Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

Honorable 0. F. Steger Opinion No. n-224 County Attnrney Colorado County Re: Whether Hill Memorial Park Columhup, Texas~ 76934 Foundation, a trust property dedicated for educational, charitable and/or recreational purposes and to be operated on a non-profit basis for the pub- 'UC, 18 exempt from ad valorem Dear Mr. Steger: taxes. Your recent letter requests the Attorney General to render an opinion on the followlnejquestlon: "18 the real property described In the deed and declarationof trust.from Thomas E. Sparka et ux to F. p. Braahear et al, as trustees ~forRl.11Memorial Park Foundation .datedMarch 27,'1967 and recorded In Volume 261 a& pages.6+75 of the deed records of Colorado,County Texas, exempt from the levy of ad valor&m State, bounty and School District taxes under the provlalonaof Article VIII, Section 2 of the Constitutionof the State of Texas and Article 7150 of the Revised Civil Statutes of (he State of Texas?" It appears that the propertg In question, approximately one hundred twenty acres, was conveyed in trust to be used at all times "solelya8 a public park for educational charitable and/or recreationalpurposea." The land is to be deslgnateda8 IjlllMemorial Park Foundation. The trustees are given certain powers and duties, lncludlng the following: 1. To obtain and accept contributionsfor Improvement of the premises. 2. To hold, manage, control.,etc., the propertyabove as a public park. To establish rules and regulations for u8e of the prem& by the.publ3.c. -1072- Honorable c+.P. Steger, page 2 (M-224) 4.~ Tu collect reasonablefees to be limited in amount to the reasonableexpenee of maintainingthe premises. 5.. To employ others and make contracts and leases for purpose of operating the premises. 6. To employ counsel and compensatethem. 7. .To pay themselves.reasonablecompensation for their services and expenses unlegs the trustee has made a contributionto the trust. 8. To make mineral leases, gravel leases, etc., with the-~proceeds going to improve the premlsis or to purchase other,.propertles 'forthe same purposes as this trust.: .* 9. To organize a non~profltcorporationand.trans- fer the prope&les of the~trust to such corporationfor the same @urpotSes as set forth in the deed. The deed..alzoprovides that no part of the.tryst.ehali'&ure to the-benefitof.any lndlvldual,.t~t the %ruat Is to be iarevo- cables,and that the grantors rese$ve'nointerest In the trust; It Is further?provided that one.of the three trustees shall tiea member of the cl$y government of WeQnar,.Texas. The remainlpg two trustees are private citizens. Also, upon failure of the trust set 'forthIn the deed; the property Is to pass to other charitableorganizations. The property Is currently belng'operated at least in part as a golf course open to the public and for which use an admlssiol! charge Is required. An examinationof~the various provisionsof Article.7150 Vernon's Clvj.1Statutes shows that the.only sect.ionapplicabieto HI11 Memorial Park FounAatlon-issection 7 pertaining to exemptions for~'chasltles.It does not, as a bllc park, qual,lfyas "public land held for public purposes”witrln'sectlon4 of the-rjtatute, s%ticeIt Is not owned'and controlledby the State or any.of Its pol$tlcalsubdivisions. Attorney &neral Opinion NO. WW-1423 (1962 Section 7 of the above article-wasenacted pursuantto Section 2 of .ArtloleVIII of the Texas Constltutlon,which allows the Leglslatur by general lawsi to ~exemptfrom taxat1on~"1nst1tut1ons of purely public chaslty.. Section 7 reads as follows: - 1073- InorableG. F. Steger, page 3: $42%) “7. Publl~~.Charltles.All buildings and personal property belonging to lnstitut$onsof purely public charity, Cogeth~ wlth'the l&ridsbelonging to and occupied by such~lnsti.tutlonsPnotleased or other?wiseused-tiitha view to-profit, unless such ren'tsand proflts.andall moneys and.credi.ts:a.re appropriatedby suqh instltutlons.solelyto auataln.