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,a- a. urscll . .
‘. . . ., :
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liar-orsbho Coke Btevsnaoti
GovcrnoP of Tcxae
Auutin, Tcxaa
.D6ar Sir: .., ]
' You r3cp3ct en op
The: em0 86fl§iOIl of tha EnzO Loglolatuzw pacaod the fOl-
loving Concurrent Reeolution 8
‘V6E2A3 The State ti&tnmt of Eoalth hto bscn
cellcd~Gi% e;rme apecl.cena from sdl3ct~3c+u, ox62Ul3
Xoaorable Cake Stevenson, pa&o 2
vator and Revage taxiplot for Fedora1 RetGrVatiCnt,’
provide OrthotoUdiue writer teeth& eeta, eugplg teat-
- 1x1~matoriale to local laboratories cooperating with
Draft Boards; and
“UHRRF’, The’State Departneht of I3oalthfat boon
requefz~c&~p Surgeons, Foot Quarternsstert, Draft
Boarde, 1ndustr:el plant zaana&~~ante, Eefense CormaLa-
elan, tinr end Envy Departzzentz, to supply moordo,
etatietics, opiniona, data, eurvey reporta and COD- -. .~
munioable dleeoee mpofts; and
-%EG!W,S, Additional laboratory and office t~RC6
is ~acoeaery to efficdently moot all of them defenee’-
demmCo; and
“;:mBAS, X10uteResolution 110. 4545 of the Rat-
10M3. cCOngi?OES, luKwLlot tk% ‘Wtilitl.03 Bill' mires ml
agqqzintiion for various health and eanitarg mode
tuch a8 hospitals, hearth cU.iiloe, vnter, trcwaee, echo01
.. and hlgbvay impPOV6mOnttj nov, thercfore,,be it
‘RESOLVED,By the Senata and the House of Rep~e-
tentative8 comurrln~ that tho State Health Officer
be directed to tie application to the Federal Wcrke
Agcnoy for funds with which to pro~icb a Wilding in
order that the laboratory, clinical and health dofens:
needs my bo 6ffiCientJ.y test.
It is to be ootod that the Resolution mdke~ no approprla-
tion to erect cm contribute tot’ard the erection of the building
mcntloncd thorolnt in fnot, such Resolution could not, conetitu-
tionally, opp~op~late fmds from the Troa~i~y for such pu’pone, for
appropriationn can only be nado by law (Constitutloa, hrtlcle ‘III,
Section 6) and no lav can be paaued ezccpt by 131l.l (Constltutloa,
Arti010 1x1, Section 30). Th8 Resolution, hovevep, does not pur-
port to op?poprlate or authorize an eqxmditure of funds fra the
Traacurg; it oxprcaely dQ?octe the State i:eaLth Officer to m&e
appllcotiou to the Fedora1 Uorko A@mcy for fun&3 to provlds tho
bullding dexrlbed, nado nocosL-ary by iocreatod dommde upon the
St&to fkalth l?qartmnt by Federal Qenaiea, a4 a result of ,a pro-
&rem of hltloAol q3fense.
Froa your lettap, it eppoora that the State Realth Offi-~
Qer filed m appllmtioa with the Bedoral tlorlro Agency, oalling for
_,.* c .~.
~Bcnorable Coke Stevenson, pa&3 .~' .
..,? ,
> .. '. .
the erect& of a bulldi.ng.Po&'sto~lea in hidght, vith ~abaee-
tc$;;, Et a total Ectinrrted coat of.(430&5?0, not i.uGludlizg the
. ht tho suaaatlon of t.2~ Focleral IJorks Agency, the plans
wre revj.aed, oltilnatlr~ the fowth floor, and tho oetlmted
eont 10 nov i;272,Go5, vhich inaludea tha Iand valued at $60,000
'to bo Pvxn~ehed by the State of Zexse.' The State is oallod upon
to fur&ah $137,5CO; the r'oderal grant 1s to be $235,105. St la
roposod that the State owned land, valued at $60,000 and the
B37,502 appvopriation above aet out, bo ogpfled toward the .(337,-
500 to bo fwtished by tho State, and thst +Ae Oovemor app~ovc
~oflaisnoy vurrante for $40,000 to make,up the balance.
