Untitled Texas Attorney General Opinion

. . OFFICE OF THE AITORNEY GENERAL OF TEXAS AUSTIN xonor8ble R* Ii.IloLan#lllln oountr Attorao~ Dumr, Toxao to oh l8, ‘1940, portela- ia& to tho OOQI a r.garQ to potltloa8 prorontod to th bond eleotion tar read hprevwo ln put, 88 follew8: us from pur opialoa woe 08 wt. &stter, one ld for thr purpore OS @hwarrr Letor a reoo& e.000 for tho purpwo of l r llea w gith e th 8lr o o p - or in the rirrt petition. l? tlwo taotr tha Oendr- sot abow Itr iiroretioain Oak- uit&lJl L rauoa0ble t&a t&o U, lTW though in tho mrontlmo tho on had bow filod. IauOOU, *e’~ue an- ire hey lb oan,bo raid that tin lour$ rorotloa to rent80 t&o fir& potltion 8Jm prwoatra. l&W th0 8OOOild'p~tit~Ol&U8D rq80&@6, wrrrbig tbr WM mllu&e dtE tbo rrooptPon .or wtoa ailor dllo4 r0r la tha firn pot&t&on, ‘3ro thhk tho ootwt would hare 6 ri*t to portpouo itr ordrr oa rald otltion beoruro lf the @lootion 011 the firrt pottt POILourloU, tho lloatlon on the looond pahltion . . Honorable B. E. M&mghlin, paga # rould be a uoelou (Lot, and wo knor of no rule that would warrant the IOstl8&30 of a llUtA~8 to enfor the CommlaoIonoro~ Court to perform ouchan aot. 8.8 m&n8 VS. YSdW, 888 S.W. 077. WTZupur~~ae of a bond rleotlon IO to vote for or Og;aind the 188UMtQO of bond8 for 8 8pOif10 o anA not to toto for one potitlon or another Th8 b o nd llootion must oarry by a two- third8 M$dtl tOtO, the roaey to be U8md for tb p\uw80 tot.6 011. Wo know of.no way that both lleotlona oosld bo hold at the name time and aooom- plloh the purpose for uhloh a bond lleotion lo hold. *Theroforo, It la our opinion that the proper proeh.~~ would be ior the COmml8OlOnor8* hart t0 0611 an eleotion on the firet petition. If this olsotlon oarrloo, then the oeoond petition beoomoo g moot quaotlon beoauoo the entiretileage provIb- od for in the 8aoond petition will be Improved with tha bond money obtaln8blO a8 a~,resnlt of th is llee- tion. fi this lloetlon f8qlo %iaoarry by tfu 1% qulro4 two-thirds aaaajorlt~ thoq the oowt 08s 0811 an elootlon oa the aaoom¶#%tlon.* Bin00 that tlma we hat0 reoeirrd a letter from you roquootlxig #lo department to more doflnitolf outline the preoeduro to be f~llowod andor additional f8Ot8, Wo qUOt0 f&m your letter as followar *Trotathe aboW wa assume that you had oonieto the oonoluolon that tha $160,000 p<Ion was pro- lentodto the Gd8oion~re* OotirB 8oRdbO @or to the time that tha p8tItlon for $96,000.00 was preront6d. The SaOb Of tb Mttor i8 that both petition8 oame oa to be oon8i6~nd by the Otis- 8ioaor8' Court at the aaam tlmo, ana for the rir?t time. The aw.tln$ at uhioh.the petition8 oaa. on to W oonoldorob war a oulleb 8e8iioa of the oourt, aalled for the jmr~oa@ of taking up say petition or patitiOn8 presented to the oourt. Xowe1er. the _ - Honorable RI E. MoLau&lid~ pa&r #a $14O,OOO.C0 petit&on was filed wlth tho Countr Judge, a~ few day8 prior to the riling of the $QU,OOO.OOpetition, but both oamo on to be oon- rldorod by the oourt on the oame day. *Sinoo reodrln,g four opinion In whloh too adtirod that the Oowii88ionuac Oourt order ui olootion on the )160,000.00 potltlon, wlthhold- *m Its order on tho (96,000.00 petition until after tha olootlon, a numborof thooo supporting the #lM,OOO.OOpetition are niOi116 tho objootlon, that thef rouJd be dloorlmlnatod lgalnot br the oougurtfr th6t proooduro 18 foUowod. Thor r00i z&d boo patltlonr should be voted upon at the . “Wo would appreolats Trivy muoh l? you would outline moro de?ialtoly the proooduro tha8 the 00-t ohould fol10w in handling this perpl.rxin(l problem." Unclor the faoto set out in ygur lottor, whore both petition8 worn prerontod to the ooxntufolonorr~ oourt on the snake date, It lo the opinion of thld.d b partmeat that it I8 lntlrrly wIthIn the. dhoretion of ‘%hJ oourt whloh potltion shall first be 8ubmIttod to tho people. As date& ln our original oplnlon, both llootlono oannot be hold et the oamo tlUl0. As a praotloalxmttor, If tho oonmd8oionorr* oourt ml10 an oleotlon on thr $140,004 petition, whloh ooforo tha 8ntIra 113 IkIlo O? road, an4 thi8 p*tltiOn oarrlao, then the aooonilpetition will, booomo .a moot question beoauao tha an- tire miloage prorldd ior In'tha $96,000 potltlaa, ar. waralla8 aa additional 7 miles, will be finprorod with the bond money obtainable a8 a raaulb o? this oloo4Ioa. TmotIn6 that t&I8 oati8taotorIl~ anower8 your quoo- tlon, w8 are Yory Orulf your8 ATTORNEY GENERAL ATTQRHRY OBBXWL OP TEXA8 BT Aoolotant