~uahXnstltutlonsand for the benefit of the sick anddisabled members and their families and the burial of the.sama,..orfor..themaintenanceof persons when unable to provide forthemselves, whether such persons are members.of such +ns.tltutlonsor not. An institutionof purely public charity under this article Is one whlciidispenses..'tts aXd . to lts.memberaand others In sickness or distress; .or death, wlthout:re~rd'~o poverty OF'riches of ,theri&ipietit;-also '~itheq.Afii~s;..'prbparty,~and aaaets,of.such lnst$tutlons'are mced.aid.boutid.bg its law'to'rclieve‘;~Sd-.aha~dmini'ster ,$ll.a'liyiiay. to :thwrellef of ita members.whefi.ln:want,sick- ~BSS and.distress. and provlde~homesfor its helpl$ss and dependeat members and I?"educate and~malntaln the rirphans or&her personsf. 'and'any' ~'Its'..deceriaed~lliembers oo'rpor6tldn -'state of a'hon-pxQ?ftatidpVFely charitable nature ar).d..fmhied..;Por the Oh%rltable'andb&evoSent mrposes of .. wyregWn&~cq&ty t0 an$mals,-;topromote humane,alid.Hnd treatmerit' an$malsJ and to'aid and.asslat by all ,I$@1 'andprdper maan$.the enforcemen%of the laws of this state: for the preventionof cruelty to an+mals of every ld.ndAndy natwe." ~(Ea~phasls added.! Xn.determlnlngwhether the property under considerationIs xe@pt It must be kept In mind that legislativeexemptions are sub- eqt to the .&le,of strict construction.City of Wichita Falls v. m$70,SYW.2d 777 (Tex.Civ.Ap 1943,'error ref.)* Clty~o; nlo v. YMCA* 285 S.W. 844 ~&x.Clv.App. 1926 &or re ) !SO'%nydoubta to whether 6~ not the tixemptlonl~'valld Is.& l e resolved against allowltigthe exemption. Hedgecroft v. City of @uston; 150 Tex. 7%. 244 S.W.26 632 (1951). -In addltibn. a claim -5K sptlon must bi?ivithlnnot onlg tlieie ie&slative-definition of plrely mbllc charity,", but also within the constitutionalgrant City of~Houston v. Scottish Rite Benevolent As8’n.j " ~The~Texas.SupremeCourt has on several occasions set out the .eflnltlon and test of charity in the context df.ad valorem taxation nd;exemptlon. In the City of Houston v. Scottish Rlte~Benevolent ;asOclatlonUl Texi 191 230 S.W. 968 981 (1921), the court de- ggd:"purely public charity" thusly:," -1074- Honorable 0. F. Steger, page 4 :(I&224). "In,OUP: opinlon;',the Legislaturemlght._r!ason- ably cohclude that an institutionwas one of .'pure&y pubPlc :charlty.~~where:~ Flrst, It made no gain or profit; second, It ,accompllshedends wholly benev- olent; and third, it benefited persons, Indefinite In numbers and.in pe~aona~lltlesby preventing them, through absolute gratuity from becoming burdens to soclety~and to the state." The,court~furtherelaborated on the "quid pro quo" test above by stating at page 981.: "Chirl~y need not be ufilversaltolbe public. It ia public ~iihen-.St affects,all.the people of a' communitiyor,se&e bj?;azkmlrig'to a ina$erlal,exr tent that:~whlch otherwis6'M.ght,become,the.:'dbll- gatl"r or ,duts.ofthe'commrinity?r~ftate;"' .InRiver Oaks Garden Club i.