourlng slmllar or other employ- ment fkom any other oorgooratlon,oom- pany or i!lditiducL* You will note that this statute malcee no attersptto regulate, oontrol or interfere vlthtbs internal o~eaWAm of any busineelr but appllea am& where a ibmr aBployar atlMo& to deraat the alaesxas o? bi8 r- alqaoy8~to ma- oureuorke~ xutthe 0 laiaa 0r thin depnrtraant nalthrr ArtlOl~ l6& nor any othe artlola cm- oommmt* uponthdr 8ervloelbor attitude&