,. NE GENE EXAS June 30, 1953 Hon. James A. Bethea, M.D. Opinion NO. s-61 Executive Director Board for Texas ,StateHospi- Re: Legality of a District tals and Specia.1Schools Att,orneyreceiving a Austin, Texas 10% cornmIssionon col- lecti,onson anyaccount due for board and treat- ment when payments are to be made in monthly installments under sub- Dear Dr. Bethea: mitted contracts. Your opinion request of May 27th concerns the legality of a District Attorney receiving a 10% commis- sion on cpllections on an account due for board and treatment when payments are to be made in monthly install- ments~under the submitted contract. The District Attorney of Hill County filed suit under Article 31,96a,Vernon's Civil Statutes, on behalf of the State,,acting through the Board of Texas State Hospitals and Special Schools against the guardian of a State hospital patient for $6,540.00 due the State for board and treatment of the patient. In consideration of the State dismissing its pending suit against the guardian, the guardian agreed that the above amo~untwas due the State, that $l,OOO.OO should be paid immediately on the account. and that $rO.OO would be paid each month to ap- ply on the balance of the above amount due the State. Section 5 of Artiale 3196a, V.C.S., reads as follows: "Upon the written request of the State Board of Control the.County or Dis,trictAt- torney, or in case of the refusal or inability of both to act, the Attorn,eyGeneral, shall repre~aentthe State in filing a claim in Probate Court ora petition in a Court of competent jurisdiction, wherein the guardian of such patient and/or other person legally Hon. James A. Bethea, page 2 (s-61) liable for his supp,ort,may be cited to appear then and there to show cause why the State should not have Judgment against him or them for the amount due it for the sup- port, maintenance, and treatment of such patient; and, upon sufficient showing, judgment may be entered~against such guardian or other persons for the amount found to be due the State, which j,udgmentmay be enforced as in other cases. A verified account, sworn to by the superintendent of the respective hospitals or psychopathic hospitals wherein such patient is being treated,~or has been treated, as to the amount due shall be suf- ficient evidence to authorize the Court to render judgment therein. The County or Dis- trict Attorney representing the Statueshall be entitled to-a commission of ten (10) per cent, of the amount collected. All moneys so collected, les,s.s'uch commis,slon,,~ shall be, by the said attorney, paid to the State Board of Control, which shall receive and receipt for the same and shall use the same for the maintenance and improvement of said institu- tion or institutions in which said patient shall have been confined," This article clearly authorizes the District At- torney to represent the State in filing a claim, and pro- vides that such District Attorney shall be entitled to a commission of lO$ of the amount collected. There being no q,ue,stion raised concerning the right of the District Attorney under the above mentioned statute to receive a 10% commission on the $l,OOO.OO when collected, we come to your inquiry whether he is entitled to such commission on the $10.00 to be paid monthly on the balance of the amount due the State under the con- tract. It is clear, we think, that a District Attorney receives commissions only on the amount actually col- lected. Therefore, it is our opinion that a District At- torney would be entitled to a 10% of the $10.00, or so much thereof as may be actually collected, each month, when it has been paid in money to some officer authorized by law to collect it. Hon. James A. Bethea, page 3 (s-61) Section 5 of Article 3912e,,V.C.S., provides that it is the duty of officers to charge ,and collect such commissions, and further states that "as and when such fees are collected they shall be deposited in the offIcerat salary fund. . .' Alao see Tex. Const. Art. XVI, Sec. 61. 'The District Attorney of Hill County will be entitled to receive 10% oommiasion on the $10.00 to be paid monthly on a State hospital board and treatment account due the State, as provided in a contract with the guardian of a patient, when the $10.00 is actually collected, such commis-, sion to be depos~itedin the County Officers' Salary Fund of Hill County. Yours very truly, APPROVED: JOHN BEN SHEPPERD Attorney General Rudy G. Rice State Affairs Divis$on C. K. Richards Reviewer William M. King Assistant Burns11 Waldrep Executive Assistant John Ben Shepperd Attorney General