~Cl&of Xouaton;'~370S;W~.?d 851 (Tei.Sup..1963) the'court repeated.thetests above; while holding taxable a n&-profit corporationwhose pur,poaewas,prl- marlly.to educate and enlighten Its members and,the public In the art af growing and,arrangingflowers. ..Tbecourt rested,lts deck- alon that this was not a purely public charltg-on the ground,that the activity was not ane which the governmentsIs under,an..obllgatlon or duty to finance,. Eurlng.the.c~ourseof this opinion while dls- cussing the legislativedefinition, the court said: %hlle the primary purpose of the legislative definitionwas probably to Insure that exemption was accorded orooertv of organizationsdispensing charity &irlty kthln the meaning of the constltutlbnalexemption unless It assumes, to a material extent, that which other- wise might become the obligation or duty of the community or the state." (Emphasisadded.) -1075- Horiotiable a.,F. Steger, page 5 ~(n+24~) The eat recent case In thls area is Hilltop Village Inc. v. Kerrvllle Ude&nde" School District, 11 !Pex.Sup. Ct. Journal No. 26 314 ( h 27 1968) The court reiterates the teat set out ab&i*and quotes the'above &sag& with approval In holding that ap Institutionprovldw special resldentli+l care for older cltl- zens was not entitled t6 exemption because of special provisions in lte bylaws maklng.a@isslon to the Institutiona matter of . negotiationand mutual"agreement. The court Indicated, however, that a home for the needy aged might qualify under the terms of the statute for an exemption. The allowance of an exemption from ad valorem taxation for a "public park" set up In the manner chosen by the grantors In the .deedunder considerationappears to be a matter of first Impression lneofar as the Constitutionand statutes allow an exemption for. "wely public charity". An appllcatlbn of the definition of'-.' "parelypublic charity" and the dletlnctionsmade by.the courts to the sltwtlon presented here leads to the conclusion that Hiil -MemorialPark Foundation Is not exempt from ad valorem taxtitloti : It Is to be noted froinan examinationof Texas cases,~lncludlng:.. t.hosequoted above that only when a.sltuation falls within the traditionaldeflnl&on of a "purely public charity" Is an exemp-. tlon allowed. 18 SouthwesternLaw Journal 703 711 (1964); 'AttorneyGeneral*s'bplnlon.No.C-69 (1966). fiorInstance, h;;$-'. pita&s have been accorded the status of "purely public charity';: .a8has an lnflrmarjrand organizationsset up to care for the needy where the ,propertywas used excluslvely~bythe charity. IB.11Memorial Park Foundation In providing for a public park to be used for educational charitableand for recreational PWposes regardless of Its la&able purposes does not fit the ~~r<lo&l tests~or definitions of purely public charlty,or viel- :~.Slncewe must resolve all doubts against the exemption and employ a strict constructionof the statute, we are hot free to conclude that Its "funds, property and assets are and used to provide for the basic needs of the sick, #%%sed my" within the concept of Article 7150. Section 7. O- Phasls supplied.) St perhaps should be emphasized that this opinion Is not to Abetaken as passing on whether or~not the Hill Memorial Park.. ~mundatlon Is a "purely public charity" or "charlt;able trust" Under the common law of this state for indeed %alld charitable trustsmay be Institutions of purely public chiirltywithin the Qeanlngof Section 2, Article VIII of the Constitution but they are not necestiarllyso." River Oaks Garden Club v. Cl&y of HoustonJ supra. -1076- Honorable 0. F. Steger, page 6 (M-224) SUMMARY The RI11 Memorial Park Foundation,a trust 'property .: dedicated for'educational., charitableand/or recreattonal- purposesand to be operated on a non-profit-basisfor the public, under the stated-facts lwnot exempt from ad valorem taxes under Article 73.$3,Vernon's Civil Statutes. Prepared by R0bert.C. Crouch Assistant Attoqeg.General -APPRCVRD: OPINION COMMITmek- Eauthorne~Phillips,Chairman Kerns Taylor Co-C$alrman W. V. Geppe& - .~' Neil~Wllllams Bfarvln'Sentell Harold Kennedy A. J. CARUEBI JR. Executive AsSiStant : -1077-