, ”
Eonorrblosobn R. shook
Rmnr county
sea Antonlo, Texar
Dear Mr. 3hookr
Your request t
rub&of-astter Ir’sm rol
"The oonedtutionr~lt~OS H. 8. X0. 350
has been puontioned beoauae of the face that
the captionot the in read8:
hot providingthat
“‘AZI $~dge~.oi the
00urta 8t law in 0ountles
00aty or less
than 600,000 populrtlonmar aoh ..**
and it door not oontainthlm ph-8.:
- .“........“.-.-.I...--^ . . ....“---..-- .- . *we .m-.w.,-.. ^_.“.^” . . . . . --- .---- ..-- -I -..- .“_ L_..“.. -...-- __ -.- _”
Bon. John R* shook, Paaa 4
“Aooordia.~ h the hSt &U’OOOdi?Q
or ray iaItura
hdoral C.Mus*’
Vhla phraao howto? la oontiined In
tb body or th8 1~8.
“X:8. 360 ~ro+idW that it is
RO. .-
not lnteadod to ropwlrnf law potm.ng
tar the llootloao r lppolntJIeat OS a
lpoolal00wtJ Judgebut that it is oumu-
latiTa OS mnd la addition to SUOh lawI.
R, B. Ro. 444 oontalsed no mob pro?lslo~”
quartionis laawered in tha aftlrna-
It la not fb offlooor fmotlon or a tit10to
a bill to do wro than lxpraratha lob)oot oi tha bill.
It is not raqalrodto ut Sorth the dotallaof the tnat-
wt oi that 8ubJoot- thatbolonga to the bill itself.
,, Tho )ifle to Rouaa BillHo. E60 deolaroa:
'AR ACT prorldlngthat ad+8 Of fhe
aoutlty Courtaat law In oowt 3as o? lem
than fin hundred thorurnd(600,000)pop-
ulatlooma ylo tSo r tha Corrotr ru44e of
the oounty in any u+~nilo,1uaaoy,pro-
bate and
oondwnation ~rooeedln& or. nat-
kr, and also wr pertornany and all
0th~ Jnlatrrialaot8 n&red bf lr.oi
the a0lurft tadgp, during the lb nno e, in-
lbllltror failuraof tha bounty'add:pr
m y reason to p o r fm luoh dutlaai .
Smotldn 1 of the Aot deoloear
9ha th8 JUJF or 04 00u0ty court
at law In any oounty hacriDga population
of leas than fira handrid thoumnd
aooordingto tba
last praobdlne, or any ruturo JMdOraloew
mm, mar aot for the 0ow1B Judge of the
aowty in any j.utenllo,
lu~oy, probate
!!on. John s;. A;ook, i-(8 8
aad ooadoaoatloa prooaa8lly or utter, .
an4 also mar FUiOW for tha aoul#
r& a ltg md 8ll o th e ra la lo to r la l
oota roqulnd by tka lmw or thlr Stata \
0sth e c o ua atr2Q.e.
dur tng th e
lb wno e,
lr ub lllty e?r
fa lluw Ofth e c o untj
r a dge
fez tnz rsoaoa to porlofr auoh &utlea;
seatlou1, thereroau, mrdy 8upplierthe awas
ot aaoertalnlnf the po&+ioa or a oowty - that la, w
*tha last prmoe4incov say futare ?odual 0amW -- end
Ir'aartalnly ersaae, it aateauntlal, to'tharalldity
or the Aot.
~rtiole 1934 of tha Rorlud Dltll Ctatutrs ‘zea-
tfo a eti
iny o ur
leoord qeaatlon ?r 8a tollowc
.. .
*IS roomatp judgafails to appear f
at the tlw lppoinfrd for holdi~ the : -
g o ur t,
or should h o k lbacnt dnrb~ the
tarn or umble or untill3ngto LoIdthe .,,'
oourt, a lpeolal oounty Judqo may tr
clvotedla 1Uo mama? 8s I8 proridod
for tto llaotloa.ol a lpqoiat dlatrlot .
.Tha apeoialoounty Jude8 ao
!%& 6hallbvv 8x1 the vuthorlty
ot tha ooantyJudgelhfla la t&o trial
and dlapoaltlon of anr bars patding ~II
arid oourt4orin~tbo.abwnoa, lubll-
ity, or SuOh rofaaalof tbo 4oanzf
Amllor llootionamar ba hold
tbs abtonoo, hllura of ln8bllltV Ot
the ocunty judf#,or a4 a~aolalipdge,
to ,wrPora the d:;t?ea
OS tha offlo@.
.hen a apoi81 county jtige shall bMe
b sea60l1eote4, the olark ahall ontor
upontbe 3lnut08of the oourt a r000rd
cuoh as la providedfor In lb. OeSU
in the dlwtrlot oourt."
‘m&L at i8 net Iptemlad * thh
Aot te PepwI auy lu prmiuug tu
th e 01 e6tl0a M df0P q q u a tna t of l
lp ea iu
la lnt~
e ,th ir
&all b0 matiT Of and in addition
to, alsh 18W ff laws..