draf% board, for a4rvLosa rsndorsd in carry-
'itqout ths tsmts of the SBl4otive sorvio4 ll0t.a
T?m sot authorieirkg t&4 oraation ol AA4 or zior4
loo41 bmrds in eaoh sounty or political mbdivision com88-
p~&ilag thereto of emoh spta, torritorg, cad the Mstrlot of
“,;I:&& %.S 6ltSd 116 thS S414OtiV4 '&uiAiw 4Ad f54E'~104Aot
. Scotfoa 1C of thfo aot xwideo Ln grt:
*8s6. $0. (A) The Brasident ie sathimlzdl-
"a) To presoribs 3hs aagessary rules.anil
lationr to oarf3t but the p~Ovi8iOA~ of tais~ act!
*(a3 To oreato and errtablieb
a rel4otrlv4 04r-
V~OOsgata and adl prerido ror the ohimifioi-
tfon at. r4gfstranlman4 of p4raonfsrho voluat%ri- Se*
indus,6lon under thh *ot OQ ths baolr or 4v&*
abilit ior trainingudl 84rviO4, and &all o.stab-
lish w1thin the tislso6iv~
rervbs tlys6em
looal boarda nod moh
othax oiwilian agenaiar,In-
aludiugapp4aal.bo%rdsand ae4AOies oi,apgmal,am
za be neoseeary to osrry out the jmmisibns oi
td 8 sot.
*TherOohall be areatidone or morm lo081
b,oclrJa in saoh ~oiUttyor golitfoal mbdlvlrion
oerrespauting ChwaBo 5f scoh state, twritory,
and the %awiat 011Colmb1a.
"Esoh loaal board ahall~.ematitof thrm or
more membara to be agg%lntad by ths President,
frontrsoozumndetions rpadeby th4 reap ativa
covemoro or ooztparabJ.4exsoutiva orf1oi~l8.
Wo zrmber of any suuh loaal boar& &ml1 be
a miber or the land or m-1 r0r44a bt the United
+a t4s* bat i~~ch nmiwe of any imaP loocnl 'board
ahall lo a oivilim i&a 10 a aibfzon or th4
&it&i Etatea rnaiding In the odtmt~ or politleal
Eubdivisiori oormspondiag bhereta in whioh suuh
local !mwd has ~urisdietfant.u&der rule8 adl
ro&.zttiotsprosoribed bj the Presitlenb,Wch
local boards, taMem &Leo end re~gulat~onr pre-
scrlbad by the R~aidant, &au, have phmr within
thfblr A4 ective Jtkiadiationa Bo hoar and detsr-
iUiA4, SUb B 066 t0 th4 Eight 0s tip-,Ot&l 6-6 th4 RPp4KSl
boardsheroinauthodzad all Quastiona or
slaha with reapsot to kueion ior, or 4x-
eqtion or d4f4ra%entfrcna tnlning and Bor-
vice under this aot or edi indivlduala
of anoh looal boarda.
The deoieioarrof aueh loml boards 4hl.l
ba final exooptWh4rO 4~ apyml ie anthori44d
in aceordame with auoh ml44 td ragulsitiona
a4 the FrealdoAtmy roaorlbe..Appeal bmrda
and agputoi48 of appsaI within the,ealeetlv4
8eniae.a tslra 8hdl b4 oompoaed of oloiliana
who an 0 r tle4na of the rmit4d Statoa.
-0 p42-4itAwho ie Rn tarricer, member,
agent, or ornployerof th4 aol44tive.adrvloo
system,or of any mmh lgqaal .erappal board
or Other agemy, shal bo •~ otlfrom rsglr--
tration or dot~rrad t&oat.rl!!!?
~. l.ngiml sarrioo,
ao .provjdedfor-inth3.Iaot,ib,~reason of his
status a8 moh officer,~osatabsr, agant or em-
n. t . .
"(4) To UOlliee tho 4luriO48 or any or a11
dapartmnta aad any and all offlow? or agents
of the United St4$44 sod ~toacospt the arrvl44a
of all 0ffioera in6 a ants of the aararal atetea,
territorlea,and the 8iatrlotoi Columbiaand
subdivisionathereof ia ths ex40uflOn of this
i ". . . .
"(C) In th4 abmlnia,tratlonof this aot
voluntary a4mioaa mq be aaoetpted. Correapen-
dsnoe nee~asrry tA the 4m44utioa O? this Rot
nay b4 oarrled in o:fialal psarrlty4nv4lop48.
". . . ."
It 14 well establlah4d in tN4 Btat4 tbata *&xntr&-
alo~rct*Courts z.r4.aoustaof liznit&jWisdi4tiOn, ia that
their mthorlty extends only to mttera partainine:to the
general walram of the reapeoti?o oauntioa and that #a&r
goner4 arb only theas 44mi44ly or implledlyoootormd u 00
tham by law that is b the &WtitUtiQA and statuteA 0f thie
dtata.* (E&4 T4xas i#d eprudaoee, Vol? 11, pa 884 aab the au*
thoritfee cited thsrauadsr.)
~m@i$.%y CRTEULB
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