Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

i! ). !C. ., OFFICE OFTHEATTORNEYGENERALOFTEXAS AUSTIN &- '235 r.nILD c. MANN ,m.call" .nll8mAL Hares T* lB* CtiOn8 h the fOlhWi.ng pO~%tia8~ SUb (1) th8 prrrttre countyt (2) a ~ustice*s orated city m? tom. of the Liquor Control Aot prov&des the C8iu- f+ each eouaty in the 8tateupon itsovamo- t1on order 8u d8Otbn for the rjbolecounty; b?atupon petl- *ion 90 ten per cent of the qxalified voters of the aotmtJ .ar or any fustiee precilnct, city oc tom *it shall order mieh election for such politlosl subdivision. PW;iaed, houaper, *titer- the eirst local optSon eleotbn held 8s pmwided ia this Aaf, ia any oaunty, 1U8tiUe prec at, %tmorporated tom or aity, ne subseqpient eleotion e psme poli$&al sululivfsion sbaZ1 be heId wSth3.n One (1) Year 'Eoni Bert Ford, Namsh rD leog, Page a Tlk appellate oourts have oonstmed the local option eleotion statutes to proteot the Wry* status of the smalls* titiee of the vhole0 In other in3 mains wry". TtELshasbsenheldtrueevenwhere the state liquor control board h8s gmrited a pennit, such pexmitbedug of no legal efieot. See Pouall vs. %nlth @iv. App.) Go t3.T. (2d) 042, citing many autharlties, ~espeoidlly the Sqmeme Court aa8es ot Walling v- Xin& 87 8.S.~ (2d) 1074 and Colcer v. Bhreioa.'ST SO lL (ad) lOu)7& We quote: Vhere local opt&u se* adopted in auy g&Wan lo@ttyp by the m8pr%ty Of th0 Voter8 . thereoi, It sill remain in Pome until the quallf36d voters of suoh particular sub- division deoide othemise ti an election held for that plll3)08e." (Powall VS. s%uPtht 8W-)* Where a county-wide eJection h&s beon conduoted and resulted in a majority vote sgainst legallziug sale 0P liquor, a local option election Sn a justIceto prealuot at vhleh a majority voted to legskiae the tie of beer lsvoib llayhew ve Qsrrett, eo 8. w. (Za) 1x04, wror r6Pused. But the Pail- ure of' nn ontire county to adopt prohibition does not prevent the holding of au election inamdiataly thereafter in a precafnct to detcmine whether 10083 option should be adopted thkmrlu. CoPield ve. Urltton, 108 8. Wd 4@3;- GrIPPIn to !Sucker, 1lS S-7. 83& . In the ease of GrlPPiu v* Tucker, euprs, the Supreme Court held a'larger subdirieion might hold an eleetlon irrea- pective of the status of the sualler subfiivi8lone therein. In that case loual optian had prevaIled in a justise*e pre- cinct, but au election was subsequently called in a cam- missionor~8 precinct whiuh exnbraced within its territorial limits the justioers prealnot. The court saidr *It, is true that, when the prohibitery rule is put in Poroe, It cannot be repealed or displaced eseept by thevete of the die- triot which adoptedit. It 18 quite as true thircauelprotioo, hoveverresultiag, in8 larger indud+ng subdipision hns no m0h effeat. If it results In the defeat~of prehi- bktdon# the mile x=cnmbs uuafpected in the texvxltory that had before 8dopted 'it, If it result in the 8deptloa of pmhSbit&cm, that rule is extended to the whole, where bePore it Wna in Poroe Only, in 8 put OS the terri- t-r... We 865 nothing in the statute or the t%net%tUthW.Iby fOrI% Of Vhhh the tight Of 8 Subdh~8~n fo h8Ve 8&n&e&don throughout its eutentm8ybet8keu avaybythe 8etlon of prvt or ita territory t3oastitating a mailer oue...e Ia a.loCd option lStedkba~ election, it was h&l that the Sa6t a f.omisslaner*a pm&net lno2uded.e otty which &8d theretoforeedopted the *8teek La+ did uot vender the eileotion'ioid. tambsrt VI dtourloak, 285 8. WI t399# B1shop.v. State, 167 S..lL 365 Based upon the authorities oited, we are of opinion, and you arfxaoeordlngly 8dvlsedl that a local option eleotion msy be held in