law. Bun Mae Murphy, uember;
State Board or oom3toi0gy
Austin, T6saB.
Dear Mad& .
OplQlon 'Hd, .'o-1875
art Ig a .pelTSOll ellg .
.. BoerfPa eramlrlkat
:prlor: to 4she:pao
lh3que$liyourbpiriloll6f seq- i
ether the fo3.lowI.n+uIerlinbX
s.and.graduates of -Iidensed
y only epply:?or~exmSnatfon under
have aerved.&e re-
an& lloense fse anU'sh6.3.l
quired time a.8a student ;or have -b?en.enpged
Mrs. Ella Mae Murphy, Member, page 2
*We request this inasmuch as some States
have no regulativestat. law for hairdressing
and oof&tolOgy, and inview of this faot
would a pereon from one or these States be
eligiblefor our examinationwithout having
first oompleteda thousand hour oourae in not
leas than air months7e
Seotlons 14 and 16 of Artiole 734b Of the Penal
Oodr readtae follows,z
Seo. 14. Van-resident heil'dresaera or ooa-
metologietsend graduatea.oflioensed sohoolrr
may only apply for exadnat~on under the Aot
upon the payment of the oxaminatlon and lioense
fee and shall have served the required time ae
a student or have been engaged in the praotioe
or hairdressingand oo13metologp for two (2)
yeera in a State having requirements eoual to
the requirementsas provided in this Aot.S
Seo. 16. e(a) If au applloaut for esamina-
tion passes suah examination to the satlsfaatian
of the Board and in aooordanoe with the rules
promulgatedby said Board, the Board shall issue
a certirioateto that effeot, signed by the
President and Seoretarpand attested with its
seal. Suoh oertifio.=te shall be evidence that
the person to whom it is Issued is entitled to
follow the Praotioes,oooupatlon, or oooupatlons
stipulatedtherein, as greleoribedin this Aot.
Suoh certifioateahall..beoonspiouou6lly dia-
played in his or her plaoe of buslneee or em-
ployment, providedhowever, that where the
applioantis a aauate of some sohool of beauty
ou1tu!a duly 1 nsed and reoognizeb, then
suoh applioant ter passing an examination aa
provided ior I 2.oW.on 9 ohallbe given a
ldre.Ella Mae Kurphy, b'ember,paRe 3
*(b) Any person who pr?.or to
the passage
of thla Aot was rtudylngany of tho olaasi-
fled OOOUUpatlO~shall be oredlted with the
time of etudy, provided however, that appli-
OatiOn for such Ore&it Is Siled with the
Saoretary of the Boara within ninety (90)
baya after the taking eSfeot oi this Act.*
Seotlon ? referred to In Artlole 734b, reada
u to11owt3r
fThe Board shall hold rqgzlar meet-
:Ing?%%he ereminationof applloenta In the
oapital of the State, on the aeoond Tueeday
In January and July of each year, and at &oh
other times and plaoea as the Board mar deem
neoessery, and euoh examination shall be oon-
duoted under the rules proYlde4 by said Board
and shall Inoluao praotioaldemonatratlon and
written and oral teeta In reierenoe to the
praotloea for whhioh a lioense Is applied for
and such related subjeota as the Board may
determineneoeseary ior the proper end sttl-
oient performanoe of suoh praotioes, and 8uoh
erasiinationshall iachude sanitation end
hpeiene',the use ot oosmetios, the applioatloa
of eleotrioalan6 meohanloal equipment ana
applianoes,anatomy -4 dermatology, and au0h
other kindredeubjeots aa may be neoessary
and preeoribedby the Board to deter&no one.6
Bitness ana qualitloationsa8 a hairdresser
or ooemetologIa%.R
We think the above auoted seotions of artiole
9342~of the Penal Code are oleer and unambiguous and
requireno Interpretationor oonatruotion. Therefore,
your queetlonaNOS. One end Three tareaaevmred in the
After oarefully oonsiaeringyour aeoond auestlon,
we are OS the opinion that Seation 14 oi Art. 734b Of
the Pena cod0 doe0 not oontravene any seotlon ot tho
State or P6aer61 Conatltutione.
Mm. Ella&faeidurphy, page 4
hustlng that the foregoing answer8 your in-
qulrle#,we rem6in