t1one thelretorore fJubmltt
351, 47th Lugirlatare.
mque8tsd hate to defe
lmtfl the sllpxam QouPt II
road Commlrrlm v
r0rethat court,
there Qwstionr.
ourw to puP8W.
we aId that t Used motor WPP~O~wrti-
grora peaelpta tax levied
llature, but that rpeeial
or the tax., Henoe, the hold-
tr vho have filed spplicstlon
tar wrrler WPtfrlwter are
a~limtionr dirposed of, Under
think they we jwtitied & reqw~ting
ake aotZon on theic applhatiow, vith-
rim of the suprem%court in tam T. as P.
Aoaordbqly, in reaponre to your furthen reqwst
OS &IQ 7, 1941, ve till awwr all your firat 18 aumtiow
except No. 10. we rfmr to 0~ opm0 a m. o-ml f0zl tt
aopy of saob qwrtians, without repeating them.
~eil~oa4 CarPaieelon of Toxee, page 2
Referring qpin to the T. da P, eaee, we mention @WV
thet the Supreme Court grimted a writ of error, indlaatlng
&Ubt in th% mind8 OS th% S~cunu court es to the oorrwt-
wee of the opWon of the Court a? Civil Appeale. Ii the
mart of Civil Appeal8 roe wrong In etriking down the Bunter
petit in the T. & P. oaee, aud ii the eama vae valid, there
m be no doubt but that the protielon in X.3. 351 euthop-
ising th e o o nv~r elo o ?ln
peslel aommdity pernIt into epe-
ol<I;ad motor oarrler aorti~aatee ie valid nm’applioeble
to the perdte uuder dieoueeion. Furthersrope, there can be
little doubt but that the legleletime had iu mind tho oonver-
eiou OS epoalel WwJdity permlte ill oonwotloll With the grant-
- of *hiah there had beea no hewls@ on the ieeus o? eopperi-
l*noe end nnoeeeity into lpeeialimd motor aerrier ~ertlfloetee.
Thin etatawnt 18 made in r&m of the faot that the Cmeeion
wwr bid hear etidenae on that leeue on aq a oatlane for eomeodlty polaulte, but on the aontrar~ Ei gmmted all
8-T pewm&te es hed been -8nt.d without heW.xqtsrtimmy on
. In other vorde, the legielatw o!Leml7 wt
to grent epeaballted motor eerrler aertifioatee to the hold-
0~8 or epwiu awodltp pormite, regerdleee of the feat
at there had been no hwringe on oonmni4LU)b end neoeeeit7
prla to the laeuews of the permlte.
Clearly thr etetuta door not oantmplate u1 lnqulr7
w 60 vhet oaepoditiee vere aatu8ll7 BeLug transported by a
&VW serrlorr on Jeuwry 1, 1911 end to make W&8extent OS
au#arit7 in a ragilming epealaljcsd motor aarrlo eertliioate
o oti the aaemodltlee eotwll~ bung handled at that time,
Pet then Iwking to the 8pwLsl oamoditr permit lteelf,
vuuld be reedlng la~sthlrg IA the etatute vfhleh 18 not them.
While the rl*t to e swpleelng epeoiellrod notop wrrler oarti-
fleato dependa upon the e ealal awmkodlty pemm%t held b7 the
operetor on Jenwry 1, 19P1, rather than upon the re~tioee
aW3all7 be- rendered at t&t time, and on tit ewet&t the.
mplaeing oertificete dImerr ?ram our idee o? What le gen-
ostily understood 18 a “grendSether*
oertlfloate, wverthe-
lore fog vatit of e better ehort deeorlptlve term ve lhall PO-
fer to them by that name.
