Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

OFFICE OF THE AlTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN Ronorebls C&o. 8. 60x State Health orri0sr Taxm state Boar&.or Health Auqtln (a) Terse munloation and quote property mentioned by you 144 a0ntr01 r0r di8pasal and13rthe 666, v. A. a. 9. rty belonging to ths atate, f4- ere it i8 loeeted, under the aon- trol of eny departsent, 001&a4ion, board, or other 4tete eganoy, with the emeptlon of rtate eleemoaynary institutions, ooUage4, end in- Ptitutions of higher learning, when It 4hall beoome unrft- r0r um, or oh411 b4 no longer needed, shall be pleoedIunder the juriedfotion or the Board or Control, and the Board or con- trol shall 8~11 suoh pro erty artor advertleing ft not less than r0km (9 P day43 fn 4 newspaper in ths oounty whers$n:tho: propemty 14 siturted. Honorable GM. 71. COx, 9. B Wovldsd, however, that ii no newspaper la published in ths ooanty whersin the property la altueted, notlas of aeld sale setting out the time end plaoe or sale and the property to b4 sold shall be poatsd ,ln thrae (3) pub114 915045, one beia$ in the oourt bmae In the oouoty wpersin the property. is aitusted. pro- vided, howaier, tbet ii the value or such per- anal property la 1088 than one snared (#loO.Oo) Dollars and not aufrloient 80 justtry the ooat or edvsrt%afunent in a4wapapera as 4utlin0a above, the Boata 0r aontrol may sell auoh prop6Ay in any manner that It deems ror the boat’lntarea~or the state. The money fmi the 54le of SUah property, 1685 the sxpenae~or edvertlaln~ the sale, shall ~b4 deposited in the StateTreasury to the ore&it or the General Revenue Rand. And provided further, ... that any property plaoed ia the he&la or the Board 0r aontrol, 44 ~utllned her&in, may tm tranarrerred by the Bqard or Control to any aepar+mt, oontalsaiOu~ ~%~a* or 'state a&onoy ln need 0r saw, and the debit end oraalt shall be made cn the basis that auoh property oan be purohaaed in the mrkat at the Mni4 or the transfer, if a aarkat eriata, and If not, et its aotual or lntrlnslo value 45 set by the Board 0r aontrol. The Bosrd or Control shall . make a written report to the OolqptrOUsr after eaoh aele. The report shall lnolude tbr ror- low* ltesnar -1. H-e or the .newapapsr and the d4ti'sOf ehvertlae~4nt 0r not104 0r aaleg or it poatod, the d4te ma pleas 0r postlug. -8. mob artiole reoelved. "3. The prioe for whloh aaoh artlole was sold* Rd. The uaw and address or the person to who= eaoh artiole was sold. "'This rsport shall be signed by the Board Of Control and 4 member of the department, a~iaa~~~ board Or state aeenoy having oontrol Oi the Property berora 8414.** Honorable Ceo. w. 00x, p. 8 YOU requ45t our opinion 48 to whether or not It Ia legally possible ior the Texas State Hsslth Department to urohaae and a for used automotive lqulp8lsnt turned ~IJby -42 St~‘~Wtv&ent. The statute quoted above pro- vi&u for two methods ~by whleh the Board ot Control 144~ dfs- pa50 Or aueh proputy. ,I8 oella one method a aaale* and tha other, a atr4nareP. It fr our 09iPlon tham the tranaier or luob progerty, aa prorldbd in aala Artlole, am4unta to a sale, in that the reoelving Stat* degartiaent aoquirea the title to and the poaaeaalon of the property, and the velue thereor aa set by,'t,&eBoard of aontrol la~dobltca agaInat the aspart- wnt*a currrnt approprlatlon. The ~ansral Fan& wald reoelve or4dif in aeid amount, in that the partloular approprlartion agalnat the Qsaeral Fund aould be reduoed aocordingly. *A transfer ln en aot or trenaaotlon by wh$oh property oi one person 15 by him vested In anothar. This, without the use or some quallryiag word, fe the 1 eggs1mean- of the term. Peawe v..Hawkins, 62 T4x. 434, 439, oitln& Abb. Dlot.8 Bour. Mot.) sebat. DioLw ?iorda ,and Phra8ea. Vol. 42, pa@ 892. The Leglalstur~, in providing toi a *transit@ ors uoh property from one State department to another, end providing rar the oredlte and debits, evidently did ao for the purpose of elImlnatlng 4 double tranaaotlon and the added erpenae and tlae involved in~411 thoa4 aaaea thet might arim wh4re one State de- partment plsoea In'the Board of Control oertein property that It no longer nwda and another State department rsqueata the Bosrd or Control to purotuma ror it, property of the afunekind and ohareotsr. Is th4 ao-oalled *transfer* a45 not proviasa r0r, the Board In auoh oaaoa, would have to edvertlse the property for aale, hold the aale, plao4 tha title In the purabaaer, r4oelve the purohaso prloe, report the sale to the Colsptroller, end have the purohaae prloe less the expanse oi sdvertialng the sale dsposlted In the Stste Treasury to the oredit of the Cenerel Vund. The Soar& Or Control would then have to So up~a the open 3parket and puroham the aan@ or like propBty for the Stat4 dep4ft94nt d4- airing same. This would amount to a ~541464 exp%ndlture Of both tine and money. .you are therefore advised that In the event the prop’ erty t0 be transferred la suoh propsrep 45 4an b4 lee41lY Pur- o&se& by the State Board of Health under the A99roprl~tlQn AOt* and the State Nerd of Eecllth has an unexpended bslanoe in the Xmorablo Oeo;. W, 00x, p. 4 qmoiflo 8pproprlstb@ whloh a\rthorlmr the purohase of auoh' property, equal to or greater than the value of suoh property a8 8et brthe Btste Board of Control, .that the Texas State Board o? Health-may esqnlre from the Board of Control the aotomotl%e equipment by hr*in& the Board of Control trmmhr euoh property to,it airprovided ~by raid Artiole~~dBdr T&e rrpeoifia appropriatloa authoriising the purohaee of suah prop- erty would then be debited with the value thereof, as uet by the Board OS Control, and the Camera]. Tund would then suto- matloallp reoelve credit in 8 llke amount,. Trusting that the above fully anmers your inquiry, we are Very truly yours Assistant