State Board of Xalrdrraeers and
Austin, Tom8
Dear Mrs. Arbuoklo:
ion of thi8 Do-
IIbeen reoeired.
numbered 83 re-
January 13,,lOSO
tine June 6, 1940
Johiuon, owner of the
oaaeiky, San Antonio, Texn8,
ure a 8ohool~llaenoeior
Sohool, Brady Bullding, San
oame to thlr deofsion because
of the known facts listed below;
a. Mr. Thomas A. Johnson purohased
the Modern Beauty Sohool some
two yearn ago looated in the Brady
State Board of Hairdraeeereand Coeeetolcgt8t8,B&e Z
Building;,San Antonio, Taxa8, an4
raid rahsol 18 operated at thfr
tima under the name or the ?mQorn
W$s";; !J;h$ Ah;zG-d'ir
b. liponInrestigmtionby a member oi
tR0 Ward and tha IJeoretary, it
~88 i0pod that six 8011i0r8tua0nt8
were in the Ikodern Beauty Eohbel,
whioh W. Johnson tori88sn 'Amex*,
and there 8tudentr were working on
the pub110 for remuneration. A
rtatement was also ma40 to tha Board
by an ox-etude& that JtmlOr rtudent8
norke& on the pub110 in the Yoderi
Beauty 8ahool for psy.
0. Junior 8tudents ars taken from the
modern Beauty Sohool to ths Johneon
Beauty Aoabeny and allowed to work
on the publlo for remunexutlon.
4. At tho tlm8 thlr lnrertigation~68
maeado, tha matter was dlreuaredwith
Mx. John8on; and Re war will
xemit one hnndretlbollerr in91 0:
0r a 8eh881 lloen8e tar the meaexn
mautr Sahool. Xe wa8 th m ldr lr ed
that thi8 8ku8tbe taken up with the
ontlre Board.
Wr. was ldvlr o Juno
John8on d 7, 1040 that
he must 8emrea rehool liconer for thi8 *Annox*,
and we are lnalosinga socp of our aakuowle4ge-
mant fra~~Mt. John8~n.
*Wo re8poatiully a8k your opinion a8 to
whether tho Board Is within its Fight in npwrt-
I.IQa lloense for the Modera Beauty Sshool in
ulow o? oplniolinumberad 837
Wm Board oonstrued your opinion numbered
83 to maan a8 long a8 a oo;eglrteoourse Cpfbeauty
oulture is not taught in the Modern B8auty Sshool,
a lioonrs w88 not required. You oan a8ebrtaln,
tb8 aforuasntlanadi!@'orrMtimI that
both Jualor and Senior students atton the BEodern
Bewt]r Sohool."
state Boati of Xalrdrees~rs ana c08mtologi8t8, pargo3
?mm a copy o? tho letter rrom Lbr.
lvo also quote
-8 A. 6ddrtBSSea
34ha8OR t4 the State $OiWd O? 008SS-
tology, bearing data June 10, 1940, as iollowe:
'lour letter o? ;lune7th noelred end La
Nply wish to Bay that the cpieion of thb At-
torney OIn*ral*a Dsgartimnt is *xnQtly 9s the
@piniOJlthat OBPlL Up ;A the $WOIiOUS di8Ou8%iOZi
o? tho 8ituatlon, namely 0 . . . ‘i? a aompkste
OOW.8~ in Oo8mtOlo(Lylo taught at oaah o? the
eatabiirbaants,theu it till b8 neoess&ry to
have two oertlflaate8 or registratisn . . ,
VOW thr trUO ?a@tS in the O&Se are that
th. other #Oh001 i. OAly Q9 kkil#X and OAlp
hOU8.S #Q&B O? QUI 6hS.e. aad IIQatlldent. StaZ'tS
ana 0Omplat88 at war AMOX. They start riha
reaah a oart.4.n paint IA training a&? then are
tnn.a?errudinto the Seaior Department in ths
&IjOStiO BtildilJ&.
v'd are drflnltely not operatiLl&
two Schools
of boauty oulture.
X? we were, we would be m~ro
than glad to pay two UQ~ASOS. Last year tho
Board assured um that it wa8 prfeotly all right
a&l i? at this tlav you want te ham a hearln$
en it at tb Attorney Qeuorai*a 0rria0, we will
be glad to do so, as the true ?aOts in the aaao
will abow that we are abiding by the law."
