- ,
'lOUr lOttar lVfW8 t0 the aidriOt MdOT OOQS~dWatl~ l8
“Junior CoIlye Distrlot.' bW 8oa8tNOh'ti.b tblbh l8 aB.M.4
n*rlroa Civil St&tutu, for l ~lrtrlot oraeea under rJ *rtlol.toa
bo knowa 48 a Junior CollegeDlrtrl8t. It mouM k n88ermuy that 8u0b
dl@trlOt b8 O-t& fFCD UL iadO~OIId8IltrOhod &fltri8t, Or & Oltr
ubloh &8 W8UWd OOnWOl of it8 8OhO018, both h@ti4 8Ortain or+
prty WlUatlOM and 8ohola8tl8ltta hdmnoSsOtion
.. oly tm
8-m Or AeiO& 88mi fistid oitii sWUtO8 a8 UWAdd @OWXTU
the anation of mob Jdor Cow DirtrlOt8ad the rO&&m ot
tholr rsbokrtlo ant ilrd rfialrr.
The Other type@ OS rob001 618trlOt lcmpreherdrdr:thla&lb
Artlrlo 88lSh fie?had Civil *8tUtO8, lO awmdbd, 8n ooioa Junior
Collage Distrlotr and county Junior Colhga or Joint County Junior
CoilOgO Virtrlotr, and t&Or* two lh8Oirioai0- of rob001 dlstrlotr
Or* g0wm04, l8 to their lroatloa inb malntOnano*, bl hotion
8OVM WWi ttib IO.IttY-tW0
Of k tiOi0 mm, l Udhd, twiSSd o hi
ib tUt@ 8.
6lno 8 tb 8ohoOl dirtriot lnVo h e 4 hen W&8 lr.at8d Uadsr
Slrtutu, ritb
by sootion4 ot ArtloleWlbh, u urd.4,
hOtim 80 Of Arti 882M, 48 8~10&06 Rm80d citii
"tatutw, nhta8 t0 the 8lOotioB Of trWtu@ ad th8 @ml'nmmt
Of 8Wh di6ttkt8 by trWtO48, ad, b*otW a8 DWtlSd t0 JC\lr
Qus&lOU, &WlWid88 88 tO11a*8:
"A onion Junior bllrge l County Jmlor College
oia Jolnt Oounty funlor CO&O, rbnll~bo ~OLPO&, 040
alnlatorsd On4 ooptlolld by ead unbar ths dlreotloaof l
Board of MTUI Juaior Collqe Twteer, rleotobat lega
rromthe Juafor c01105a Dlsitrlotby tkr unllflo4totow
of salb dirtriot rith 8wh t8rmIsof OttP00 88 MY bO DTQ-
rids4 tan&or tho &ntwel Larbr Tnmteu ~exmabnt
SObOO~ Distriot8. yrov1aed rumever,that a
oleotlon 10 ortlarsdfor tlm'oro~tloaof 812 2Xo?*t
the mm elaotlonat uhloh shall be detondned the enatloa
of such dlstrlot, there shell albo bt &ubnlttd and tote6
w of who rrmll
the qtrwtlon be th8 tunlor Cdl~o
TTd”. ia tha @Wnt 8uoh dirtriot i8 8X'Wt.d. Tb.
T om616at~rfor Jualor Ool4e TmAItnr r8aolring the
hl#mt numbar ot Vote8 at mob llootlaa rball bo 4.0
O&Ted the Tr\utOO8 Of muoh dbtr%Ot, ami
thy 8brU.
hOu Offi M til‘.h O lbOt~OE ~1plf~d iOr d0v8r"
M n .
Ths orl8lwl Bomrdof CountytualorCoil*@ Tmute*r, hat-
thr ebow rtatutm, amA the
the oleotlon of thalr 8uO@e68or8,
of 8ald reatlon, refemd to the
&OVmai~ the lleotlon of t&Or8 for lna*psna*nt
l*hool dlrt;rlotr.
