, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN QROVER SELLERS ATl0RWs-f QINCRAL 6, ir rat forth in full a* loll and namtwou8 t berorages in tM8 bea 88 to wutber 8Wh with yaw Opfnlon 8aur8e,f?tailtas rein you conrldared t&m &feat of (j) ol Artiah 667 of tile iha*1 upon 8 oomtrrct for the peri6d.Q butor and a waQla88llr. iiOWW6r, YOU Will &Oti8* that t&r ottachedcontrratJOFP dlPCom from tk fara rhica vab auarldond In OpinionNo. 0172,sQ ISI U%8t tia8 ln8t,Mt e3ntr8ot i8 lmn&.od botweea a b+ewllrand a diatributw, rather t&n betmn a di8trlbLtor stida rotailrr,asi in mat tm I 103 : k”. 104 ,. ,. Houoraklr Bert Ford, Page b Itl ~OlUW 1 88 phg. 1 Of b’ikli8tOQ OU COilbrbltll, a oontrsct i8 defined 88 *a ptoni8e, OP Itit of prVbIIi888, for brseoh of w!iichthe law gives a remedy, or tha perfor- mange og uhiah the 18W in oame -my reoognireo 88 IIduty.d Under tid.8 d8finition it 18 dfffloult to l:.VidiO M en-A forarable atiqtrsabor a#~‘WnWtt for the Puroh88l,OP 8tlh Of l aortnia volume OF quo%8 bi llooholio betwage wkioh would ;~4d~8~dO;o!?43&~~o~~~~8 *V P'jpoboo Or It in, therefor., th8 O$?iniQn Ot tilf8dOp&l’tWUt th8t 8 eoutraot lX8aUt8d oh th8 lub mitt*4 y o uwo uld forrl b. V103.8tiV8 of Seetlon 2?(b) of Artiah 666, V. b K.C.Y., 1925. We truot w h8oe 8abirfaetarilyaaswr8d your iAC+r)r . rvurs very truly ,