Sections 11 and 18 a? Artlo1e %4b o? Vwnonc8
Atmotatod Peaal code, read RF) ?ollawar
*Sea. 11. ft shall be aomprtsnt rar any
pQr#On, ?lm or oorporationto apply to the State)
Board 0r &airdr8sWr# and 0oa*tologi8ts for a
certl?lcmteor rsglrtrationas a aesool o? beauty
ault4are upon the payfiient o? One Bun&red Dollars
(WJO) l
*( a ) EM rohool of B6auty Culture shall be
granted a oertf?iQateo? reglatratlonWeas It
She11 WplOp 6nd ollintlriil PpbA it. Star? a SU??i-
OiSnt numbw of in#tru4t4r#,who #hall be registerad
br cQ5a#t4iQgi#t#havlq had 6t leant
state B0a.a of and Comietologists,
liairdre8sere Page 4
thrw (3) ysc~ropmatlOal axperlenao and htsh
rrohooleduaatlon or the equivalent thereof,
and aaid lnrrtruators rhall be required to paar
a ~ lx a nfna tioa ro:a dua ted
by the Bawd of maa-
lners to /Irtsrsdnetheir fltnmsa a@ teachen,
provided,however, that the erati;inatlon of
teaeherr shall not be zuquired of per8ona who
hero been teaohlng the praetiee of Jmlrdreasin&,
or somtolom for three (3) rearm prior to the
paseage of thlo Aet; and #hall saintair,on its
oiaff on0 Dcator of ~eQlalne, a8 a coneultant
who *hall looburo avmthl~ on *anltatlon,stemili-
ration ana the ume of sntl3eptlosocnotstent
with the pmtatlaalend thoontical requlrementr
a6 to the olasaitlebooaupatioara5 provlOed by
thiu Act, and shall po4seee appixratua and equip-
~wnt for ths proper and full teaching of all
aubjeatr of its ourrieulum; shall keep a daily
reaord of the attenbanae of students;aalntaln
regular elesrrend lnrtrllctlon hours, eatabll8h
grabs and bolU exaafnotlcaibefore lmulng al-
ploms, ana ahall requlra a sohool tora of not
lees than one thousand (1,000) home to be eom-
plebe& in not less then sir (6) nontho for a %ota-
pieta oourm of all or a siajorlty ai the prea-
tloe8 of hairdre8Olngand oosrutology,
wee. 18. ‘Prcrlded that no aahool shall
be ptittea to charge for work done by any
ltuaent who haa not ooolglstedfifty p4r oant
(80$) or ths tequir6a number of hours, as pro-
v:Qsd in mation 11, subsroti4n (a).*
In our opinion Ho. 0-68A it warnheld that
"It ie our opinion that ii a ooffipl6te
aourae in hairdrawing and oomaetology irrtaught
at each of the ostabliakaantr,then it will be
neoeoaary for the owner to have two (0) Cartifi-
aater of Regl8tration.*
$hetber or not mr. Johnson ia operating two sex+
arate eebools whe2’0complete oourue8 in hairdrersin(land
oomtclogy are tmight at eaah of the eatabliahraante i#
a queatlon oi fact Chit we aan not pa8a upon. That 1s one
State Board of Elairdresm f and Cosmetologi~te, age 8
that mat ba determinedby the Board. Therefore,we oan
not oa~tegorlcally answer your quaatlon. It th6 Johneon
Beauty AaaCelcJrand the EoSarn Beauty Sohool ore oozblned
and ooapoee only one sohool, an4 a ooaplete aourae in
halrdreaalngen6 aoaxetologpIs not taught at each oi the
estebliokents, then it would not be neaessaryior the
owner to have two Certlrioatc6of Re&stratlon. However,
on the other hand, if the LGodernBeauty Sohool and tha
Johnson Beauty Aaadenzyare two reparcte and dlstkot
lohoola wham a cortplctecourse In halrdreeeingana ooa-
motology is taught at each or the 6alC 6chool8, then it
will be necemary for the owner to have two Certfiloetea
of Registration.
Trmtlng that the foregoing 6atlmfaotorlly
ata0werayour inquiry, we are
Yours very truly
Araell wllliame