Ron. *ill crow, April 10, lOSO* ?age 8
a on utio lo r r m8a u r o llmo r _
*Ar t. 84 l.Th8 Clark of 8 hart irpr
noD a0 praetleahl*, a tralmoript in 4~pll-
e& o ,in lu r
yu o a & awh ia ahnlp p r ahlo
b o en
ta k en,
wh io D
hmllo o nta aiall tha pro-
ne&i&a had inthe oaoa aaQ eonfoa totha
ruler &oTuJllDg tlmnoerl to in (llvllo&*.8,
the copy of uah trAmorPpt to k fihd in
thotriril eourtwltbt~ originalpapora in
1.x- the wo and the original to be forwrbd
ierI0of.tho Court of Crld.n&Appml.8
l jmwidod b Artlo& 04S of the @ob of
cr&iM1pro80bre ef the matooflbru,
loaf?.Provided the Clark &all not *hug8 '
fer the utn 8Opy.
-Art. 848. Tho olork &tall prupan
trMoorlpt0 in ?*loay use0 that kavs ken
lp p ea lo
p r efenneo
to do b zma no
u nm
aad 8hd.l prapre tramorlpto in all orb-
ha1 oaua appealed lm prefermoo to oirll
.’ ,
Hon. will crow, April 19, lB89, Pmge s
tbbd~oa~e,~p&ffo~*' the da* aws-nt -0
data tko lppe8.1umo takuq
and tho ilark rlull r8ml It to the oluk af
th alp p d.lalao r t.
*Ar t.
64 6.WhenIt appar8 by tke llerk*m
lwtifl8ak t4t mi appeal hm ken tabn bat
that tlu tronooript ha0 Dot boon n001Tea by
thoirluk ot~tholou+ M~oriminal appeal8
wlthln tho tima ~qulud by law ror illlug
transorlptoIn lIvI1 latlon8',8uoh lluk &all
IIu6dlatol~ 8etlfy tha rlerk of the propu
00urt that th0 M 40 mot km m00iv0a,
M uo h llork rlthort&ela 8hUl puparo
mad roruard anothertranoor
pt ao in tkorirot
~4utanu, a* notie tha olork 0r t&o lpp4mio
'Mart httor or tko tact that ouah truu-
8oriptz l kontwuud~daadbm~whoaIt
no rwmrdod.g
Arudhgofthgu rho artlolooto&&hor Inbl-
atoo that it l.8ru&to~ that the olerk prepuo an4 fm-
nr6 tha tUMOrlpt to tho Court of Crldaal Appoal8, ml-
thou@ the loot t0r US puparationof the truuorlpt
ha0 rot boon pia.
Althou6htJmx-a a?. no lp~llato oourt ran8 ln
Teuo on the qtmotlon of the lountr olorkohm- ha&
vmmo ror a tranooript ia a rlodoauzioraaoo, howwar,’
It wao bid in the laoo, Bdmndaon TO. State, 6 S. w. hd
ol*rk oould not deaand J&a rn in
lie, that a ~4lotriot
lWane* ru prmpu* a tranooriptia a id04 appeal.
T h a n lra so prorloloaiIn the otatuko prmlb-
‘lngio r l oath in mlo4anaor
pa&t&tar*8 aye an 8ppul.
The law 18 wtlowbly rllontan tb queotfona
lubmlttod la rota lnquir7ud Upuroro, m&y QLO woulb k
in doubt a0 to the lo r r utmuworm . In poslna(lupon l
8iallu lltuatlonin t&a laoo of a%lloy ~8. state, 1S s.
w. Ihid706, aad&* Uttirou uaod the iollmda& lmguago~
*0u duirotu of kriagtb'eorroot-
1~88 ef hIo trial uriowd en appeal lh o ull
4~0 th 0
p up t a d td.uh~00ia0~00
g 0r
ell off101~10rho ban Iutiga In lomoatltm
WithtIM popWuIopOf tbo XWOrdID lUOh
Ron. Will Crow,April 19, 1989, ?a#e 4
ld, if t&i’. k &oubt aa to the onot
&ttItUdo of a4 8t0p III8aOh prepurtloa ior
lpmal, m doom It lhould k ~noo1r.d IE
of th a looooed.
r a r er ma appouuw80000
to tvo l0t.d dth pN&9tnbOO and dil~~oa
in trying to mt hi0 rtakprnt of rO0t0 lp-
prorod and kforo thlo o&art. WI are un-
rU.lsg to oonoodo that ho lho#ild be &prim6
of #ma when tbro lo a doubt a8 to the .
toohaIul point DOW nlud CI the itat..-
B. think th a thlo
t lqw lo lppllublo ln
th lolan ud any (Oubt rhoall k reoolrodIn famr or
th brendmt.
You are rrrpotfully adrimed that it lo the
oplaloa or thlo no rtnilt that tha oooto of OouDt~
.oourt eumot bo ooE lokd rutI &adgunt of tho qpoll&o
OO& i8 ~08i~d by t& OOMt
irOBiWhIehth0 & pOti -0
ld t4 pauper** 04 th
ta k en 4 0no lpplIoatIonf)a ~Sodo-
manor oauo a8 rar aa aa rppoal 1s lonoomod urd you
&o f’a r b hldvlood
or that tiw oounty olork oar¬dound
aad rompal defaulant to pay looto of bIl1 of lxaoptlons
and tmuarlpt before tho um are delirarod to the do-
Truoting thnt tho rorogoing auwuo youi Inn-
f&w, - r-h
very tiu1r pur8
lWU=d) Arddrll WIllla~
Mel1 u1111a0s
(Slgnwl) Ouald C. ,jmnn
AT?ORXH ==3+w==fJ