We belleve the above oonetitutse a rufflclrnt me-
pef to your qwetioae 1, 2, ai%, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 11.
mDroed Oaamleelon or Toma, pago 3
Awmr~ your awetlone Boa. 9, 13, 13 end 14,
it ia our oplnlon, at leeet dwlng the peeent etetw of
the T. i% P. 0888, SupPe, that the Railroad Cumleeloa ehould
eeeuw the o*lidiOy of the grendfether provision, end that
upon proper applleatloa the IkUmad Oondeelon should ierw
epeoielleed motor oarrler oetilfloetee oarr7ing eulWu%ty
dual to the euthorlty wbodl6d la the old epeolal emty
permlte, both as to omodltiee ouried and arum to be
lorved, and wlthout referenae to Whether ewh oarrle~e vore
urtuall7 exeroleing all the rlghtr of their pm&t@ OLIJm-
uary 1, 1942, or not, eubjeot to rlbst vu shall prreeatly
se7 au the question 0r ebmdoament.
We shall nov oonelder hour eighth qwetlan. In
sootion U(b) of Artlole 9llb it is provldsd that the Cm-
mleelon m7, upon a&lab a5d &ear-, revoke, au
WaLtJ T oertlfloate or pemlt, ti*pe it shall @ii? rozl
that the oertlfloate or pormlt boldor h8e dlecanflstued
oporetlon,e eta. Whew the o$rotwtawie lndloeto that a
p la ith e beem
n dmub wd, YOl~eet that the moat omdopl7
prooedure VOUld be for, the aamateeiw to prwoed uudor Soe-
tlcm 12(b) and if there hae bean an abmdcaent, thm to
enter an ordrtr 0r oenwlletian 0s rotooation, befw bar-
ing eny grendf8~ epplLwt:eaa pertaining to ewh pm&t,
fi there h8e boon an ebmdonmnt of oporetlone 8nd~t.b Coar-
rdeelon revokes tha permit, in our osd.nion it oould than
dlemlee or deny the eppllo8tlon fm a graadfether mvtlfl-
o*te .
We oan hardly wdorteke to anew~ your tenth qwe-
tion until the Sup~oma Oourt takes aotlon in the T. L P. oeee.
What ve hew elroad~ arid leads to 8 nogetite me-
ter to 70~ fifteenth questian. A8 we uaderetand yea, the
permits do not stand suspended, the holder #U&y bo-
pw~kmrord to enepend operetlone under the permit for a
lt is our oplnhn that durlxq rwh 8 period
or euthorlwi luepenelon of ebrtioe the pemiit rteelr la ln
forae and offset.
We now address o~eelree to the vsrtow lubd&vlelone
of 7ou.r riateenth tweetion. (8) Ret uuleee ordered b7 the
Sot w--W, dwndW
d) The Cmleelon aould io *.TE.
wpry the authoritygltem in t&e ammded pwmit whet&W I#&
or deore8eed the ruthorit~ theretoforeeoa-
emndnent iacrreaeed
farm& (Wet olawe in Seotlox~~(b)).
We will nov addrere+3weelroeto pow questlou So,
18. Heretofore,it has been permleeiblefor a pe~eon to hoXd
It hae not be- lavful to hold a lgwolel am-
medltypen%t b? oontraatouvier permit and et the same tiu
,Bomon owrler oortlfloete.AH. 9llb, Sea. 6-bb, V.A.Q.S.
me present Aot axpreeeXy forbide the lameme 0s 8 epeoW-
y&arrler aertlflaeto to ban5h&Slag 4 atmnon wr8%5* aorti-
wrrler will bi aaaadwtlngan operation qufte elmilarto'tket
hmtoforo performd tq the owl ooamodity oerrier; who
wm not prohibited fropr also@c tin8 8 aentreatoe~~ia per-
mit, vo are led to be2lete thet it tee n& latendedtq the
kyth &gm.ature fc 8eo. 6-bb, of Art. pllb, to have the er-
?eot of farbiddiqg 8 epolellsod wrrle~ ipom eXeo hoXd%ng 8
eontreat oetrrler permit. Ve aso oonflrmd in this t&u@
by the pendfetber p3w~eloa in HA 351 dlreoClng tke i@-
auanoe 0s epeeMised oerrlrv w~tlfl0etee to swatal ammo-
dlty aerriere, not 8x018tlng thsee vho also have ooatrabtoar-
rier pwmiter Yapp el 6Etee&h qW#tien Ve tk4MfQM e3iaw.P
In the erriswetiv~~
Ym.tre very truly
ATTaMlEl- aFTxxAs
Olantt R. Esv3.0