A8 you point out mtlole SOM, R*ilred Civil Strtut**,
l8 th8 8t*tUt*VdlOh 8h0& &men by nfw8Me tha b8wOr to your
fiT8t qUe8tiOLI.Thlr 8tatUte r0vfd.8 fo r t& &8tb srllbOtiOn,
t.N, et8. Cf tTWtbb6 Of do %a 0DbtLdOZlt
8OhOO1 dt8tTiOt b tOUllr,
t0 8UOOd thS first WU8tdM8, ULd I%&, in pU%, *I tOn8~8:
%h Ofth 0 4 b tUi
tm)tOUhO M TOI% l1 OOk lt d8Wh
inoorporatlon*l*otlon *&all hold offlea until the next ra-
gul.mrtrwtmm elrot?on to be held on tto iirrt fktu.Hq
:a April next ~uooee&i~ 6a4 u&J1 thalr rorpeotlro clue-
8428Or8h&V0 bOWi duly l18Ow *ab CWlifia, 8t WhiOh tw
8OVa trwtsu BUlba llootbd for Mid m*peaeaat q&o01
6i8briOt, rbo8* TS8glOttV'O~tON Ot Offk. 8hu k w
rrlne4 la tho folIowIng mumor uql by the tollming mthob
Suohtrwte.8 akalldxmwby &t,andtho@o tTMtOO8 4rewbg
the aumbbn 1, a, b ati 4 8lmll8err8 oae yew for the
firm or o:?loo an&in@wstb the nut ngu&r tnutso olu-
tlonOQ the flrrt 6aturdu la A@lof the iallowIng ymu
2 y&:s;h;lr IW8pbOtiW 8MOlOlOr8 haV0 ~@UI a* *lOOtOh
hb tho8s tXU8tOr8drrrin& th. a&&W8 8,
64 T 8haUa8*n* for two year) for tbo tam of offloe
with the nati n&d&F tTWt@@ d@OtiOa 01)tb8 f'LXWt
II~lo April or the rmoond yur foll.wln~ their elor-
"The mild board of truatbu of each of stwh bdSDW&Uit
8ohool dlrtrlotr 1noorpcratoU under the provl8lona 0r thlm
Act 8hd?. hare and exerol8e and Rre hereby rented with mu
tha right8, ponwrs; prlrllegw and duties oonferrd ud
laqosel upon the truateb~ and boar& of trWtbb8 Of i&8-
pondrnt rohod diatrietr by thm general &w* of t&i8 State.'
Artlola LlW, Rsvlssb nlataa to auoh
Civil Ststutea,
6UbeOqUmt tWt’!e l106tloQI for Lada~Zlt 6ObOO1 Oi6tdOtO
it4llti66, 6& prOWi+ 68 -1 :
lm6 a 0v.a
l?.na:4~tu xwe:rillg tbo lugmat mm?ier
of vot68 et thhr
that 01 et&on, and the thrm or iour eardi-
gwnt l~sotlo~~., ahull ba mtIt1.d to 80m u trwtoom
ha.7under. T h e a elec
0 t4et
d tha ti.rmt llo mtI# 8b ic 4r 0.
t6&0 by lot tho tcr% Mt wbioh they am ti 8WVO~ The
ioar me&or6 dmwiar nwbcr'r one, two, t&u* 6nd four
elm:1 mm2 tot on0 ye6r, aad t&o threa w&era drrrbq
tkw nurhr8 Slve, 81x an4 8oVom 6b611 80-s two yeara,
or xit:l the maond of ?.prIltberattnr, and until thslr
mcoe6mor8 l m lleOtmS md qucrlIrI@d~ &ad nm.larLy thsro-
after cm the flfbt .Ma.r4n~ la April of nab year, foer
tnut6Oa and threa trumtsoa, dtenwtmly, aball k mleotd
tor 6 tsra of two yara, to rueoood tbo trumtoo6 who80
ka 8ball l: tbrt tlma lx#ro. The mborm 01 the beard
ramlain@ aftar l v&oanoy rh811 ill1 the aem ior the
unexpired tenbe
F eel rc 6OOOrdily1 in areumnt with ycu th a t the proper
lx swo r tc yuur flrtt quart Ion 1~ tolad rittla the tom and pro-
vi61068 Or t&C tU0 #IX%;0188 nut bW0iwbtmO qUOta&'
hrtlmlm6994, Bowlam Cltil Stmtutom,furnI8bee the anmar
to your 8eaOflAquertloa In It8 pmwImlori t&t deotiew for truste*8
of hi4o~emAoat l8bool ai8trIotr ahall br ordord by tbr Eowd ot
tr'urtoomof much 618triok. T h e lo r r emp a dlngCo u nty tumlor
ccllaga Boati ot TTuah~~8hmla c a ll
the ll~tloa in t&o lrutant
oaio rather than tbo County Jm.
hmnrlq Jour ttlrb ~84 last queotlon, ma lay that under
the an&w of fitid e74&, E,tj66d ciril StrtUtW, aa 6BWld.6
ty the’44th Lo~lrktun, 811 lrprwr ot rlntlry uc6 ddirorlnd
bellotr, to&!&ho? wltii other lrpenm8 la0 Pdent to raid lhotlon,
shall h pal& for out or fund8 oi the Cotmtr Jtanlor Collqm DIrtrIot,
vltb the sraaptlon of iseato 6l~~otlam @@e8. tRldsr Artfole EO?b,
Iietlsrd CItIl Statute, it I8 pr07Id@6 tbet )i.OO lhdl ti WI&
to 8leatim j-e8 in trwtce eleatlon8 out of t&a &3nrral fUrAdof
the county.
YOU rlnh to tm adri8ed If the r@Sod
lnaoted io tala w
a ny
eta tult
ffo o tla s Co
f u nlo r%~&:2:6.
dtb o u & l biAl ha6 bcon lntrobaed to OhmlgO tb6 8MttU