a mt to determine whether to'pro- h&bit or legdlZ6 the s8le OP beer oontaiaing in SXWSS of Pour per ceut by weight, regardless of the fact there is dth- in the preoiuct a oity vhich Voted less thau one year ago to prohibit the sale of this type of beer.1 If the election re- s&t8 in a msjority of the voters of th lug the prohAblt&on, the entire ju8tiO ~sw insofar 88 th8t type OS beverage is conmrned; if ", rsble.fo ssle of such alcohollo beverage, 3tS$%SZP the oity will rentalu as it now is, uutil and unless another election be held within and for enid oity oh8ugiug its status. In such eveut that part of the juStice% pretluot~outside the limit8 of such oity vfll be *veta to the extent tbst sales of beer not exceeding four per cent alcohol by weight will be legsl. 71th rePerenoe to the fom of ballot to be used, ve refer you to Artfole 666-40 of Veruon*s &uiot8ted Peual Code. IOU state the wunty has already Voted to 1egalZze 3.2 beer. lo presume this '*a8 done 8t a tfme when the legal definition of the 3.2 beverage was sbeerv. That Statutory definition ha8 einoe been repealed aud Me law now effeot- iye passed, vhioh present statute defines beer to meau a u8lt beverage which cantaitns not more than four (4%) per cou- turn alcohol by *eight. We thluk the case of Akers v. Raalngtou, . 115 l5. &L (Zd) 714, authority to the effeot another wuuty eleo- Xou~~~tetateinyourletter.~etheraayeileotion has BTW bee~~held within am¶ for the just&t+*6preclnot a8 au@& 33 &~ch be the case, lnasmueh.aa the ea+~aibeerle lega lu the oounty*- qw-rem or bqut to be u6iea lloulB be thatpr~~bed~paragraph (i)~fArt~ale6tw-4o. four (r$)'per oenttm by relspt. VW If add juatioets preciqot is an area uherfdn such -.'%' f;ypeorelastilua~n o~rrl~holi~b~erp~ienorprohfbited, &he ballots shGdid oorreapond fo paragraph (a): gWorl&aliz%ng the'sale of beer, that doeo not oonta&'alcohol in excess oft f'om? (4%) per otitqau by uelghtr aqd ?agalnet legal- .' LBfng,the salt! 0i bt%r that &oes not o0ntaS.n . .~ alcohol in emems of four (4$) per oentrol by weight. ** ~3.nother uords, If be 8al? of beer t6 now legal as to y Justi~*~~~?aipot, the eUn3tlon should be Co rohiblt or W Drombf . It would-be .lnrproperto salsalt#Z?Ei% OS rh&h~ or not somethIng rouldbelegalimd dhiehth&y al- S~~'J&XWS V- R-n, sup+% xk6 8. f. I :114 Be quoter. cm. or,in otberwords,inareaslige Youngcounty,vhere they had ~~vior~ls votedfor the sale d.beer, thattetitay was 'Yetkvitbrespectto that type ofliquor.~Moyerv. Xelley,TezCiv.App., 93 S.W.(2d). $2; grit dismissed; Flowersv. Shearer, l&P; Whitmlre~ v. St.ate,lM . . . Tex.Cr.R-372,9 Eonr Bert POM, xaroh 7, +, Page+s Ina5utrh as the eleotioo you mention Is to be a pm- olnct lsm8, that is, fa determine the local option status of the eatlre predno~ re are of the opinion the ame type ot ballot should be used for eaoh voter In the preo~ot, ir- reqmotive of whether he reeiaea In the city. Ue Construe the word @aream, as used In the statute, to mean the entire preo,inot as a whole, and re do not believe the Legislature oonteroplated the use OP different ballots where the result of the elegtloa could only ohaage the status of one subbfri- slon. The ef+Seot of such'eleotion oanwt ohange the statne of the alty as to pr0hibitioa wlthln its bounds, lmtll there 12 a differeat dlstlaot dzlreot mte on the quesfion of whether the Oity itself shall "legal&se* the sale. Xou a&therefore advised It is our opinion there should be no distinotion betreen‘the balote'to be used by fhoee totem rho reside w%thln the oity and those residing . ritbin the preoinot bat outside the city Umits. * Poura very truly ATTORUEX GRWERAL OF TEUB