Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

835 OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN OROVER SELLERS ATmIwcI OCNCRAL . Hoparable W. J. !l'ouasead Couaty Attorney .~ hngeliaa county . Lufftia,Texas - mar sir: opfslionao. O-6 Rer .I8 It lavf orauevs- .* 'I beg leave to ad la a dry area, vhere th liquors have beon lahib \ .P.C., provides ia pflrtt e 667-24a 1, V.A.P.C., provides in part: I -_. ^ -*o co”Y”“,cA,,0” ,, TO . . .z0*.,““110 1. . --a--“-.-.~ Bonorabla ii.J. T&&and - iage 2. Since both of t& ‘above statute8 are lacluded vlthln the gsneral mctioa 667-240, under the heading 'Outdoor Aber- t i31aga,we believe it to be resadlly’apparer;tthat theaa atat- . utuo plnce a rertrlctloa upon orrtdooradosrtlairq only, aid :' that ths latter atatuts apeclflcally~exem~ta advertleeseats in ll%Vqx?qXtr8f-l’OEl SUCh lV8tl’iCtiO& Artlcla 667-24 (1) (h), .V.A.P.&, provides in psrtt .It 8hal.lbe unlavfal for any~&nufacturer or distributor directly OF i@lxectly, or throu$ a eubsidiikz or.afflllate, &my ageat 'or any employee, or by any othm offleer, -dlz!eotor,or.fLrp zmiib6rr To puhlI& or dltmealnata . . . . in any.aevo~iqm=, gerlodicol oc other publlcrrtion~.i . . any a&e*- . tiaaizant ,of any bravery product, if such.advertine- plsntCQU308, ol'i8~rOasotibly calaulated t0 cOU33, .I decc~tloa of the aourmuzer~wlthrem&at to th% pr ~8tz~vf;tZfodi &U advertisezmv, @all be deeezi 1 d.t if it is antrLaala any particular or ii dlroc~ly or by daiguity, oxuleaioa;of ltier5oc5, I 1t tEti8 to create a.El1sl6aCl1r.q lmpesaio~*a @l&U813 added). .~: . : A readiiigof the above at&&e'c&M3!ly lnclLcat88that It haa reference solely to adve~tlalag bhich texadsto ~5cei-Js the coaaumer a8,td the product~itaelf, that is,.aa to'it,spuallty, et catera. .: Article 3* V.A.P.O., .provl.desla'part that *no person : ehallbe purklabed for ouy act,or oc~isslo~,unl&es?.he sme Is. I. made a peaal of&me, and a pmalty is affixed thereto by.the -urlttea lau of this St.ate*,.and we find’ ho’statutory provision . . .vhlch would o-pm&e to prohibit advertisement of alaohollc bever- a,*8 in a neuapap3rla a dry area. ..~ IQ vfev~.oith?Jforegoing It is, therefore, the oplaion of this dopartmm thst a oiwep3aperla a dry ama can la’+ully carry odvertleswqta of alcoholic baveragea. : ‘.’ . . . ‘. : ‘.