Revised~ Ststutss, PovLdear
:“hll hoade of depfxrt?mIta, mmmagereof State in-
.’ ‘.
atitutions or Other parsona zrm?usted'wlth the power
cr duty of oontraatlrL< ITO>su@tes, or in my nan-
nor pJ.edgIr~g the credit of the )?tate for any deficlency~’
that my a~ieo under the& nauagerzent OP control, ohelz,
at lcaet thirty days before such dcflclenoy shall OCL
cur, m&e out a mom estW.~te of the a:fiount heceeaa2y
: .,
to cover such deficicucy until the Pieetlng of the next
Lcgielaturci .Suoh estti&te ehel2 bo imiiediately filed
with the Governor, vho shall thereupon carefully exasine
the sama and app%=oveor diisa3;prove the aam In whole
CP In pare.. k"?aneuch deficioaoy claim, or any gart
thereof, hae been so- approved by _ the Governor he shall
*. and itom thereof appvvcd and the item disapproved,
.and fllc awns with the C=;:rtrollezj and the saw shs2.l
be autiaoriiq fc~r Lb Cmptroller to drav his d3ficioncy
wmxut for so much thereof as my b$ apRrovedj but
no clcltc, or say part tharaof, shall be alloved or was-
cruet:! d.ravn thmafor by the Co:npt:;oLler, or paid by
the ‘i!reaw~~e~, uzlaes swh estl.m:nto has been fo qprov-
8d ai~d filed. If there is a def'icioficy npproprinfro;l
~~oufficlect to mat such alains, then a i!.%?zant~ehall
be dram therefor and the E~XQshell be I;aldt but, If
~thore is no suohappmprIat5or~, or if such approtPlla-
tlcn be so eAmst3d that it is act sufflcicA to png
. such deficiency clalq then Q doflciencg trawaat ehal.1
iseuo thcpkfor; and cuch c~dx eha?Ll ro:?z%ain uI?pald VZI-
tll provision bo mde thersfor at eme swal@n of the
~glslctwo thuranfter. Tto pl?O\*iDiCIlS of thie til'tlch3
shall not apply to fees axedduea for vhLch the Steto
; .’
Eonokablo Coke etevcsnson, page 4 -
\ . ,.
may be l.lable under the general lava. When an7 lnjqq
or d6xaga chall ocow to any public pFopertp frcm flood,
storlrr OL*any mavoi2cble ceuee!, the oatlrzate nay be
flfi2cd at once but mxit bo qproued ._by the Qovo~nor a8
this iwtiole.’
!Phied&rtment has winfzietcntl~ held' that i&s%? tmn bs
no-@af~cl~noy allovmao w&w Artlale 4351, Revised Civil Stat-
.utes, unlors thare hes been provldsb by the Legleleture a epecl-
lla appraprlation fox+ the p’u.?poso for vhFch ths doflcicnsy ollov-
encco is rcqueetod, awl that ape-,iPio approprit;ticm Is insufficient
aCcoclplirjb that purpose. Se0 our GpLnlon O-2118, copy of which
io at t&checL
We h&O Ilk&firm ho16 that the dofhiency contokqlated
by the etatutc doss oot ex&st whcro the epeoirio appropriGtlon
upon which it is eought to be founded is expreaaly doaigncd to
Z5d.t the expenditure for the pur~oao to the mount cxproaely ap-
pro,wlated thorefor by the UlgioLnture, ae in the cam of an op-
proprletlon to erect a btilMl.ng, which ia constmm$ aa, authorlz&g
the erection of 0 btilding et e cozt not Taoexceed th:, ewi ex-
presoly proviilcd therefor by tke le&l.rlnti~o appropriation. See
,ollP opialcn o-211&3. ~,
.‘. ‘. Both of them rule% pyealude the leeuonod .of def;talmcy
wrrante In the ln.stant ccsc. Biret, tho dofiolencry warrmte are
@ought fop the erectiw ol a cor~lote thee rto~y btilGtig;- the
up~opHatio~~ provided by cha Lc;,f,islcturo la Pm ‘m kltitioz to
the thSrd atory to pp,i’sent lebor&tory bu5.1dlng.Y Them la no ap-
roprioticn mde by tha Lcgielet.we for the oroetlon of a complete
fi ullding, or to be apylled toxaH. tho erection of 8 aozplete build-
m. Second, the chorector of the approprietlon nnde by the Legie-
lcture in this czwe ie ouch es to rofleot the intent OS the J&&e-
lnture to lti&t the eqmW.turs fop tho “addition to the third
story to presnt laboratory building’ to the mimunt ozp~easly ep-
prOpFi&tCd for thEit plrr]pCSe kg tb? ~3~iEhtUN?. '&3 lICiW~ Of
this ep>rccrintion So euch that the lipf%ciQnCy Conte~Pletea by
AI?tl.c19 23Q rrlnuot oxinf, for th3 S%to E’m~d of Emlth la not
“i.ztrwted vith tne povar or duty of oo~trectln~’ for an expmdl-
ture p-enter thm t&9 mnou.cC cxpxz3L y,cpproy;rioted by the Logle-
~OCLWO for the purpore of erecting the “odclltion to the tNrd etoz$’
of the pwsent buildixq.
Youra very truly